Ageless Male?

My son-in-law had a birthday yesterday! I asked him how old he was? He told me 25? I told him he looked older for his age! When I was a teenager under 18 years of age I lied to get into adult venues! When I became middle age I told business places I was old enough to get a senior discount! Now in my old age I tell the truth about my age! Last week I purchased a can of carburetor cleaner at Walmart. Because it is a chemical the scanner stops and a clerk has to check the merchandise! I told the clerk I was over 18 years old! I asked her if she wanted to see my driver’s license? She said no I believe because you have to be 18 times 5! Like Rodney Dangerfield says you just get no respect! Never ask a woman her age even your wife! You could start a riot! I do not look in a mirror anymore except to see if my head is still attached to my body? My wife still wears out mirrors! My millionaire uncle has a ten thousand dollar mirror in his mansion! I looked into it but does not help me! Ageless male products sell because people believe the lie that it will change your age! What will change your age is being born again and when Jesus raises you from the dead! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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