Destroying American History No Problem with You?

All the critics say where will it stop? Will Mount Rushmore come down? Looks like Christopher Columbus is next? Well the Christian will say this will not affect me and my family? What about your Bible? Your Bible is a history Book! During Adolf Hitler’s rise to power Bibles were burned in the streets of Germany! Germany moved from the Martin Luther founder of the Reformation Movement to Adolf? The enemies of America want our history erased and changed! The success story of the Judean Christian foundation of America is more than the left can tolerate! They are working hard to turn America into an atheist culture removing all Christian heritage! There are also other things going on here! I have mentioned before the move to the one world government which means you have to destroy all Nationalism! Nationalism is the enemy of the globalists! The world is preparing to install the Anti-Christ one world leader while we as Christians are preparing to meet Christ! These are the two opposing forces at work in the world! All of humanity is working to install one or the other! The Anti-Christ will only reign 7 years with Christ returning to take over! If you are working for the Anti-Christ you will be laid off work soon! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Israel and your Bible! Isaiah 2:2

Hebrew Translation “And it shall come to pass in the last days in a point in time and place that the Mountain of the Lord’s family household, race and descendants shall be established certain and fixed that the Head or Chief Leader shall be exalted above the hills and all the non-Jewish gentiles shall flow into it” Comment: History will always confirm the scriptures! Future events that will become history also will confirm your Bible! Last year 2016 Israel had about 3 million visitors! Isaiah wrote this prophecy about 2700 years ago! Israel has also gotten unwanted visitors like the Babylonians, Assyrians, Romans and others but was  because of their forsaking their God! Abraham Lincoln was planning to go to Israel before his assassination! I think all Christians deep down inside yearn to go their on day! Israel will get a lot more visitors in the future according to the Book of Revelation! During the apocalyptic events of the 7 year Tribulation period all the armies of the entire gentile world will invade her! God will destroy these invaders and Christ will rule for a thousand years from Jerusalem with the believers from Heaven and earth! If you miss Israel in your first life here on earth you will have a second chance but this time you will live there not just visit Israel! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Better Foundation! Isaiah 28:16

We should be careful of the books we read, as of the company we keep! The dead very often are more powerful than the living! Tyron Edwards (1809-1894) Comment: This is especially true of ideologies that contradict the Bible! Whether it be Marks, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Darwin or any other atheist who would lead you away from Christ! Also any religion that opposes Christ such as Islam! The left wing of the Democratic party here in America and the liberal news media are full of atheists! Also many teachers in our public schools and Universities! Let them not influence you away from Christ but influence them towards Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Communion Service July 30,2017 Genesis 4:4

As we were preparing for Communion Service our Pastor Cope asked us to contemplate what this ordinance in our church meant to each of us? Pastor Cope presented many scriptures out of the Old and New Testaments! As these scriptures cut through my soul I asked myself where is recorded the first body and blood sacrifice in our Bible? From where did the first fountain of blood flow? Abel presented an excellent sacrifice according to the KJV. Some Bible translations say a better offering but to me a weak translation! A sacrifice to God means blood! An offering may not mean blood! Then Cain murdered Abel his brother and his body was broken and bled! Did Abel have more faith than Cain? No! Abel had faith in the right thing! The blood sacrifice of his lamb! Cain’s sacrifice was of the ground and did not remind God of His Son Jesus Christ sacrifice of his body and blood for our sin! We can have faith in the wrong things! Jesus said remember this my body and my blood! Every time we take Communion we are reminded of His love towards us! God had to become flesh for the flesh of men could only sin! Man’s blood continues to be shed in the earth through wars, violence and sin! All the wars in the history of men starting with Cain and Abel could never cure the sin problem! It was also violence that put Jesus on the Cross! Had I been Cain, Adam, Judas, Pilot, Herod or Caesar I would have done the same thing! Abel’s sacrificial lamb reminds me that Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for me on Calvary is the only lasting sacrifice for the sin of everyone who has lived on the earth or will ever live on the earth! Men that reject Christ’s blood always end up sacrificing the blood of mortal men in rebellion against God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are You a Pilgrim? Hebrews 11:13

“These all died while believing and acting while not receiving the gifts graciously given by God but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them and embraced them publically praising God that they were aliens and foreigners on the earth.” Comment: Are you a Christopher Columbus? Is your faith based upon science, intellect or reason? Columbus said he navigated to the missing continent of his then known world based upon the Bible! When you live by faith you see your final destination not by physical sight but by trusting God’s promises to you! The world says show me the money! I will believe it when I see it! The Christian has just the opposite view of life! I believe it through His Spirit according to His Word and one day I shall see it! Columbus sailed west and no one in that day would dare do that! Suicide! He was navigating according to the Word of God! If you trust the Bible as Columbus did and those in the Hall of Faith then you will build God’s Kingdom while down here on earth and you will help prepare the earth for Christ’s return! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Christianity a White Man’s Religion?

My second question is are Arabs Caucasians? Findings; Arabs are Arabid. Arabid is a sub race of the Mediterranean Caucasian race. Arabs and Caucasians have the same origins as Europeans. Note that the Caucasians came out of the Middle East (Near Caucus, East Arab Levant, North of Iran). Comment: First of all the entire human race is related to each other! Also remember Ishmael is the offspring of Abraham! All of this shows us that the creation narrative of the Bible is accurate! My point here is sometimes when I witness to African American Muslims they will tell me Christianity is a white man’s religion? I politely explain to them that Mohammad was a white guy who had black slaves and nine wives! He also founded a religion where murder is justified if anyone disagrees with their theology about God? Then I ask them why would you want to follow this guy? James and Hamsa Sasse.

State Sponsored Blasphemy! Daniel 11:37

An orthodox Jewish girl’s elementary school in London has failed a government inspection for the third time because it refuses to teach students ages 3-8 about homosexuality and gender reassignment! Back 60 years ago I never did my assignments in school but I thank God I was born in a generation where your local school did not try to reassign your gender! Social engineering here in America in the State supported public schools has the same problem! Our Constitution does not allow the State to interfere with private schools! Jewish schools are going to be the best and brightest when it comes to teaching the sciences, math, language and high moral standards! Our public schools are failing in America and the students sit around wandering what gender they are? What a perfect plan for failure! These governments around the world are pushing the same global agenda! A one world government! The sooner these governments all fail the sooner you will have the one world government! Sodom and Gomorrah is State sponsored in preparations for the Anti-Christ! The Anti-Christ will be gay! Christians are preparing for Christ and the Kingdom of God! We have two Kingdoms with opposite outcomes! Heaven and Hell. Let me present you one of many Scriptures from our Bible that support God’s position on this issue! 1 Corinthians 9-10 Greek Translation “Know you that the ungodly shall not be heir to the Kingdom of God. Do not be tricked, neither male prostitutes, idol worshipers, adulterers, nor men acting as women, not homosexuals, nor thieves, nor coveters, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor those that steal secretly, shall inherit the Kingdom of God.” Comment: We know the cure for this sin and explained in verse 11. Jesus Christ! A State sponsored sin is still a sin and those promoting or living these sins will not see God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christopher Columbus had a GPS!

Please? You just quoted from him that he did not use intelligence, mathematics or maps to discover the New World. So what was his GPS? Your Bible my friend! It is hard to make a long story short but I will try! Here is the scripture Columbus banked on to convince the King and Queen of Spain there was more to our world in 1492. He quoted Esdras 6:42. “Upon the third day Thou did command that the waters should be gathered in the seventh part of the earth, six parts hast Thou dried up and kept them being planted by God and tilled, might serve Thee.” Hold it boy? I say boy what in tarnation are you talking about? The Book of Esdras is not in my Bible? First and Second Esdras are Books in the collection of the Apocrypha or Deuterocanonical Books. These writings are accepted as scripture by the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, but rejected by the Protestants. First and Second Esdras are associated with the Book of Ezra in our Bible. Since Columbus was a Catholic this scripture was used to convince him that there was a missing continent and he could find it sailing west! If you count Europe and Asia as one continent since they are a attached land mass there are six continents in the world. Since the Protestants rejected this Book the Catholics had the edge in exploration of the New World! This explains why today South, Central and North America are predominately Catholic! Columbus was also a Jew! We will go into detail on this on another posting. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Holy Month Final Score! 2017

The month of Ramadan is finally over so what is the score card for Islam’s Holiest month? Terrorist Attacks: 174. Kills: 1545. It could have been a Holy month for some of the victims who have gone to Heaven! Islam can only threaten Christians with Heaven! The world events we see everyday are prophetic according to our Bible! The False Prophet or one world religious ruler who co-reigns with the Anti-Christ during the 7 year Tribulation period will be a Muslim! Remember we have the Rapture of the Church just prior to the Tribulation period! So if the Christians are raptured who will be the new targets of the one world regime? They will be the new Christians and Jews who get saved during this period! Running neck and neck with the promotion of Islam is the promotion of gays! Remember the Anti-Christ will be a Jew and a homosexual! Our Bible says he will have no natural affection for women! How can the Jews and the gays and the Muslims have a marriage together to run the world for 7years? Jesus is a Jew and His rival is a Jew! The Quran verse against gays cited by Mohammad was taken from our Bible! The Quran was written when our Bible had been around for about 700 years! What Mohammad did was insert some Biblical scriptures between his ranting revelations and that is why the Quran contradicts itself! The verse he borrowed is about Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember what Paul said in Romans 9:29 ? “And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma and been made like Gomorrah.” Islam and the gay Sodomy system will eventually merge as one! They are already merging! Same sex intercourse is already legalized in 20 Muslim majority countries! They are; Albania, Azerbajan, Bahrain, Bosnia, Herzogovina, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, Lebanon, Tunisia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgzstan, Mali, Niger, Tajikistan, Turkey, West Bank (Palestine), Indonesia (Except Acehan and South Sumatra), and Northern Cyprus. Many of these countries have now legalized same sex marriage! So now do you understand why a Colorado baker who will not bake a cake for gay marriage gets death threats everyday? Do you see why most Pastors are mute never to talk about how the Bible opposes homosexual lifestyles? The lack of resistance by the Church will help accelerate these end time events! I believe the Islamists will be the military arm of the one world government to enforce violence against those that support Biblical values! If there is one thing you do not want to miss it is the Rapture! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is There a Bible in Heaven? Philippians 4:3

There is an answer to this question and it is found in our Bible! Let us start with the word “Gospel.” This word originally meant the reward for good news! Then it became good news! So what good news? That salvation only comes through Jesus Christ! The next word in this passage is the word “names.” This word used here means the character or reputation of a people! It describes the names of people who are saved! These names are on God’s hard drive and He has more capacity to add more names! God’s hard drive is the Book of Life! This book is not just any book! This book is a Book in Heaven and contains the list of those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior! It is the only Book in Heaven! Will the Bible be in Heaven? It will be only in the sense that it will live in the people who are there! The Bible is for those who dwell here on earth! Remember the Bible is the recorded spoken Word of God! What God spoke was written down! If you believe the Bible here on earth then your name will be written down in the Book of Life in Heaven and that Book will be opened at the Judgment Seat of Christ! Remember the Tree of Life in the midst of the Garden? If you reject the Word of God then your name will be blotted out of the Book of Life in Heaven! (Revelation 3:5) I know what you are thinking? What about John 1:1? The word ‘beginning’ used here means at creation! The word “Word” used here is logos or the spoken word! Now back to Philippians! The word “life” used here refers to the spirit and the soul as distinguished from physical life. (Biology). This position is the highest Blessedness of all His creatures! Now let us put things in perspective here! Paul was writing another letter from another prison in Rome and was commending his financial supporters because he could not earn wages while in prison! Paul encouraged them that they would earn the same rewards as co-laborers in Christ! What you do with your Bible is very important here on earth! It will either pardon you or condemn you! There will be no sinners in Heaven on probation! I would encourage believer’s here that when you take God’s recorded spoken words and repeat them yourselves they become very powerful. If you leave your Bible on the night stand to collect dust it will do you no good! Remember Jesus said to go out into all the world and speak or preach the Gospel. Great prophets hear the word of God and then speak those words! One of our present day examples was Tim Clements! He passed away recently but I knew him because he came to our church in Macon Georgia back in the early 1990’s for a Crusade! Tim prophesized in 2007 that a new president would come by the name of Trump! Then in 2013 he gave his first name Donald! These video’s are on YouTube and you can see for yourself! Your Bible is a tape recorder and has recorded God’s Words and when you replay His Word’s and speak them His Power is released to push back the darkness and at the same time your name is recorded in Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.