The God Dilution! Romans 1:26-27

There is not a theologian in the world who can argue with me on this! God has no gender! If that’s the case everything needs to be rewritten! Susan Powter (Radical Feminist Lesbian). Comment: Has she ever talked to a Pastor, Priest or Theologian? Evidently not! Susan did you know God produced a Son through a woman and His name is Jesus Christ! God created the man first then the woman from the man! When Jesus gave us the prayer when people asked Him how to pray He said, “Our Father who art in Heaven——–“. Same sex partners cannot produce children! To have it your way would stop the continuation of the human races! Soon the surface of the earth would look like the moon with no life! The suicide rate among trans-genders, homosexuals and lesbians is many times higher than the rest of the populations! Your plan is not God’s plan! Turn to Christ and repent of your sin and God will establish you in His Kingdom! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Elway Flop!

John Elway could not stand Tim Tebow and his Faith in God! So he decides money will replace faith and trashed Tebow after he took the Denver Broncos to the second round of the playoffs last year. A 70 million dollar deal with Manning could not even get Denver a first round win? When will the world learn that faith in God through Jesus Christ will take you further than you can ever go by yourself! The Bible says that God’s ways are higher than man’s ways! Tim Tebow knows this and also by his life demonstrates his faith in Christ and trusts his life and future with Jesus Christ! Thankyou. James, Hamsa and Anita Sasse.