Socialism is Theft!

It is the eternal struggle between two principles–right and wrong. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time and will ever continue to struggle. It is the same spirit that says, “You work and toil and earn bread and I will eat it.” Abraham Lincoln

The Christmas Scrooge? Matthew 6:13

Do not let the Pope ruin your Christmas! The Greek word for temptation means to test with experience. I wish the translators would have used the word testing instead of temptation! We do not fall into temptation or testing as though it were an accident? We are led into temptation determined by who you follow! The Spirit lead Jesus to be tempted of Satan! (Matthew 4:1-11). If God leads us into testing it is not to abandon us or destroy us but to give us victory through experience over Satan! God will test us to prove to us He can be trusted! When Satan tests us it is for the purpose to destroy us! The key is to know which tester is testing us? Remember God will not test us with evil. (James 1:13-14) If something that is evil comes to your mind you know the author of it! Do not listen to Satan but rebuke him in Jesus name! Cast him out of your mind! Has God surely said you cannot eat of this tree? You will not die! Jesus turn these stones into bread! Jump from the Temple Mount the angels will catch you! I will give you all the Kingdoms of this world if you will bow down and worship me! Mary you are going to have a baby boy and yet know no man? Elizabeth you are going to have a son in your old age! Abraham you are going to have a son in your old age? Ha Ha Ha! His name will be Isaac meaning laughter! All these saints passed the test! No one likes tests! When you are tested and close your eyes in death who will you trust to take you to Heaven? The Pope forgot the most important part of verse 13. But deliver us from evil. Evil exists because we do not trust God! The testing to do evil is from Satan! The testing from God is to deliver us from evil. Christmas is all about a way is provided by God to deliver us from evil into righteousness! There will never be a greater gift than this! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Herod’s Letter to Caesar (John the Baptist)

To Tiberius Caesar and the Roman Senate; “My Noble Lords, Greetings: The facts in the case are about as follows: John the Baptist had set up a new mode of religion altogether different from the Jewish religion, teaching baptism instead of circumcision, which had been the belief and the custom of the Jews in all ages past. According to their theory, God appeared to Abraham hundreds of years before, and told him with his own lips how and what to do to be saved; and the Jews have lived according to this until it had become their nature, and all their forefathers had lived in this way. David, Solomon, Isaac, Jacob, and all the Holy prophets had gone to heaven in this way of God’s own appointment. Now, the question came to them, as they suggested it to me: Has God found that He is wrong? Has His wisdom failed Him? Or has the unchanged changed, and He is wavering in His purpose? Such would be the natural conclusion of a sensible man under the circumstances. Now, John the Baptist had no authority from God for what he was doing, as Abraham had. All he could say was, “He that sent me to baptize is true.” And he cannot tell who he was. Then his going into the wilderness; God had ordered Solomon to build the finest temple that was ever built in the world, and made promises that whosoever came to that house with his offerings his prayers should be heard and answered. This temple had been the place of their meeting for hundreds of years, for the Jews think this temple is the next place in heaven. Now see the difference; First John has no authorized authority. Second he changes God’s place of worship. Third he changes the doctrines. Fourth he changes the mode of application. Now, the idea of Gamaliel was that John wanted to be some great man; hence, he took this mode of eccentric life to establish it. And there is nothing better qualified than the course he took to make an impression upon the ignorant and unlearned–to go away out in the wilderness by himself, get a few friends from Jerusalem to go out and hear him, and come back and tell the great wonders which they had seen in the wilderness. Then John’s appearance–his long, uncombed hair and beard, his fantastic clothing, and his food, nothing but bugs and beans–such a course and such a character are well qualified to lead the illiterate astray. These troubles on the Jewish mind were very heavy, and gave such men as Hilderium, Shammai, Hillel and others great concern. And no wonder, for in their judgment it was vacating the temple of religious worship; it was blocking the road to heaven, and driving the poor and unsuspecting to ruin, as well as destroying the whole nation. So it was, by their request, as so ordered, that it was better to execute one to save the many for a worse fate. And this is the true reason for the deed, and not to please the whim of a dancing girl, as you have heard. Now, my lords, if this is not satisfactory, I would ask my accuser, Caius, to write any of the learned Jews, and learn if my statement is not correct. Herod Antipas

Is Christianity a White Man’s Religion?

My second question is are Arabs Caucasians? Findings; Arabs are Arabid. Arabid is a sub race of the Mediterranean Caucasian race. Arabs and Caucasians have the same origins as Europeans. Note that the Caucasians came out of the Middle East (Near Caucus, East Arab Levant, North of Iran). Comment: First of all the entire human race is related to each other! Also remember Ishmael is the offspring of Abraham! All of this shows us that the creation narrative of the Bible is accurate! My point here is sometimes when I witness to African American Muslims they will tell me Christianity is a white man’s religion? I politely explain to them that Mohammad was a white guy who had black slaves and nine wives! He also founded a religion where murder is justified if anyone disagrees with their theology about God? Then I ask them why would you want to follow this guy? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Covenant! Genesis 17:8

We often separate the Old and New Covenant in our Theology! However the word Covenant is the same word used in both the Old and New Testament! There is only one word used in the Greek for Covenant in the New Testament! So the only thing that separates them is time! It is the passage of time that proves the Covenant! The passage of times confirms the Covenant to the Jews, Israel and to the Gentiles! Four thousand years later from Abraham we have the nation of Israel. The word Constitution is another word for Covenant! Our U.S. Constitution is a Biblical document! Remember a Covenant is conditional. Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved! Whosoever believeth in me shall not perish but have everlasting life! Here are some words that describe Covenant: determination, stipulation, league, treaty, alliance, constitution and a sacrifice! It was sealed by passing between the divided parts of a sacrifice! It is a divisor will, to put apart! Jesus will one day separate the sheep from the goats! We see in Genesis 15:18 that God promised much more land to the Jews than Canaan. However the Covenant is conditional and the Jews broke the Covenant! Captivity was their lot when they did this! A Covenant is a contract accompanied by signs, a sacrifice and a solemn oath which sealed the relationship with promises of Blessings for obedience and cursing’s for disobedience! Jesus was obedient even to death on a Cross! The Jews rejected human sacrifice! That is what the Heathen did! Therefore their Messiah could not be human! This is the challenge Jesus met in 1st Century Palestine! They were puzzled? How could Jesus do miracles that only God could do yet He appeared human? They understood God created humans yet their sacrifice could not be human! Their concept of God was He would come down as a knight in shining armor riding a white horse and destroy the Roman government! What they were really envisioning was Jesus second coming! What Jesus was trying to tell them is that He was God! A human telling them He was God was blasphemous to them! The Jews could not put all this together in their minds? God created human beings who sinned against Him and then He sacrificed Himself for them? This defied their understanding so they Crucified Him! They executed the sacrifice! What was missing was Faith! By Faith Abraham believed God! Counted as righteousness! Without Faith it is impossible to please God! We know He loves us! We will never know everything about God because then we could control Him! Could you imagine what the Judas Iscariot’s of this world would do with that! A jet aircraft flies through the air at hundreds of miles per hour! It does not think about it’s designer but simply does what it is designed to do! We are designed to worship God! When we do that in Faith we are fulfilled and find purpose in Him! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse.