Credit Card Praise! John 5:43

Jesus did not come in his own name! He came from Heaven to earth in his Father’s name! Jesus told the crowd that you receive me not? However if another shall come in his own name you will receive him? Jesus whole walk on this earth was to give his Father the glory! What much of the world cannot stand is for you to come to them in Jesus name! If you tell the world my name is Frank, Sally or George they have no problem! But if you come to them in the name of Jesus all Hell breaks loose! Most people have a Visa or credit card. The bank that has given you the card has given you a loan or some credit! If you took the name of the bank off the credit card it would be worthless! You purchase by credit in the name of the bank! Your name on the card by itself would not even buy you a can of beans! Our power and authority does not come from our own name but from the name that is above all names! When we call on Jesus name it gets the attention of the Father just as a charge on your Visa gets the attention of the bank! Without the recognition of the bank or the recognition of the Father your request will be denied! The Father listens for the name of Jesus from your lips! Some people curse rather than praise Jesus! Do people go around cursing their bank? Your credit rating is all about you honoring your bank by paying back the loan! How much credit do you give Jesus for your life? How is your spiritual credit rating? Have you refused to give the credit for which he has paid out to you on the Cross for your sin? The debt was paid by him! Your debt! You did not even have to pay it back! Just thank him with your breath! The breath he gave you! What fool would refuse this offer? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Diversity Visa?

Obama brought 680 thousand Muslims into America under his watch! If you think his health care is bad for you this will seem like a small problem as Jihadists in these numbers will really be bad for your health! They are now living among us infested into the population! American streets are starting to look like the Middle East! Terrorist attacks everyday! This is equivalent to God issuing visa’s to residents in Hell to come to live in Heaven! Good leadership is key to our survival. It is bad leadership that has gotten us to where we are now! Islam has no allegiance to any Nation! Their allegiance is only to Allah and Mohammad! If they follow the Quran and other Muslim sources their duty is to overthrow any nation they are living in including America using deadly force to terrorize the population into submission. They are diverse from us but not in a way to establish peace and prosperity! Only war! According to the Quran after they kill and subjugate the infidels their next job is to purify Islam and remove those Muslims who are apostate and not following the Quran! What does this mean? Continuous war! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Should We Build The Wall? Revelation 21:12-19

There are about 190 scriptures in your Bible about walls! This should be enough Theology to help you make up your mind! Nehemiah was a great wall builder! Did you know that Heaven has walls and gates? Really? I thought God was a Democrat? Read Revelation 21:12-19. When did illegal immigration start in Heaven? There is no illegal immigration in Heaven! If your Visa is stamped with the Blood of Jesus God will let you through one of those twelve gates and you will become a legal immigrant! Lucifer and 1/3 of Heaven emigrated out of Heaven! Rebellion in the ranks! Lucifer became Satan and these immigrants flooded the earth by the millions! They will eventually immigrate to Hell but they will try to take as many of us with them as possible! The Blood of Jesus will secure you from this plight! Nothing else will secure you! Nothing! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse

Jesus – An Illegal Immigrant? Genesis 14:13

The word Hebrew means, “Immigration.” Immigration is a hot topic in America right now mostly for political reasons with upcoming mid-term elections. Jesus was from Heaven yet born on the earth. He immigrated to earth. We are all earthly immigrants passing through this planet. The word Hebrew also means to cross-over. Did you notice the word, “Cross?” It also means the opposite side as of a river (east of the Jordan). True Christians will always be on the opposite side of culture whether it be gays, abortion, ect. The word can also mean to pass away or deliver over. It can also mean to cover in copulation. Our sin is covered in His Blood! Christ came from Heaven to earth to bring Heaven to us. He got on a Cross to build a bridge to Heaven for us. We all need a cross-over from death to life. Only one bridge leads to Heaven. What bridge are you on? The materialism bridge? The bridge of atheism, secularism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Darwaiism, Marxism, or you may be on the republican, democratic, liberal, conservative bridge? Are you on the race bridge? Abraham was a foreigner in a strange land but he was not a foreigner to God! God put him “in trust” to secure a land and a people through Christ that number more than the sands of the sea! You can only pass-over with a Pass Port with a Visa stamped Heaven in Christ’s Blood! Get on that one way highway to Heaven through Jesus Christ. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.