Judgment Seat of Christ! Isaiah 11:3

(Hebrew Translation) “The Spirit of the Lord shall make Him of quick understanding distinguishing between good and evil, also the spirit of council commanding and executing the will of God with might and discerning knowledge prompted by the spirit with reverence of the Father recognizing He is all powerful.” Comment: Do you see why the Father renders all judgment to the Son? There are two judgments and Jesus presides over both! The Judgment Seat of Christ and the Great White Thrown Judgment! The Judgment Seat of Christ is where all believers go after death! After death we go immediately to this court! The Great White Throne Judgment is where all unbelievers go. Everyone will get a fair hearing in the court and judgment in righteousness is rendered. We as believers are pardoned from sin because we accepted the blood sacrifice for our sin. Jesus will either be your Judge or your Savior! The decision is up to you! From this verse in Isaiah we see Christ knows everything about us! We cannot hide our sickness from Him! God knows our every thought and action! No excuses and no escape! Why should we want to escape His love? We can hide from men but not God! If every human knew this about Christ crime would stop overnight! My Bible says if we will confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin. To confess and repent of sin means to turn your back on sin never to return! When you die your decision about Christ is locked in forever! That is a long time compared to this short life on earth! Decisions matter! Do not play the lottery and gamble your eternity away! There are no winners without Christ! Hang your hat on the Cross and the atoning work He has done for you! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Hope for the Hopeless!

Original sin is the only rational solution of the undeniable fact of the deep, universal and early manifested sinfulness of men in all ages, of every class and in every part of the world!  Charles Hodge (1797-1878)  Comment: As long as man uses religion to justify his sin the world will as always continue towards destruction. Only Christianity claims we are all sinners and require repentance through the atoning blood of Christ! To deny the sacrificial blood of Christ is to continue the unending shedding of the blood of men as history has shown us in declared and undeclared war against God and each other! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com