Is Caesar our New God?

Government is best when government is least! Thomas Paine, American Revolutionary War Hero. Commentary: I read a publication by Dr. Ben Carson that really hit the nail on the head about our current problems American culture is facing today! He said the biggest problem facing America is about half the population has made government their god! This fatal flaw is full of examples in your Bible and our founder’s of our Constitution designed this precious document to try to prevent a take over by any future government! Our Constitution plainly says our rights do not come from government but from God! Unless their is a spiritual revival in America we will soon be taken over by a foreign power! China is number one in education and America has dropped to 25th ranking! We used to be number one until government controlled schools over decades has degenerated our education system! China will continue to challenge us economically and militarily soon! If America is no good as the political left continues to push who will be left to defend her? Brush up on your Chinese for you may need it soon! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Revolt Against God! Isaiah 53:5

Hebrew Translation: “He was profaned, defiled, polluted, and violence was done against him to establish the law of God! He did this for our wicked revolt against God! He was tortured, crushed, afflicted and humbled for our perverse criminal actions! The rebuke, discipline and correction of our peace was upon him!”

Fear or Faith? Isaiah 51:12

Hebrew Translation: “Even I, am he that has compassion on you. I have repented that I have made man and have changed my heart and attitude to console you. You can take a deep breath of relief. Why should you fear man when you have reverence for me? Man’s weakness of the flesh shall lead to his death. His descendants are made as the grass that will perish.” Comment: The fear of man is what leads to all wars! The fear of death is what leads men to cause the death of others! Religions are formed out of the fear of death! Islam is a prime example! Martyrdom they believe is their only way to God? So suicide is their means to salvation! Faith is just the opposite of fear! God has made the way for our salvation not by any effort of mortal men! The God/Man Christ God’s only Son provided the sacrifice for our redemption! It is not attained by my own efforts but by God’s grace! So my future is not dependent on me but on what God has already done for me! If we will rest in this promise peace will follow! Jesus has promised to those that trust in him he will raise from the dead! Not to cause death but to deliver us from it! Sin is our real enemy with death it’s consequence! To defeat our last enemy death is what God has done for us! If you cannot get excited about this truth then nothing will excite you! When Christ delivered me from my death bed 45 years ago I have a passion for him that no fire can put out! James and Hamsa Sasse,

The God Dilution! Romans 1:26-27

There is not a theologian in the world who can argue with me on this! God has no gender! If that’s the case everything needs to be rewritten! Susan Powter (Radical Feminist Lesbian). Comment: Has she ever talked to a Pastor, Priest or Theologian? Evidently not! Susan did you know God produced a Son through a woman and His name is Jesus Christ! God created the man first then the woman from the man! When Jesus gave us the prayer when people asked Him how to pray He said, “Our Father who art in Heaven——–“. Same sex partners cannot produce children! To have it your way would stop the continuation of the human races! Soon the surface of the earth would look like the moon with no life! The suicide rate among trans-genders, homosexuals and lesbians is many times higher than the rest of the populations! Your plan is not God’s plan! Turn to Christ and repent of your sin and God will establish you in His Kingdom! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Warning to Christian America!

Hillary Clinton’s closest aid and confidant is Huma Abedin! She is a Muslim and her parents are connected to terrorist organizations! Abedin is also deeply involved with the pay to play scandals of Hillary while she was Secretary of State! Hillary owes Muslim nations hundreds of millions of dollars in favors that they contributed into the Clinton Foundation located in Canada! She did favors for the Muslims while she was Secretary of State so the question is what favors would she do for them while President of the United States to keep the money flowing into their Foundation? Hillary would not say who she would appoint to the Supreme Court as Trump has? I believe she would try to appoint Muslims to the Supreme Court! We could easily have Sharia Law ruling the United States! Christian America could go Islamic! She could also appoint Muslims to high cabinet positions such as Secretary of State, Attorney General and many other cabinet positions! She has and will sell out America for money! Our freedoms are on the line! Think about this when you go vote Tuesday! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Ted Cruz Cheats in Iowa!

The Ben Carson campaign has confirmed the Ted Cruz campaign spread rumors across Iowa just before voting on Monday night that Ben Carson has dropped out of the race so why not vote for Ted! They have recovered tweets and other data confirming the accusations! This dirty work represents the insider Washington tricks and deception that we are trying to get away from! I am asking American’s to reward Ben Carson as he is the honest Abe Lincoln of our generation! Support him and you will be rewarded by a true servant who is honest before God and the people! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.