Theology of Political Left?

Their first premise is there is no God! So if there is no God then there is no Devil and it is up to us to make things right! We will do God’s job which means doing the work of Satan! According to the left there are oppressors and the oppressed! Wealthy people are the oppressors and poor people are only poor because they are oppressed by the wealthy! Is it possible the poor are lazy and do not want to work for a living so they steal, rob and kill for a living? Sell drugs with 73000 casualties last year! Lazy and living off welfare and the money in taxes the working people pay! Today according to the left criminals are the oppressed victims! Law enforcement is our enemy and get rid of ICE! Illegals are the oppressed by the oppressors ICE! National borders are oppressive because they keep out the oppressed of the world! Criminal illegals must be protected by sanctuary cities from the oppressors! Law enforcement! Our National Flag is oppressive so disrespect it during our National Anthem! Never mind the NFL football players are paid millions of dollars income from American team owners? They too must be oppressors! My grandfather told me one time when I was young and giving him trouble that I should not bite the hand that feeds me! Colonialism is oppressive! When the Pilgrims landed here in 1602 they were thankful to God that the American Indians helped them through the hard cold New England winters! What they found though was the Indian tribes were waring against each other? Let us look at the Spanish American war! The Southwest part of America was then controlled by the Spanish! So the white colonist were the oppressors by taking it from the Spanish? Who did the Spanish take it from? The American Indian! The Spanish found the territory in an upheaval because the southwest Indian tribes were waring against each other! So socialists would have saved us from all this? Socialism has even a worse history! In socialism if you are successful you must be the oppressor! This idea lead to the Russian Revolution with tens of millions of dead! If you are unsuccessful you must be the oppressed! If you are in poverty we have to look and find the oppressor! The left hates the rich even though some are rich and uses the poor as a political pawn to gain political power! The poor got poorer under Obama! At one time Israel was supported by the left after the holocaust! Now today they are successful as a nation so now they are considered the oppressors and the poor Palestinians must be the oppressed people? President Trump is the new oppressor! However American’s are seeing through the scams of the left! As their incomes grow and unemployment lessens they see the lies of the socialists exposed! Obama is going on another apology tour of America! To try to help the socialist win in the November election! If you are an eligible American to vote remember the lessons of the past and remember Christ can make America great again and we all need a Savior! His name is Jesus Christ! Jesus told us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! We all must be colonialists! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Basket of Deplorables!

How did Hillary know she was referring to NFL players, coaches and owners? Is she a prophet? What is behind this spirit of trashing America? Why would you bite the hand that feeds you? Should we change the name of the NFL? How about the IFL? International Football League! Would this make the left happy? Get rid of Nationalism and go global? This is what this fight is all about! The push for the move to a one world government! If you read and study your Bible you will see this predicted in scriptures! The push is expressed in illegal immigrants rights, no borders, sanctuary cities, single payer health care system, no voter I.D. laws, mockery of National Anthem and more! One of the biggest clues is the promotion of homosexual behavior! My Bible says the Anti-Christ will have no natural affection for women! The one world leader during the 7 year Tribulation period will be a homosexual. Today there are two things simultaneously going on! We have those who are preparing for Christ and His Kingdom and those who are preparing for the Anti-Christ and his Kingdom! These two Kingdoms will clash in the Apocalyptic last war on earth during the 7 year rule of the Anti-Christ! The war will be against Israel. Why Israel? Why would the armies of the earth surround Israel for this last battle with God Himself? Remember the Church is raptured! Why more hate against the Jews? Because Israel produced the Messiah! So which Kingdom are you for? Where is your loyalty? God or Satan? God knows where we stand right now and all of us will stand before Christ at the Judgment Seat of Christ! He will either be your Savior or your Judge! Let it be clear where I stand! “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Super Bowl Owners! Deuteronomy 28:13

What do the super bowl team owners have in common? Arthur Blank and Robert Kraft are both Jews! Even though the Book of Deuteronomy was written thousands of years ago the Words of the Bible still hold true! God promised His people that if they would keep His Commandments He would make them the head and not the tail. Christopher Columbus was a Jew! Do you see the word “Christ”, in the name Christopher? Columbus had a vision before his voyage that he would discover a land that would support the Jews and Israel. Welcome to Columbus Land! My Bible goes on to say the Salvation has come through the Jews! Jesus Christ’s incarnation into the earth is fulfillment of many Biblical Prophecies! Did you ever notice the enemies of the Jews and Christ want to behead people? To be balanced here i want to remind you that Karl Marx, Frederick Engels and Charles Darwin were all Jews with anti-Christ ideologies! I would also remind you that the Anti-Christ (One world ruler), during the tribulation period will also be a Jew! He will also be a homosexual as he will have no natural affection for women! This will be a real war on women! The war on women started in the Garden of Eden! So which Jew are you going to follow? You can follow Christ or someone else! The question begs to be asked where will the one you follow lead you to? One of two places! Heaven or Hell? I have decided to follow Jesus! No turning back! The Cross before me the world behind me! No turning back! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Colorado Catholic Buisness Owners defeat ObamaCare but punished by Denver City Council?

Denver City Council stops good citizen award to this Denver Buisness who has served Denver over 50 years! Siding with Obama instead of doing the right thing contradicts all that America stands for? When you punish the righteous to reward the wicked our existence is threatened! Please read Isaiah Chapter 5, Verse 20. Thankyou. James Sasse.

The American Dream?

Home ownership was at the center of the American dream for past decades! This foundation to our financial system is cracking and coming down fast! Our local municipality raised our property taxes 100% last year and 20% this year! Federal, state and local governments continue to increase taxes to make up for shortages in this failing economy! Sadly this will cause more Americans to vacate their homes! This will cause more shortages in revenue for government. This is a cycle that will continue. This trouble is all about fraud in our financial and political system. God is taking away from America what it Worships! Yes, Money! Christ’s Church is also being tested and removing those just in it for the money! God is testing His Church and I do not want to fail this test! Proverbs Chapter 10, Verse 25 says; “As the whirlwind passes, so the wicked are no more; but the righteous is an everlasting foundation!”