Medal of Honor! John 15:13

I have watched some video’s of American Medal of Honor Winners from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. As I watched these I began to see a pattern in the lives of these brave men! Their love for their comrades on the battlefield led them to take very heroic actions in combat! One particular Vietnam Veteran really got my attention! When they were in the midst of a battle a Viet Cong soldier through a grenade into the midst of his army platoon! When he saw the grenade he said it was like being frozen in time! What to do? He took his steel helmet off his head threw it over the grenade and then threw his body on top of his helmet! The grenade exploded under his helmet tearing his stomach open and filling his body with shrapnel! He said his intestines were laying outside of his body on the ground! Another soldier came along and put his guts back in his stomach and taped his stomach closed with ribbons torn from his uniform! Another soldier came along and drug his body away from the fire fight so the medics and the helicopters could get him to a field hospital. He said we never left the dead or wounded for the enemy! His recovery took years at a Veteran’s Hospital. He said the hardest thing for him in this hospital was to see the young men come in from Vietnam and die in the hospital with no family around them! After his recovery he tried to go back to college but the protesting college students would mock him for going to war for his country so he left school. The other veteran’s also said that the love for each other is what kept them going and bonded them together! It was not the politics of the war or political parties that mattered to them! They had to look out for each other! That is what a family does for each other! Jesus said there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his brother! Why did Jesus go to the Cross? His love for His Father! Only He could pacify the anger His Father had for His Creation! Remember Jesus words on the Cross? Father forgive them! Why have you forsaken me? The Vietnam Veteran’s even today feel forsaken by their country! But their love for each other bonds them together! We the people are free from foreign aggression because of their love for each other! Likewise we areĀ  benefited by God’s love in particular with Jesus love for His Father in being obedient even to the death on a Cross for our sin! Today Jesus position in Heaven is not by accident! He is seated at the right hand of the Father because of His love for His Father! None of us will even sit closer to the Father than the Son! Jesus is returning soon back to the earth to complete His love for the Father and for you! Jesus went into combat for you! He lives for you and died for you and rose from the dead for you and His love of the Father is also expressed to you! Love is manifested in relationship! We cannot love God if not in relationship to Him! You could never sacrifice your life on the battlefield unless in relationship to other soldiers of your Nation suffering the same combat! To honor God is to honor American Veterans! No one except President Trump understands the neglect our American Military Veteran’s! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Salute to American Veterans! November 11, 2017

The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought! Samuel Adams (1722-1803), Founding Father of the United States, Governor of Massachusetts, Church Deacon and architect of the principles of American Republicanism.

PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

All of our returning veterans can suffer from this disease! Why does it only manifest itself when our veterans return and not in the combat theater? When they return the threat is gone! Bonnie Gray has some interesting insights into this problem! Combat veterans are trained to survive using their weaponry. When they return home the threat is still in their minds from training, combat experience and long periods of exposure to battle field conditions! So the first thing they do when they get home is buy a weapon for security from the threat! They are depending on their own works to protect themselves! We as Christians also must not depend on our own works! Yes, Faith without works is dead but works alone will result in dead works! We need to allow for whitespace which is simply spending quality time with God in prayer, Bible study and church attendance! God Blesses our work if we rely upon Him and commit the work to Him and through Him! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! Suggest you buy her book! The title is: Finding Spiritual Whitespace.

Veteran’s Day! 2014

We honor our veteran’s today both men and women! Why is our President absent in China? An insult to our veteran’s! I have always opposed women in our military! I am from the old school (Bible), and I believe any culture worth it’s salt would protect it’s women from the horror’s of war! What happens to them if they are captured and become POW’s? We continue to have a high sexual assault rate on women in our armed forces! The liberal progressives continue their war on women. We honor our women who have and are serving but our hopes and prayers are they will not be exposed in our next big war! God Bless! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Dr. Ben Carson Audited By The IRS ?

This is another example among many of United States citizens who are abused by our government as Obama sends his hound dogs on those who do not agree with him! Never in my life time would I have ever imagined tyranny coming down on Americans from their own government? This is not the America I grew up in where law abiding citizens have to wonder when the dogs are going to come for us? We trust our God and I understand many Americans have and are suffering because of this man in the white house. We have a foreign policy where our friends do not trust us and our enemies do not fear us! Most Americans do not trust Obama either! A sad day for America! As we go to the polls this November let us look for leaders who hold constitutional principles dear and look for a veteran who has risked his or her life for our liberty! Those who are not willing to lay their life down for our liberties are not fit to lead us! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Tribute To Our Veteran’s!

Honor to the soldier, and the sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor also the citizen who cares for his brother in the field, and serves best he can, the same cause—honor to him, only less than him, who braves, for the common good, the storms of Heaven and the storm of the battle! Source; Abraham Lincoln, December 2, 1863.

Good Friday! Mark 8: 27-38

As we reflect on our life we can conclude that many responsible people have paved the way for our success and Blessings! Think of the millions of American’s who have laid down their lives in war to defend our freedom and way of life we benefit from here in America today! The foundations we enjoy have come at a very great price! Think of the church congregation members that took up arms against the British Army at Concord in the Revolutionary War! Think of the 600000 men who died in our civil war to free the slaves! Think of the thousands of men and women in our VA hospitals across America from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Also our Vietnam, Korean and World War II veterans! How about our great science inventors and business people who have made our lives more comfortable here in America. How about our great spiritual leaders that have set an important foundation for our understanding of God over the generations! As important as all these American’s are we have to go back to a greater foundation that has established the true meaning and purpose of life! A price paid by God Himself that would give us a hope in this life and beyond! No one represents humanity better than a disciple of Jesus named Peter. Jesus asked Peter who do men say that I am? Peter replied some say Elias and some say a prophet. Then Jesus asked them who do you say that I am? Peter got it right and seemed to be the smart one when he said you are the Christ! Then Jesus went on and said that he would be rejected, persecuted and would be killed but would rise on the 3rd day! Peter immediately took Jesus off to the side and rebuked him? At this time Peter was in remedial training and Jesus rebuked Peter and called him Satan! Peter at this time could not see from an eternal perspective but from a flesh viewpoint. Jesus went on to explain to them that they must deny themselves take up His Cross and follow Him! Peter eventually got it and became the leader of the Jerusalem Church and later martyred in Rome hung upside down on a cross. Good Friday is not good without the Resurrection on Sunday! We have no future unless we understand God has made a way for us and then accept the eternal foundation that all history has shown us is hopeless without the Cross! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse.