Can You Lose Your Salvation? Hebrews Chapter 6, Verses 1-6.

Chapter 6, verses 1-6 are probably the most controversial verses in the Bible! You need to micro-view these verses and then macro-view them in light of all scriptures! Remember the Bible always interprets itself. For those who say you can loose your salvation my question to them would be when are you going to lose yours? If your salvation is based on works then sooner or later all will be lost. The difficulty of these verses is removed by recognizing when the actual decision to follow Christ becomes true salvation. A person is saved at the point of genuine acceptance of God’s Gift of “Light”, and then he or she is received by God. God ultimately judges every heart and knows who is truly repentant. The decision for salvation is made ineffective when it is based on emotions and one’s own abilities. Christ died once for man’s sin. If this was insufficient there would be no security for believers. In verses 4-6, Paul is using hypollated illustration to make a point. In philosophical language, this form of reasoning called reductive ad absurdum ( a reduction to an absurdity ). From a false assumption comes absurd conclusions. It would be false to assume a believer could fall, because his repentance, based on Christ’s death would be invalidated. There would be no security and Christ would need to be crucified again! Sin is all about depending on your own works! Faith is about depending on Christ’s work! Source: Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible. Thank you. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Devil in the Details!

A securiy guard at a auto production plant took pride in screening hundreds of employee’s at the end of their shift looking for stolen property. This guard opened lunch boxes, thermos bottles, pockets and if employee was caught stealing had them fired from their jobs! One particular employee was really troublesome to this guard because he would come out of the plant wheeling a wheelbarrow with about 6 inches of saw dust in the wheelbarrow? The guard would carefully move his had through the sawdust everyday but found nothing? One day in frustration the guard asked this man what he was stealing from the plant ? The guard went so far to tell him if you tell me we will not press charges for you have to be taking something? The thief said i am stealing wheelbarrows! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Wall Street-Wailing Wall

As the western wall of our world economy continues to crumble and our political leaders seem unable to stop it we need to tweeter our prayers to Heaven through Christ! As a Christian I do not want to stop God’s prophetic plan as outlined in the Book of Revelation! My Bible says the world will wail when they all see Christ returning to earth! Why? Because they trusted in their own works and not in Christ’s work done for us! Christ lives in me now and I rejoice everyday in Him! When the world economies crash and all political systems fail where will be your trust? Do not be betrayed by the world systems! Where is your trust today? In your money, health, retirement, 401K’s, social security, medicare, democrats, republicans, president,congress, senate or wall street? Trust the eternal one who conquered death, hell and the grave for you! Heaven will never go broke! But we the broken ones need to come to Him! Christ deposited his life into yours on a cross over 2000 years ago! Make a deposit of your mind, soul and body into His Life! Thankyou. James Sasse.

3 strikes and your out!

Strike one is the housing crash! Srike two will be the stock market crash! Strike three will be government default on debt! I hope the experts are wrong but this is their predictions. Dollar would then crash and then what? One world government with anti-christ as the leader? Rapure of the Church before the seven year tribulation period? Armies patroling streets because no police force? Rioting and looting as gangs go from house to house taking, looting and killing? How bad can it get? A government default would end all social security and federal retirement programs! How can we prepare for these events? Take our camper and C-rations and head for the hills? Our Trust in God and His provision for us must come above all else! Christ is Faithful to protect us from all evils! His promises to us are sure! We have a sure foundation that was established before the creation of the world! Before you or I came into this world He was and will be forever! Read your your Bibles and prepare to meet His Love over your life! In Christ’s Love! James

Buy One Get Everything Free!

This is better than buying one and getting one free! If you were the only person on earth God still would have purchased your Sin on the Cross by His Blood to set you free! Christ has given you freedom from Sin, guilt, condemnation, worry, stress, insecurity, fear, doubts, regrets, uncertainty, poverty, regrets, sickness and bondage! Christ has made you free to live in Holiness, peace, joy, love, security, assurance, blessing, richness, health, and freedom! The cost of our freedom came at a great cost to Christ on the Cross! His yoke is easy and His burden is light! Source; Pastor Charles, Bangalore India.