Suffering! Luke 24:25-26

“Then Jesus said to his disciples. O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and enter into his glory?” Comment: Sometimes we as believers in Christ will play the fool and listen to the lies of the world too much! Where are the prosperity preachers now here in America? Have they not gone into hiding with the rest of us? The gift of life here on earth is a very short time granted to us by God to prepare us for Heaven! Some will go unprepared! The main event of your life will be after death when we stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ! What will be your defense for rejecting him? Did you play the fool and mock Christ while here on earth? Who really holds your future? Christ does! He judges the living and the dead! So why do you trust your mortality? Why trust in the arm of flesh that will perish? Jesus did not trust his flesh! He was God and man! His divinity raised him from the dead and so will he do with you! If this Coronavirus causes you to trust in Christ this will be the greatest thing that will ever happen to you! My death bed experience was the best thing that ever happened to me! I found the light at the end of the tunnel and it was not a train it was Christ! He was waiting for me! We in Christ do not want to be the slow to believe people! After Jesus was raised from the dead his disciples had a hard time believing the facts? Do you believe the facts of the Holy Scriptures? Do you believe God enough to read and study your Bible daily? Fake news will always oppose the Good News! Which voice will you follow? The truth or a lie? If you listen to the voice of God those mocking Christ today on earth and in Hell have no hold on your future! My future and your future has everything to do with Christ! No success in this world will defer you from the main event! Why? Time will run out! Get off your side show and follow Christ! Wise men still seek him! No mortal on earth can save another mortal! Christ is more than a man! He is God in the flesh! No one cheats death! Your undertaker will not be able to raise you from the dead! He will just lower you into the ground! Only Christ can raise you from the dead! He will raise everyone! Some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment! Do not ignore the main event! Make the right choice today for this virus is temporary but eternity is forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.