Let There Be Light! Genesis 1:3

The phrase “Let there be”, is not the same Hebrew word used for “Created”, in Genesis 1:1. Actually the Hebrew word for our English phrase “Let there be”, means to exist. The word “created”, means to bring into existence. So in Genesis 1:1, God created the heavens and the earth. My question is when God finished creating the heavens and the earth did light exist? Were the lights out until verse three? I know the global carbon tax supporters wish the sun would go away! Some Christian’s do not let their light shine! Some theologians have come up with the gap theory? That is there were millions of years that transpired between verse one and verse three? I believe they were trying to reconcile the difference between the age of the earth as claimed by some scientists! Science does show us that the earth and all the planets are the same age! We cannot measure time without light! I believe light existed at the end of Genesis 1:1. In verse two we see the earth was surrounded by darkness and formless! It was covered by water and surrounded in darkness! Were all the other planets in the same condition? Why earth? Remember Lucifer got cast out of heaven with one third of the Angels for rebellion! We know where Lucifer or Satan hangs out is darkness and destruction! Lucifer though he owned the earth as he does today but God intervened as He does today! With no light being able to penetrate the cloud surrounding the earth Satan thought he had his hell on earth! Then in verse two God moves upon the earth and light breaks forth into the earth! Before I got saved God’s light was always here in the earth! He just let a little of His light into my soul and I got transformed! A new day! Let me put a disclaimer here! Benjamin Franklin said that if you are to live by Faith you have to throw reason out the window! Why? Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden used reason and made a bad choice! They did not have all the facts! Only God knows all the facts because he created all the facts! Our knowledge is limited! Even if we have a million facts about anything or anyone and lack one fact we will make a wrong choice! This is “reason” enough to trust God! This is why all Judgment is left to God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Trinity and the Soul Genesis 1:27

But these three, though they be distinct from one another, are, however said to be one, because they exist substantially in the soul. Peter Lombard (1096-1160) Comment: His writings influenced Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham, Gabriel Beil, Martin Luther, John Calvin and Pope Alexander III. His tomb is Paris some 700 years later was destroyed during the French Revolution! Remember the French Revolution tried to de-Christianize France even by creating a special calendar (French Revolution Calendar), removing Christian Holidays and religious figures! The calendar lasted 12 years about as long as Hitler’s rein! An attempt was made to remove all religious influences from the culture! Prominent atheist were behind this effort much like today in America. The French Revolution and the American Revolution were very different with different outcomes! The American Revolution established the free exercise of religion with the trinity of three branches of government with Biblical values woven into our Constitution! The French Revolution was a rebellion to remove all elements of religion from their culture! The French Enlightenment was the darkest hour in French history! The light of any culture is Christ and to try to remove him politically, judicially, militarily and socially reaps disaster for any culture! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Covenant! Genesis 17:8

We often separate the Old and New Covenant in our Theology! However the word Covenant is the same word used in both the Old and New Testament! There is only one word used in the Greek for Covenant in the New Testament! So the only thing that separates them is time! It is the passage of time that proves the Covenant! The passage of times confirms the Covenant to the Jews, Israel and to the Gentiles! Four thousand years later from Abraham we have the nation of Israel. The word Constitution is another word for Covenant! Our U.S. Constitution is a Biblical document! Remember a Covenant is conditional. Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved! Whosoever believeth in me shall not perish but have everlasting life! Here are some words that describe Covenant: determination, stipulation, league, treaty, alliance, constitution and a sacrifice! It was sealed by passing between the divided parts of a sacrifice! It is a divisor will, to put apart! Jesus will one day separate the sheep from the goats! We see in Genesis 15:18 that God promised much more land to the Jews than Canaan. However the Covenant is conditional and the Jews broke the Covenant! Captivity was their lot when they did this! A Covenant is a contract accompanied by signs, a sacrifice and a solemn oath which sealed the relationship with promises of Blessings for obedience and cursing’s for disobedience! Jesus was obedient even to death on a Cross! The Jews rejected human sacrifice! That is what the Heathen did! Therefore their Messiah could not be human! This is the challenge Jesus met in 1st Century Palestine! They were puzzled? How could Jesus do miracles that only God could do yet He appeared human? They understood God created humans yet their sacrifice could not be human! Their concept of God was He would come down as a knight in shining armor riding a white horse and destroy the Roman government! What they were really envisioning was Jesus second coming! What Jesus was trying to tell them is that He was God! A human telling them He was God was blasphemous to them! The Jews could not put all this together in their minds? God created human beings who sinned against Him and then He sacrificed Himself for them? This defied their understanding so they Crucified Him! They executed the sacrifice! What was missing was Faith! By Faith Abraham believed God! Counted as righteousness! Without Faith it is impossible to please God! We know He loves us! We will never know everything about God because then we could control Him! Could you imagine what the Judas Iscariot’s of this world would do with that! A jet aircraft flies through the air at hundreds of miles per hour! It does not think about it’s designer but simply does what it is designed to do! We are designed to worship God! When we do that in Faith we are fulfilled and find purpose in Him! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Offering and Worship! Genesis Chapter 22

Are they the same? God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac up for a burnt offering on Mount Moriah! Moriah means God will provide! The word offering here means to rise up or lift up! The word is usually associated with morning! Those who love me seek me early! It is used in a sense of going up. However the word is not used in the sense of intimacy! So what is a burnt offering? It is not your wife’s cooking! It means to ascend up like smoke! Remember an offering is something we do! Your tithes and offerings is something you do and God requires it of us! So what is worship? I am glad you asked! The word worship used in the Old Testament was first used in Genesis 22:2. The word means to bow down! Just the opposite of offering! It means to prostrate oneself! It means to fall upon your knees and touch your head to the ground! However after the Cross the New Testament concept of worship is different! We still bow down in prayer in submission! The Greek word used has a new dimension! Worship used here means to dwell together in union and completion! Now God takes possession of you! You are no longer your own! People are either God possessed or demon possessed! No middle ground here! Half and half is a milk product! Worship means to lean towards Him and be partial towards Him! No one will ever be able to talk you out of or persecute you out of partiality towards Him! This is the New Testament concept of worship! In the Old Testament it was always worship from afar! After the Cross now God has His dwelling place in us! The Holy smoke is inside of us! Since His son Jesus made the sacrifice for our sin the walls of partition are broken down! Worship is now an inside job! Greater is He who is in me than He who is in the world! He works His righteousness in you by dwelling in you! This is what born again is all about! Let us think about this as Easter approaches! Jesus early in the morning bowed down in the garden of Gethsemane and worshiped! Then He was lifted up on high on a Cross on Mount Calvary! Jesus died once so that you would only die once and escape the second death! Your Salvation includes many things! Freedom from guilt, death, hell and the resurrection to judgment! The resurrection to everlasting life and His power residing in you cannot be compared with anything this world has to offer! The promises the world makes to you will perish with the world! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness! If you submit and let Jesus take control of your life nothing that preceded this new reality will ever compare! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

How Old is the Earth? Genesis 1:1-5

The earth does have a birth certificate! Genesis chapter one says the earth was created on the first day of creation! From this we can calculate the age of the earth! From Adam forward to Noah to Abraham to Moses to David to Christ we come up with about 6000 years! The old earth theory began in the late 1600’s. The idea of the earth being millions of years old was based on earth rock layers interpreted by geology. However many problems exist here. Naturalistic uniformity refuses to consider any catastrophic events such as Noah’s flood! The global flood described in Genesis 6-8 would wipe away the concept of millions of years! A flood would explain massive amounts of fossil layers! A massive world flood would rip up many of the previous rock layers and redeposit them elsewhere destroying the previous fragile contents! This would destroy the evidence of an alleged age! So the rock layers can represent the evidence of millions of years or a global flood but not both! Radiometric dating came along in the early 20th century. In 1913 Arthur Homes estimated the age of the earth at 1.6 billion years! Since then it has been raised to 4.5 billion years. However there is growing evidence that radiometric dating methods are completely unrealistic! All uniformitarian dating methods require assumptions for extrapolating present day processes back into the past! There are some questions that should be asked about radiometric dating? Initial amount? Was the parent amount added? Has the rate of decay changed? Was the parent amount removed? Was the daughter amount added? Was the parent amount removed? If the assumptions are truly accurate then uniformitarian dates should agree with radiometric dates across the board for the same event! However, radiometric dates often disagree with one another and with the dates obtained from other uniform methods for the age of the earth, such as the influx of salt from the ocean, the rate of decay of the earth’s magnetic field and the growth rate of human population! Here are some classic examples of radiometric dating! Mount Saint Helen’s in the State of Washington. The rock was formed in 1986. According to K-Ar radiometric dating the rock is up to 2.8 million years old? How about Mount Etna basalt in Sicily? The rock was formed in 1972. According to radiometric dating the rock is between 210000 to 490000 years old? This is not rocket science! This is junk science! The age of the earth comes down to trust! It is a world view issue! Will you trust what the all knowing God says on the subject or will you trust imperfect man’s assumptions and imaginations about the past that are regularly changing! Source: Answers in Genesis! Comment: Here is a clue about the age of the earth! All the planets in our solar system including the earth are all the same age! This fits Genesis! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

God Created! Genesis 1:1

“Bara” (Created / Creating) The second word is the Hebrew word verb (Bara), it is in the masculine form, so the “he” is implied. English verbs do not distinguish between he, she and it. A peculiarity of this verb is that it always is used with God as its subject, meaning that only God can “bara”. It is the characteristic verb for God’s creative activity in Genesis 1. “Bara” is also used in Genesis 2:3-4. The meaning of “bara” is not create in the modern sense, but to differentiate / separate and to allow roles, e.g. in the creation of Adam and Eve, God allocated gender roles to “male and female.” Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Comment: Important point here! God separates and differentiates in creation! Light from darkness, good from evil, heaven from hell, male from female and the list goes on! Notice when male and female are joined together in marriage they take on a new role! So when we are born again as Jesus said we take on a new role! Not to lose our identity but to expand our purpose! Your role on earth is given to you by God! Your purpose is established by God separated for righteousness! This is why the gay and lesbian movement is such an affront to God! It tries to reverse allocated roles established by God! It is a slap on God’s face! Do you remember Sodom and Gomorrah? We were created to worship God! When we refuse we are reversing allotted roles which is sin! Jesus never departed from His allotted role! He came as a lamb the first time but will return as a lion! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Are Neanderthals in the Bible? Genesis 6:4

The Hebrew word for giants is “Nephilim.” The word translates a Divine being that co-habituated with women! Most but not all Bible scholars believe the Divine beings were fallen angels! So why would Satan and his followers want to cross breed with women on earth? We know from the scriptures Satan will never repent and salvation is not possible for him and his followers! The reason Satan did this was to spoil the redemption plan God had for man! Only a pure human race could be redeemed! Only God becoming man could bring about redemption! So what did God do to solve this problem? He brought a world wide flood and saved only Noah and his family! This brings a challenge to the church in that science now has developed animals with human blood and organs! There is fossil evidence of humans dying in the flood! These humans are known as the Neanderthal men! The difference between the Neanderthal’s and modern man is about 1.3 percent of mitochondrial DNA sequences. Here are some questions and answers that will help us! How did the Neanderthals go extinct? They died in the flood. Why is there no evidence of a pre-flood man? There is much evidence of pre-flood men! They are the Neanderthals! Why is the Neanderthals genetically distinct from modern man? Neanderthals had only the first genetic reset, but modern man had both the first and second genetic reset! Why do we have his Neanderthal genetic mutations but he does not have ours (modern man). He is our ancestor. Our mutations were developed after the flood, so we have both Neanderthals and modern man mutations; he has only pre-flood mutations! Why did Neanderthals interbreed with modern man? He could not! Modern man was separated from him by the flood! Why are Neanderthals found in such diverse places? The flood deposited them over large geographical area’s. Why is Neanderthals physiologically and anatomically superior? His DNA is closer to Adam! Where does Neanderthals fit into post flood Biblical genealogy? He does not! We know from DNA tables of nation peoples (Genesis Chapter 10) and subsequent generations; none has the Neanderthals genetic signature! Source: Back to Genesis

Does God Keep His Promise? Genesis 17:8

Abraham lived about 3600 years ago! God made a promise to him then that he and his descendants would inherit the Land of Canaan! Remember Canaan was one of the son’s of Noah who was cursed by God for exposing his father’s nakedness! So what Empires occupied and controlled the Land of Canaan over the last 3600 years since Abraham? The Empires of Babylon, Egyptian, Hittite, Assyrian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman (Muslims), French and the United Kingdom! Then in 1948 the Land of Canaan was declared the State of Israel. Since 1948 Israel has had to fight wars to secure her freedom! The still have to be vigilant as they are surrounded by their enemies! God does keep His promises and history and science defend the promises in our Bible! Let me be clear to Christian’s that if God were not to keep His covenant promises to Israel He would never keep His promises to you! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com