Faith & Science Psalm 14:1

Vanity of science. Knowledge of physical science will not console me for ignorance of morality in time of affliction, but knowledge of morality will always console me for ignorance of physical science. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French mathematician, physicist, inventor and Catholic Theologian. Comment: These are the words of a genius who are rare as hen’s teeth in the earth! His great genius could not console him in time of affliction! However the knowledge of God could! Why? Because God created the science! God created us! If we worship God’s creation it becomes idol worship! It will leave you empty! Science is a good thing as long as it does not become your God! The Theory of Evolution is a false science and the most destructive ideology ever known to man! Hitler followed Darwin and drove his ideology to the destruction of Europe! Most of the political left in American politics are Darwinists! If you take God out of your life you end up with nothing! In a Godless world violence rules the day! Anarchy is King and Hell is popular! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Promote Israel or Else? Isaiah 60:12

Hebrew Translation: “For the non-Jewish Gentile nations and kingdom that will not serve, worship and honor thee shall perish with destruction, those Gentile nations shall be utterly wasted as a dried up desert.” Comment: Do not play with fire! Hitler did not take this scripture seriously! Many world leaders today follow Hitler’s treatment and attitude towards Israel. So how many nations support Israel today? Just one! The United States of America! Our Blessings as a nation are linked to Israel. America the number one economic and military power and only supporter of Israel! Do we get this? Most of the political left in America does not support Israel. If we read our Bible and believe it then Blessings will flow to our nation as a defender of Israel. We worship Israel as believer’s through our Jewish Lord Jesus Christ! President Trump gets the connection and is moving our Embassy to Jerusalem! Other nations are following! We support the physical Israel for many reasons! Remember at Christ’s second coming he will return to Jerusalem for the 1000 year reign over this earth! As believer’s sooner of later you will move to Jerusalem! Would it not be nice when you enter the Glorious City of Jerusalem that you could say in your heart that I did my part to defend Israel my first time here on earth! People who claim they are Christian’s and hate the Jews have evidence against them that they have either never read their Bible or do not believe what it says! If they the Jews are the apple of his eye then we need to treat them so! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Evangelism 101 Isaiah 60:5

Hebrew Translation: ” Then you shall see a flowing together, and your heart shall with it’s internal feelings and being shall tremble and quake with reverent worship and will grow; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the force of the might, strength and wealth of the Gentiles shall come unto thee.” Comment: I have shared some of the excerpts out of the Journal and diary of Christopher Columbus in earlier postings. Columbus approached the King and Queen of Spain using a Apocrypha scripture that the Catholics accepted and the Protestants rejected to justify his wanting to sail west on the sea rather than the traditional east! He showed the King and Queen that according to his Bible God divided the land into six parts at creation but according to then maps of the world there was a missing continent! Columbus believed if he sailed west he would find this new continent! It is believed Columbus was a Jew! In his personal diary he declared he was going to discover a new land and this new nation would support Israel. The rest is history! This is why, the King of the East (China), and Magog (Russia), allied with the King of the South (Persia Iran) are confederated together to take down America! This is why the Quran declares it is the Muslim’s duty to kill Christian’s and Jews! This is why the political left in America opposes Christian’s and Jews and the Sate of Israel. This is why they favor Islam and their support of Iran with the Obama Administration giving billions of American dollars to them! This battle will go on but you need to be sure you are on the right side of history! They will not succeed because God will perform his covenant with Israel and the Gentile Christian Nations! Do you see the word Christ in the name Christopher? The victory is ours but not without a fight! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Israel Forever! Isaiah 59:21

Hebrew Translation: “As for me this is my league and confederacy with them. This is my covenant between me and them established by a sacrifice. My Spirit is upon thee, and my words which I have put in their mouth, shall not depart out of their mouth, nor out of the mouth of their offspring, nor out of the mouth of following generations said the Lord, from today, tomorrow, and the hidden and concealed things will perpetuate eternally!”

Trump Legacy! Isaiah 59:19

Hebrew Translation: “So shall they have emotional and intellectual fear of harm which motivates them to have reverence and formal worship with Godly living from the west and his honor, majesty, abundance and wealth from the from the rising of the sun (east). When the enemy shall come in like a flood the Lord shall lift up a standard against him (Satan). Comment: The Trump legacy will be a period of history where prosperity, power, peace will reign over the world and America will return to her power and majesty as leader of the free world! Trump will be re-elected in 2020 as President and all the efforts of the enemy to de-throne him will fail! America will also have a spiritual revival beginning in 2020 that will move American’s away from material worship and return them to church on Sunday mornings! James and Hamsa Sasse.