The Just Judge! Isaiah 11:4

Hebrew Translation:”With honesty, integrity and peace He shall judge the poor with uprightness and justice for the meek inhabitants of the land, and He shall punish, defeat and slay the inhabitants of the earth with the Ruler’s staff with His speech and with the breath of His voice shall bring unnatural death to those who challenge God.” Comment: What fool would challenge God? A fool has said in his heart there is no God! Our first parent’s Adam and Eve challenged God! We kind of got off to a bad start! The unnatural death mentioned in this scripture is because of sin! God never designed us to see death! When we die what do we inherit? We think of leaving an inheritance to our family when we die but what do we inherit? We will either inherit eternal life or eternal death! The meek shall inherit the earth and also Heaven! God is ruling the earth because the sheep have gone astray! We all need a shepherd! Left to ourselves we become homeless wanderer’s on the earth with no purpose! Jesus is the good shepherd and a fair and honest Judge! How is Jesus fair and honest? Christ who was without sin died for your sin! God sacrificed His own Son to redeem us from an eternity of separation from God and the Hell of suffering judgment! When I see the mockery of Christ in American culture I shutter to think of their outcome! Hopefully like Paul on the road to Damascus they will see a great light! To live without God means destination without God! Why would people want to miss Heaven! To choose no future and no hope? The second sin of rejecting Christ is worse than the first sin! What could God do more for us than making us righteous with His own blood taking our punishment upon Himself? To reject the Cross is to play the double fool. Does God have a limit on His love? No! But love without law would be meaningless! It is not God’s love that will send you to Hell. It is the rejection of His love and the penalty He paid to satisfy the law for our pardon is what sends people to Hell. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Church Security

I posted about 2 years ago that every church in America whether small or large needs at least one armed member concealed or open carry on duty during the worship service! Every church needs a security plan for their building! Whether doors are to be locked or open and emergency exits to only open one way! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod .com

Judgment Seat of Christ! Isaiah 11:3

(Hebrew Translation) “The Spirit of the Lord shall make Him of quick understanding distinguishing between good and evil, also the spirit of council commanding and executing the will of God with might and discerning knowledge prompted by the spirit with reverence of the Father recognizing He is all powerful.” Comment: Do you see why the Father renders all judgment to the Son? There are two judgments and Jesus presides over both! The Judgment Seat of Christ and the Great White Thrown Judgment! The Judgment Seat of Christ is where all believers go after death! After death we go immediately to this court! The Great White Throne Judgment is where all unbelievers go. Everyone will get a fair hearing in the court and judgment in righteousness is rendered. We as believers are pardoned from sin because we accepted the blood sacrifice for our sin. Jesus will either be your Judge or your Savior! The decision is up to you! From this verse in Isaiah we see Christ knows everything about us! We cannot hide our sickness from Him! God knows our every thought and action! No excuses and no escape! Why should we want to escape His love? We can hide from men but not God! If every human knew this about Christ crime would stop overnight! My Bible says if we will confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin. To confess and repent of sin means to turn your back on sin never to return! When you die your decision about Christ is locked in forever! That is a long time compared to this short life on earth! Decisions matter! Do not play the lottery and gamble your eternity away! There are no winners without Christ! Hang your hat on the Cross and the atoning work He has done for you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Christ Prophecy Old Testament (Part 1)

Isaiah 11:2 (Hebrew Translation) “And the breath of the Lord shall rest on Him, the spirit of knowledge, intelligence, insight, judgment and prudence, the spirit of advice and might, the spirit of understanding and perception and reverence and worship to the Lord.” Comment: Does it get any better than this? Isaiah wrote this scripture about 600 years before the birth of Christ! Yet Jesus fulfilled this scripture to the letter! The word “Spirit” in the Hebrew Language translates “The breath of the Lord.” Remember at creation God breathed the breath of life into us! We were created in the image or imagination of God! Albert Einstein said that intelligence is not measured by the acquisition of knowledge but by imagination! God’s imagination is consummated by His breath or words! In the beginning was the word——- At Pentecost His breath as a mighty rushing wind swept over the disciples. You will do one of two things with the breath He has given you! You will either praise Him or curse Him! Many curse Him but a remnant praise Him! God’s patience is beyond measure and without His patience I would have been lost! The Old Testament made the New Testament possible! God never changes but we need to change! People can change but God never does! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! That is why we can trust Him! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Diversity Visa?

Obama brought 680 thousand Muslims into America under his watch! If you think his health care is bad for you this will seem like a small problem as Jihadists in these numbers will really be bad for your health! They are now living among us infested into the population! American streets are starting to look like the Middle East! Terrorist attacks everyday! This is equivalent to God issuing visa’s to residents in Hell to come to live in Heaven! Good leadership is key to our survival. It is bad leadership that has gotten us to where we are now! Islam has no allegiance to any Nation! Their allegiance is only to Allah and Mohammad! If they follow the Quran and other Muslim sources their duty is to overthrow any nation they are living in including America using deadly force to terrorize the population into submission. They are diverse from us but not in a way to establish peace and prosperity! Only war! According to the Quran after they kill and subjugate the infidels their next job is to purify Islam and remove those Muslims who are apostate and not following the Quran! What does this mean? Continuous war! James and Hamsa Sasse.