Expiry Date!

We all have one! About 2 years ago I purchased a can of bear spray. It is a stronger mix that your standard can of mace! I was planning to use it on some unsuspecting Jihadist! However the opportunity did not present itself. So my can of bear spray expires is less than 30 days! How to use it before it expires? I could use it on my neighbor’s dog! This dog has a beggar’s complex! I could take the spray down to the Atlanta zoo and spray it in the face of some unsuspecting 400 pound gorilla! However my concern would be the animal would be so angry he might rip off the front of the cage and come after me! Worse yet some nature loving visitor or a bear hugger would get too close to the front of the cage the next day! I could season my fried eggs in the morning for breakfast with this pepper spray! I could spray the Georgia ant hills in my front yard with this stuff! However I think the best idea is to sell these cans on eBay! I could advertise them as EPA approved cans of, “Pepper Spray Lite.” Pre-owned cans guaranteed to aggravate your attacker! While mentioning eBay just want to inform you that our “Solar Panel Clothes Dryer” sales are up this month! I am thankful I have a good supply of Walmart clothes line to mail to our customers! This still has more value than your millions of tax payer monies that went to the now defunct Obama Solar Panel Companies! James