Greek translation: “Peter do you love me unselfishly to the point of sacrificing yourself for me more than these fish? Peter do you understand God’s love towards men even though they are His enemy? Yes Lord, I know I am your friend. Then shepherd, guard and protect my sheep. Then Jesus says a second time to Peter, “Do you love me to the point of sacrificing yourself to me and my work here on earth? Peter replied you know I am your friend. Jesus replied a third time, Peter are you my friend? Peter was grieved for Jesus asked him a third time and Peter replied, “Lord you know all things and you know I am your friend.” Jesus said to him then shepherd, protect and guard my sheep.” Comment: Two very different Greek words are used for the English word love in these passages of scripture! They are agape and phileo! Initially Peter did not understand God’s love Like most of us when we first come to Christ initially He becomes our friend! Peter probably thought since he betrayed Jesus just before the Cross three times Jesus needed to ask him about his commitment three times? Actually in Jewish Hebrew culture when something is said three times it is complete and not necessary to repeat anymore! Peter though because of his past he could be no more than just a friend! Could God forgive me? Peter answered this question later in his life as he was the leader of the Jerusalem church! Then later he was crucified upside down on a cross in Rome! Jesus was more than a friend to those 21 Coptic Christian men who were beheaded by ISIS last year! Peter finally understood God’s love for him! I have been a Christian for 45 years yet still with each new revelation I understand more of his love for me! Will we totally understand His love for us? After our resurrection from the dead we will learn more! During the millennium we will understand more of His love! We understand enough to feed His sheep here on the earth! As he shepherd’s you shepherd others! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Tag: coptic
Hour of Temptation! Revelation 3:10
Greek Translation: “Because thou has kept the spoken word of my cheerful endurance, I will also keep thee from the hour, time and season of one’s virtues which shall come to pass upon all the world specifically the Roman Empire, to try them that dwell on the whole earth.” Comment: The Greek word for our English word “world”, used here refers to the Roman Empire. From the Roman Empire the temptation is spread into the whole earth. So what temptation is Jesus keeping you from that is spread to the whole earth from the Roman Empire? The temptation to deny Christ! The world at this time in history was the Roman Empire! They had conquered most of the known world! Jesus and all the disciples except John and many of the early church Father’s were martyred by the Roman Empire! The Apostle John at the time of the writing of this Book of Revelation was exiled on the Isle of Patmos working as a slave in a stone quarry because of Caesar’s sentencing of John! Christian persecution of the Church began in 64 A.D. with Nero and the great fire of Rome. The persecution of the Church ceased in 313 A.D. with the Edict of Milan with Emperor Constatine. It has been estimated that there were at least 100 thousand martyrs during this period. Remember in previous postings we talked about the unpardonable sin? What was blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Remember to mock one part of the Trinity is to mock all. The unpardonable sin was to deny Jesus! God can forgive every sin except denying Jesus because He is the only one who can forgive sin! Remember the 21 Coptic Christians who were beheaded by ISIS last year? In their hour of temptation they did not deny Jesus! Rome became Christian under Emperor Constatine and became the Holy Roman Empire! Jesus knew what the believers were going to face under Roman Rule for 200 years! He was preparing them for the hour of temptation! So how did the preparation come about for the hour of temptation for the whole earth? When Roman Empire became Christian all the roads they had built throughout their entire Empire were used to take the Gospel to all the known world! I will give you a historical quote on the Roman Empire from Wikipedia: “By means of European Colonialism following the Renaissance, and the descendant states, Greco-Roman and Judaeo-Christian culture was exported on a world wide scale, playing a crucial role in the development of the modern world.” Now where are we at 21 Centuries later today? The pressure upon Christian culture today is to deny Christ! The popular culture, Hollywood, liberal media, atheistic teachings such as evolution, abortion promoters, white supremacy haters, anti-colonialism, gays, lesbian, and transgender promoters all apply pressure against us to deny Christ! Even in the church the denial of Christ exists! Many believers do not tithe their income! Many make a 7 day work week and skip Sunday services! Worship of money over God! The list goes on but we can either deny Christ one small step at a time but when push comes to shove and you have to make a choice between your life or Christ God’s grace will not be their to confess His name! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Story Behind 21 Coptic Christian Beheadings!
Our church supports Pastor’s in the Middle East. Our Pastor in Egypt gave us some details about these executions. ISIS rounded up a group of Christian’s then one by one asked them to deny Christ or die! Out of this group these 21 men would not deny Christ! Notice there were no women executed? Muslim’s will keep the women for sex slaves either for themselves or sell them to other Muslim countries! A lot of young girl’s have been sold to the surrounding area’s such as to Saudi Arabia and others! Under the current political situation here in America some of us may have to make this choice also! You need to decide now what decision you would make if asked to deny Christ or die? In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse
Caliphate Growing! Muslim Rule!
The biggest foreign policy blunder by an American president in American history was made by Obama! To let the Arab spring grow and to depose the dictators of these regions was a lethal blow to American’s and to Christian’s world wide! Twenty one Egyptian Coptic Christian’s were beheaded yesterday by ISIS soldier in Libya! Yemen has fallen and ISIS is controlling 1/3 of Syria and Iraq! ISIS says it will conquer Rome! Many Egyptians left Egypt after the 2011 overthrow of the Dictator of Egypt to look for work. To add insult to injury our last Democracy in this area is Israel and Obama has a contempt for them? I made a prediction about a year ago the False Prophet (World Religious Ruler), would rule from Rome as the Bible declares but I believe he will be a Muslim and not a apostate Pope! We know from the Bible that the antichrist will be a Jew and gay! Our Messiah Jesus Christ is also a Jew! The world will be fooled because they will believe peace has finally come for a Jew and a Muslim have finally been wedded together! World history will always confirm the Bible! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Was Jesus Married?
This subject has come up alot since about the 4th Century! The novel, Da Vinci Code was our most recent until a Harvard scholar says she has found evidence? This writing is out of the 4th Century. The 4th Century is a long way out from the Gospel’s that were written a few years after Jesus life in the 1st Century! Keep in mind what was going on in the 4th Century! One of the greatest challenges to Christianity came from the Coptic Church in Egypt! You had a non-trinitarian theology system rising and with that the rise of Arianism! Arianism said Jesus did not pre-exist His birth. All these forces lead to the Nicene Council in 325 A.D. This lead to the Nicene Creed which millions of churches around the world hold in their theology. There were many forces in the 4th Century trying to remove Christ’s Divinity and reduce Him to a mere man. The same goes for today! This letter from Harvard came out of the 4th Century. The Gospel’s of the New Testament mention all of Jesus family which includes mother, father, sisters, brothers, cousins, ect. Also the Gospel’s take Jesus lineage all the way back to Adam and Eve! If Jesus was married it would not have been left out by all these writers of Biblical and Non-Biblical Historians during the 1st Century! His disciples died promoting the truth and reality of who Christ is and would not have died for a fake! Sometimes I joke and say Jesus did not get married because He was too smart! Think about the plan God had for His Son Jesus and what it required of Him! The Cross and all that lead up to it and then after the Cross! When would He have time for a wife and kids? Then you would have generations living after Christ who would claim they are His relatives and claim special rights! Jesus is married to His Church! We are His Bride! Jesus said you must be born again! This birth is a Spiritual Birth that transforms your life and prepares you to receive the Holy Spirit! Are you married to Jesus or are you trying to live without God? The choice is yours. Love demands a choice! You either serve God or Satan! Choose the one who has created you, died for you, saved you, rose from the grave for you and is in Heaven preparing a place for you! No one else in history can do this or would do this for you! Thankyou. James Sasse.