Little Sally was a 7th grader who did well in school and obeyed her parents! She was searching on the internet for dress shoes and she found a pair she fell in love with! She would spend hours dreaming of owning these beautiful shoes! She found a shoe shop in the Mall near her that carried these shoes! So mommy and Sally went shopping for other things in the Mall that day. When they walked by the shoe store Sally told mom she wanted to show a pair of shoes that would be perfect for her! Sally showed mommy the shoes however the price tag was $200 dollars! Mommy told Sally we could not afford the price for these shoes! Sally looked at her mommy through her tears and said, “”Mommy if you could not afford me why did you have me?” Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.
Tag: oscar
Last Supper 1 Corinthians 11:24-25 (Greek Translation)
Verse 24; “And when Jesus had prayed over the meal and broke and divided the bread He said, “Take eat; this is my human body which is broken for you, this do in remembrance, in recollection, in repetition, to know again and recall of me.” Verse 25; “After the same manner Jesus took the cup after the evening meal and said, “This cup is new which is not impaired by time or use and is a divisor will in my atoning blood and as often as you drink it come to know me again.” Comment: Why do we take Communion? The Lord has instituted it according to His Word! Human nature tends to forget! When we honor someone it is usually in memory of the past. However the Hebrews or the Jews have a very different perception of the word remembrance! The Jews look at the word remembrance as his presence is still with us! At the Seder meal the Jews have an empty chair seated for Elijah! Jesus is with us today! I will never leave you nor forsake you! Remember Jesus has set the Communion Table before you as an invited quest! Your sin required the Table be set! You did not pay anything for the Table or the meal. You were invited even though you were unworthy! Jesus is personally sharing a meal with you! He is present with you! Why would you turn down a meal you did not pay for and did not deserve and made no sacrifice for? This meal purchased your freedom from sin, death and Hell yet you will not partake? His broken body and shed blood remind us that the Cross was very costly to God and His Son for the redemption of your spirit, soul and body! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.
God Raises The Dead! 2 Kings 4:35
With Easter near our Pastor Oscar Cope wants us to examine the historical record in our Bible of instances of God raising the dead in the Old Testament. What you will find out studying the Old Testament that it is vogue for today! My Bible says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever! Elisha’s predecessor Elijah is considered one of the greatest Prophets in our Bible! He was raptured and did not see death! He was with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration! Elijah’s successor Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of his anointing! How do we know it happened? Elisha raised two people from the dead and Elijah raised one person! Do you remember Jesus telling us that greater works would you do than me if you go in my name! Elijah prayed and laid on a dead corpse seven times! Elisha prayed and laid on a dead corpse three times! Twice the anointing takes half the time! Jesus was raised from the dead in three days! Seven represents the number of completion! Seven days in a week! We begin the new week on Sunday not Monday! We give the first day of the week Sunday as Christians to God in worship! We start the new week with Him! The first part of our income the tithe and the offerings is given on the first day of the week! This tells God that He owns the week! Any given day of the week is a gift from Him! I have been a Christian for 44 years now! I have asked the Lord about certain parts of the scriptures to give me revelation about some of the more difficult parts? I have asked the Lord why did these prophets stretch their bodies over these dead corpses? As our Pastor said Sunday today if you did this they would file so kind of a law suit against you for sexual abuse however if two men get married no problem? Sunday while in the services and hearing this message many times the Lord gave me the answer! If you want to hear from God be in His House! When you stretch your body out on another body you form a Cross! Jesus body was stretched out on a Cross! The Jews escaped the Egyptian plague by painting with lamb’s blood on the top and sides of the door posts forming a Cross! When the Jewish tribes camped around the Tabernacle in their wanderings their tribes were arranged in a cross formation! It is so sad to see America today where millions of dollars are spent in law suits trying to remove Crosses across our land? What fools we have become! Satan hates the Cross because it reminds him of his defeat over death and is our hope and sign of victory over death, hell and the grave! James and Hamsa Sasse.
America’s Greatest Threat? Romans 1:28
Is it external? Russia, China or Iran? Is it internal? Financial, political or social? Is it Islamic terrorists? Is it the divide between liberalism and conservatives? All the greatest minds cannot seem to unwrap the mystery of our decline? If we would just get the right people in office or throw a few more billion dollars at it? If the government would just take over then we would be secure! If we could just get rid of certain groups of people? The answer is clear but you will not find it in the Halls of Congress, the Senate or the White House! However our Pastor Oscar Cope in a little old Baptist Church down in Fairburn Georgia has it figured out! Last Sunday morning he told us that the real problem in America is that her people are losing their consciousness of God! He is not in their thoughts! They are unconscious of God! They are brain dead towards God! They are in denial of Him and trying to live without Him! They are dis-functional in their thoughts! So what fills the vacuum left by a dis-functional mind? Many things! Atheism, communism, fascism, evolution(Junk Science), liberalism, false religions, secularism and whatever man can invent to fill the void! God has warned us in fact Paul wrote over 2000 years ago in our Bible about the threat to any culture! God has promised us Blessings or doom if we reject Him! Here is the Greek Translation of Romans 1:28. “And even as they did not prove to retain God in their acknowledgement, God gave them over to a worthless immoral intellect to promote those things that are descending in moral character!” Comment: Is there any proof in your life that you have acknowledged God by living a moral life before God and man? If you want that kind of knowledge you are going to have to work towards it! You need to read and study your Bible everyday for the rest of your life! If you are to busy you are too busy! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Christmas and Family! Matthew 1:18-20
Many fascinating things can be learned from the Christmas story! One thing cannot be denied! God always wanted a family! He started off creating one man and one woman! Not two men or two women but one man and one woman! The challenge got bigger when God wanted a son born of human parents! He looked over His creation to find the right parents. They had to be Jew for salvation comes by the Jew! The new millennium had just begun and the signs in the Heaven and earth were just right! The virgin birth predicted hundreds of years before by the Prophets was ripe for fulfillment! God found a young Jewish couple from Nazareth that were about to be engaged. Their names were Joseph and Mary. Then Joseph found his espoused bride pregnant? Joseph minded to put her away privately! Then an Angel appeared unto Joseph and told him his bride Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit! So Joseph became the step-father of Jesus! Years later Jesus told us that pure religion was taking care of widows and orphans! God always wanted children to have both parents! My Bible says God hates divorce! He wants to come to the aid of the victims! It seems American culture today does not hold the values God has established for the well being of the family? Jesus God’s son could not increase the size of His family until He went to the Cross! Today Jesus Father is your Father! Christmas means many things but most important you are now in God’s family now and forever! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.
Grandma gets Challenged!
Grandma had a daughter who gave birth to a cute little granddaughter! Little Mary loved grandma very much! Mom brought her over to grandma’s to spend the night. Mom told little Mary she had to be in bed by 8:00 PM. Grandma announced to Mary it was now time to go to bed! Little Mary said no grandma! I do not have to go to bed now! Grandma said why not you know what your mother said! Little Mary said remember you are her mommy! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.
You Cannot Live For Yourself! Ecclesiastes 12:7
Some call this suicide! You cannot live for yourself either! Many try! Either way brings emptiness! God’s character is just the opposite! He lives for you and died for you! If you want fulfillment in life follow His example! Solomon had it all. He had riches, women, fame, and wisdom from God that he did not use all the time. In the end he said it was all vanity! That is to no purpose or worthless! Life under the sun means living your life without God! We need the son! Here are some quotes from rich famous American’s! John Rockefeller;”My millions brought me no joy!” Cornelius Vanderbilt;”Two hundred million and i am still empty!” John Astor;”I am the most miserable man on earth!” Henry Ford;”I was a lot happier when i was a car mechanic!” Ralph Barton; Suicide Note: “I have run from woman to woman and country to country to try to escape myself!” King Solomon;”It is all vanity!” Your purpose is to live for God and others and to sacrifice yourself in service to others! Follow Jesus example and be servant of all. Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia
Guilt and Hope Matthew 11:28
We live in a fallen world! Violence, crime, natural disasters are all around us! From earthquakes, cyclones, floods, fires, pestilences and disease covers the world with tragedy! Wars and rumors of wars! From cop killers to Islamic Jihadist law and order seems like a distant hope? Political failures at home and gains by terrorists seems daunting! Guilt is the product of our fallen world! Guilt drives the Islamist terrorists! They believe the only sure way to get to Heaven is to commit Jihad! Kill themselves and others! How sad! God has a plan to defeat guilt and sin and it lead Him to the Cross! Jesus was raised from the dead for our fallen world! God shed His blood to cover our guilt! To reject God’s blood is to shed man’s blood! Guilt and sin leads to more sin! One sin to cover another! One lie to cover another lie! Bring your guilt to Jesus! Jesus said to come to Him those that labor and are heavy laden! A ship that is heavy laden will sink! Jesus bore your sin on the Cross! A yoke is designed for two oxen! Let Jesus come along side you and carry your load! Do not try to carry too much! God made you to trust Him! Not by your own efforts! Jesus went on to say He would give you rest! Rest means to pause from your own efforts! It means to refresh! That is why God gave us the Sabbath! At Creation God Himself rested from His work on the 7th day! Are you greater than God? Many have tried! The burn out of American families today is the result of not honoring the Sabbath! The 24-7 schedule takes no time for rest in the Sabbath! God not only saves us but he sanctifies us! Philippines 1:6 says we are confident that the good work He has begun in us He will perform in us until the day of Jesus Christ! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! His purpose within us will continue forever! Why miss out on the peace and joy of Jesus living in you? Pride and the fool says i can make it on my own! No one ever did! That was Satan’s plan! Sorrow and death is his constant companion! Do you want rest and freedom from guilt and shame? Ask Jesus! Humble yourself and ask for help! It is not that hard to do! What is hard to do and impossible is to try to live without Jesus! He will raise you up from your fallen condition! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.
Senior Lives Matter! 2 Samuel 17:27-29
Who was Barzillai? It is a name you might expect coming out of a Tarzan movie? It is a Hebrew name meaning steel or iron. Barzillai was the iron man of Gilead located in southern Israel. He was one of three men who helped King David flee his son Absalom who was trying to take the throne by force! David and his men were in the wilderness and needed provisions to survive! Barzillai was 80 years old when he rendered assistance to King David! He did so at great risks for if Absalom had won he would have executed Barzillai! D.L. Moody once said our Faith can only be exercised in the darkness! If you are a Christian waiting around for a Utopia to come so you can safely proclaim Jesus name it will never happen! Remember in scripture that after the thousand year rein with Christ Satan will be loosed for a season on the earth! Why? Maybe the Saints got a little to fat and lazy and their Faith went to sleep? Barzillai was a man of invincible charm! He had a son named Chimham. Barzillai was a highland chief who was wealthy, loyal, courteous, passionate and respected the King! He used his wealth to help others not to fill his own pockets! King David rewarded Barzillai by inviting him to live with him in the Palace at Jerusalem! He declined telling David he was an old man and he wanted to live his life where he was born and to be buried beside his father and mother. He was even loyal to his deceased parents! Where can you find such loyalty in the earth? However he did refer the invitation to others including his son. When it comes to doing good we must do all we can while we can as you can for God! King David on his death bed told his son Solomon the new King to be good to the descendants of Brazillai! Remember God has invited you to His Palace! Jesus said he has gone to prepare a place for you! He will take you home to be with Him forever! If you have already accepted His invitation then refer the invite to others! Thankyou. Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia