Many Voices Claim To Speak For God! Few Are Faithful To His Word!

Amos 8:11-12 The Prophet Amos lived thousands of years ago yet his voice rings true today and vogue as we witness the decline of America. Amos said not a famine of bread or water but a famine of the hearing of the Word of God! America’s decline is almost proportional to it’s rejection of the Bible. As nativity scenes are pulled from public view and Crosses removed from grave yards I wonder how long America can last? The good news is still the good news so we as Christians know that only the re-birth of Christ in America will save our people from destruction! Even though you may say Merry Christmas to a store clerk and they do not reply back or say Happy Holidays just continue to announce Christ to the world! No republican or democrat can save America. We have past the point of no return and only if Christ is re-born in the hearts and minds of Americans can this republic be saved! It is more than a Merry Christmas. It is a Saving Christmas, a Redeeming Christmas and an Eternal Christmas! Do not try to live Christmas without Christ! Thankyou for your prayers and support for this ministry this past year. Have a Merry, Saving, Redeeming and Eternal Christmas! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse.

3 strikes and your out!

Strike one is the housing crash! Srike two will be the stock market crash! Strike three will be government default on debt! I hope the experts are wrong but this is their predictions. Dollar would then crash and then what? One world government with anti-christ as the leader? Rapure of the Church before the seven year tribulation period? Armies patroling streets because no police force? Rioting and looting as gangs go from house to house taking, looting and killing? How bad can it get? A government default would end all social security and federal retirement programs! How can we prepare for these events? Take our camper and C-rations and head for the hills? Our Trust in God and His provision for us must come above all else! Christ is Faithful to protect us from all evils! His promises to us are sure! We have a sure foundation that was established before the creation of the world! Before you or I came into this world He was and will be forever! Read your your Bibles and prepare to meet His Love over your life! In Christ’s Love! James

Another Weiner in Washington!

Yes, the hot dog stand is open again in Washington and has cooked up another weiner! The latest ugly head to rise up in Washington is Representative Wu. The good news is that a majority of our leaders do not do this stuff and are Faithful to their families and their country! We do have some representatives who walk around up on the hill like the insane on steroids! The Bible says that those who are faithful in small things are faithful in much! The Bible also says our sins will find us out! We cannot hide from God and we cannot hide from man. Sooner or later who we are will come out! We all need to repent of our sin and turn from our wicked ways! Let God replace your Sin with His righteousness through Jesus Christ our Savior! Thankyou.