Jesus tone and language changed between chapter 5 and chapter 6 of Matthew. Jesus moves from your public life to your private life. There should be no difference. No conflict between them. Jesus had an audience of the working poor which included most of his disciples. There were Jews, Greeks, Romans in the crowd and a few rich folks. The working poor would be those who earn just enough to buy their daily food. The whole family had to work to survive. Jesus message was about spending, saving and giving. How do American’s spend their money? Let us look at some big money people. NFL football players by a majority (68%) are broke after 2 years of retirement. Almost all Lotto winners are broke within one year of their winnings! Where is our heart? Money follows the heart. We are to save to give when there is a need. We are to be good stewards. If we spend all we have then nothing is left to help those in need. Proverbs6:6- Watch the ant! We are to spend less than we make just as the ant eats less than he gathers. We are to save to be generous at every opportunity. Matthew 6:22. Watch your eyes! What you focus on will be what you worship! Your eyes will focus your heart on treasures and your soul will bond to those things. Luke 16:10 How we handle money tells a lot about ourselves. He that is faithful with little will be faithful with much. This passage discounts Christians who say I will give when I make more money. Most people worry about money. Americans only give about 2% to charities. God does not have enough generosity among His people. Matthew 6:24 You cannot serve God and money and have two masters. The Lord says to tithe, save and give. God wants to be respected as, “Lord of All!” Begin to act like God owns it all! The love of money is the root of all evil. Who do you love? Money is not evil unless you love it! Think about it all the time. Love God and money will follow you enough to supply your needs and the needs of others. Love God and money will leave no sorrows. Love money and it will be a cruel task master. Money is not evil unless we use it to replace worship of the living God. Source; Sermon notes from message given by Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Tag: proverbs
The American Dream?
Home ownership was at the center of the American dream for past decades! This foundation to our financial system is cracking and coming down fast! Our local municipality raised our property taxes 100% last year and 20% this year! Federal, state and local governments continue to increase taxes to make up for shortages in this failing economy! Sadly this will cause more Americans to vacate their homes! This will cause more shortages in revenue for government. This is a cycle that will continue. This trouble is all about fraud in our financial and political system. God is taking away from America what it Worships! Yes, Money! Christ’s Church is also being tested and removing those just in it for the money! God is testing His Church and I do not want to fail this test! Proverbs Chapter 10, Verse 25 says; “As the whirlwind passes, so the wicked are no more; but the righteous is an everlasting foundation!”
Proverbs Chapter 22, Verse 7, says; “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender”. America is in trouble because of her personal and public debt! We got to our present mess by bad habits! Our culture continues to disregard Biblical values! If any people or nation spends more than it takes in a crisis is just ahead! The only way to stop this is for Americans to get their own house in order and then elect leaders in Washington who live within Biblical values and do not spend more taxes than they take in! Also reduce the tax burden on fellow Americans so they have more to spend to help our economy! Also for the rich to understand that they have an obligation to help the poor and not to take away their hope for a better tomarrow! Jesus paid a debt he did not owe and took upon himself my sin and has brought redemption to my life! I owe a debt I cannot pay and understand His grace did for me what I cannot do for myself! Thankyou. James
Does God like booze?
For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence. Source; Holy Bible, Book of Proverbs, Chapter 4, Verse 17.
Does God hate?
These six things doth the Lord hate, yes, seven are an abomination unto Him; A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief. A false witness that speaks lies and he that soweth discord among brethren. Source, Holy Bible, Book of Proverbs, Chapter 6, verses 16-19