Ageless Male?

My son-in-law had a birthday yesterday! I asked him how old he was? He told me 25? I told him he looked older for his age! When I was a teenager under 18 years of age I lied to get into adult venues! When I became middle age I told business places I was old enough to get a senior discount! Now in my old age I tell the truth about my age! Last week I purchased a can of carburetor cleaner at Walmart. Because it is a chemical the scanner stops and a clerk has to check the merchandise! I told the clerk I was over 18 years old! I asked her if she wanted to see my driver’s license? She said no I believe because you have to be 18 times 5! Like Rodney Dangerfield says you just get no respect! Never ask a woman her age even your wife! You could start a riot! I do not look in a mirror anymore except to see if my head is still attached to my body? My wife still wears out mirrors! My millionaire uncle has a ten thousand dollar mirror in his mansion! I looked into it but does not help me! Ageless male products sell because people believe the lie that it will change your age! What will change your age is being born again and when Jesus raises you from the dead! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Bad Theology!

If the all powerful God controls Satan he is an accomplice, and if he does not, he is not an all powerful God! Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900),  German Philosopher.   Comment: The big lie! God does not control Satan! God defeated Satan with the sacrifice of his only begotten Son on the Cross at Calvary! Satan will always be Satan and God will always be God! God does not control Satan and Satan does not control God! Jesus through his blood has judicially freed us from the condemnation of sin which Satan uses to control us and the world! Jesus took our sin upon himself and paid the penalty for our sin! Satan trembles at the name of Jesus because Jesus defeated Satan and has brought redemption to man! Friedrich Nietzsche had a sad life and his demise started with the rejection of Jesus Christ! His father was a Pastor and he attended a Divinity school for one year! Then he as many during the 19th Century broke with tradition and promoted deadly ideologies! Others were Darwin, Engels, Marx and others! All these ideologies lead to the two World Wars of the 20th Century! Nietzsche was a homosexual and contacted teritiary syphilis in a male brothel in Genoa! As the disease affected his mind he became crazy in the last days of his life! Hitler and Mussolini used his philosophy to further their brands of Fascism and Nazism! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Herod’s Defensive Letter to Caesar!

Letter form Herod Antipas to Tiberius Caesar and the Senate of Rome: “My Noble Lords, Greeting, As to what Pontius Pilate says in regard to my cowardice and disobedience in the case of Jesus of Nazareth, I will say in my own defense: I was informed by all the Jews that this was the same Jesus that my father aimed to destroy in his infancy; for I have it in my father’s private writings and accounts of his life, showing that when the report was circulated of three men inquiring where was he that was born King of the Jews, he called together the Hillel and Shammai schools, and demanded the reading of the sacred scrolls; that it was decided he was to be born in Bethlehem of Judea, as read and interpreted that night by Hillel. So when my father learned that there was a birth of a male child in Bethlehem under very strange circumstances, and he could not learn where or who the child was, he sent and had all the male children slain that were near his age. Afterward he learned that his mother had taken him and fled into the wilderness. For this attempt to uphold the Roman authority in the land of Judea the world has not ceased to curse him to this day; and yet the Caesar’s have done a thousand worse things, and done them a thousand times, and it was all well. Just think how many lives have been lost to save the Roman Empire; while those infants were only removed in their innocence from the evil to come. The proper way to judge of action is to let the actor judge, or the one with whom the action terminates. If this should be done, and there is a life of happiness beyond for innocence to dwell in, those infants as well as Rachels should be thankful to my father for the change. Again my Lord’s, Pilate is a higher officer than I; and you know in our law the lower court always has the right to appeal to the higher. As to Pilate’s saying that Jesus was a Galilean, he is mistaken. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, as the records show. And as for his citizenship, he had none. He wandered about from place to place, having no home, making his abode principally with the poor. He was a wild fanatic, who had taken up the doctrines of John (but not his baptism), and was quite an enthusiast. He had learned sooth-saying, while in Egypt, to perfection. I tried to get him to perform some miracle while in my court, but he was too sharp to be caught in a trap; like all necromancers, he was afraid to show off before the intelligent. From what I could learn he had reprimanded some of the rich Jews for their meanness, and his reproaches were not out of the way, from what I heard they would have much better men if they had practiced what they preached.” Herod Antipas

The God Dilution! Romans 1:26-27

There is not a theologian in the world who can argue with me on this! God has no gender! If that’s the case everything needs to be rewritten! Susan Powter (Radical Feminist Lesbian). Comment: Has she ever talked to a Pastor, Priest or Theologian? Evidently not! Susan did you know God produced a Son through a woman and His name is Jesus Christ! God created the man first then the woman from the man! When Jesus gave us the prayer when people asked Him how to pray He said, “Our Father who art in Heaven——–“. Same sex partners cannot produce children! To have it your way would stop the continuation of the human races! Soon the surface of the earth would look like the moon with no life! The suicide rate among trans-genders, homosexuals and lesbians is many times higher than the rest of the populations! Your plan is not God’s plan! Turn to Christ and repent of your sin and God will establish you in His Kingdom! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Jesus God? Philippians 2:6-8

Jesus while He was here on earth positively laid claim to Deity is clear from the fact that the Jews reproached Him with two accusations: first. that He place God on par with Himself—and this they called blasphemy, secondly, that He made Himself God—and in this they thought they recognized the false prophet, although both idea’s merged together in John 10:30-39. Remember our Lord Jesus Christ being the Son of God did not and could not claim to be the Father but He did claim to be God! Even a human cannot claim to be his father but can claim to be a human being. A claim to the sameness of nature of personality in like manner is consistent and intelligible in the case of Divine Sonship of the Son of God but the sameness of personality would be contradictory! But there is a similarity of persons that it would be true that those who saw the Son have seen the Father! Also remember that the Trinity is one Spirit and character and not many personalities! Christ’s distinction had everything to do with His mission here on earth as Redeemer of mankind! Christ is not half man and half God! He is wholly man and wholly God! Jesus prayed because He is a man! God does not pray! God answers prayers through His Son Jesus Christ! If God were to pray who would He pray to? Himself? What is Jesus doing in Heaven right now? He is interceding for the Saints in prayer to the Father! Jesus still has a human nature in Heaven and so will we! We will not be floating on a cloud as a bodiless Spirit! You mean I get stuck with my ugly face for eternity? Do not jump over the cliff yet! Our human bodies are created by God! Male and female! Sin has marred us! God has a fix for our sin through Jesus where death no longer rules us! Your God given identity will not change! Jesus is a man in Heaven as He was on earth! Mary the mother of Jesus is still a female right now in Heaven! You will be much greater in Heaven because sin will no longer influence your decisions! You will live more like you are in Heaven while on earth because Jesus has redeemed you through His Blood! You will carry the same gender in Heaven and this is why gender reassignment is such a mockery to God and His creation! James and Hamsa Sasse.

God Created! Genesis 1:1

“Bara” (Created / Creating) The second word is the Hebrew word verb (Bara), it is in the masculine form, so the “he” is implied. English verbs do not distinguish between he, she and it. A peculiarity of this verb is that it always is used with God as its subject, meaning that only God can “bara”. It is the characteristic verb for God’s creative activity in Genesis 1. “Bara” is also used in Genesis 2:3-4. The meaning of “bara” is not create in the modern sense, but to differentiate / separate and to allow roles, e.g. in the creation of Adam and Eve, God allocated gender roles to “male and female.” Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Comment: Important point here! God separates and differentiates in creation! Light from darkness, good from evil, heaven from hell, male from female and the list goes on! Notice when male and female are joined together in marriage they take on a new role! So when we are born again as Jesus said we take on a new role! Not to lose our identity but to expand our purpose! Your role on earth is given to you by God! Your purpose is established by God separated for righteousness! This is why the gay and lesbian movement is such an affront to God! It tries to reverse allocated roles established by God! It is a slap on God’s face! Do you remember Sodom and Gomorrah? We were created to worship God! When we refuse we are reversing allotted roles which is sin! Jesus never departed from His allotted role! He came as a lamb the first time but will return as a lion! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Supreme Court and Civil War 1857

In 1857 the Supreme Court ruled African American people were personal property! This lead to the election of Abraham Lincoln and our 1st civil war! On gay marriage Franklin Graham put it best, ” The supreme court has never ruled in its history on the definition of marriage so since they have never defined marriage why would they define it or redefine it now?” Comment; Since the supreme court has now defined marriage as between a man and a man a marriage between a man and a women may be illegal under law now! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is God gay?

If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. (Leviticus 20:13) You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it, it is perversion. Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you. (Leviticus 18:22-24). Notice that the latter verses-Leviticus 18:22-24-Lump in homosexuality with bestiality. Source; Holy Bible, Book of Leviticus, Chapter 18, verses 22-24. Also Chapter 20, verse 13.