Where do our Liberties come From?

The liberal wing of the Democratic party and the liberal State run media here in America today have become a referee between the forces of evil and the forces of good! If the good advances too much over evil then they throw a flag and penalize the righteous! They still want some good around to keep the system from collapsing and from loosing their political power while promoting enough evil to mock the righteous! This is a dangerous balancing act that could spiral out of control into anarchy! Here is a quote from one of our Founding Father’s President Thomas Jefferson; “God who gave us life gave us liberty! Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed the conviction that these liberties are a gift from God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and that His justice cannot sleep forever!”  Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com


Sometimes i wish God would have made salvation mandatory instead of optional? You know like paying your taxes is mandatory. I suppose that just like you have tax cheats you would have salvation cheats like Judas! Options are an important part of democratic liberties but when time runs out all options end! Like 2 seconds left on the clock in a football game if you are behind you finish the game in defeat! In a game you have next season but in life we play for keeps! In life the stakes are high and if we do not choose God and His Christ then eternity is a long time to be seperated from them. The options in this life is Heaven or Hell! In Hell you have no otions but in Heaven you still have options. You can choose to stay or you can rebel like Lucifer and join him in Hell! Options are about choices. We choose either good or evil. Choices determine your present future and past. We by our choices are going to serve God or Satan. Choose this day who you are going to serve! This Christmas think about God and His Mercy to give us the right choice in sending His Son Jesus to us! How we can live with love, peace and joy in the midst of a lost and destructive human race! Merry Christmas! James, Hamsa and Anita. GodWhoisGod.com