Aristotle’s Thoughts about God! Lesson 3

Aristotle believed that God causes the movement of other things, not as an efficient cause, but as a final cause. In other words, it does not start off the movement by giving it some kind of push, but it is the purpose, or end, or the teleology, of the movement. This is important for Aristotle, because he thought that an effective cause, giving a push, would be affected itself by the act of pushing. Aristotle believed that God causes things to move by attraction in much the same way a saucer of milk attracts a cat. The milk attracts the cat but cannot be said to be changed by the process! Comment; What is God’s attraction for us? Love! For God so loved the world that He gave………..

Lawrence Welk Show 1965

This was a joke on his show given in 1965; My wife asked me to take her out to an expensive place! I took her to a gas station! Then in 1965 gas was about 20 cents per gallon! Now today this would no longer be a joke. Today a gas station is about the most expensive place you can visit! Just a reminder to you Obama lovers out there that when George Bush began his second term in January 2005 gas was $1.84 per gallon. When Obama took office in January 2009 gas was $1.85 per gallon. If you voted for Obama I want you to think about what you could have done with all the money you leave at the gas pump and dump into a hole in the ground supporting this novice in the White House! With ObamaCare and all the other disasters pending and looming ahead if you still support this guy you have some mental issues! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

ObamaCare Strikes Twice!

Yes, lightning does strike twice! The Denmark Zoo feeds another giraffe to the Lions! The ObamaCare policy assures that all the animals will have food! They can sleep peacefully knowing their government (zoo keepers), will supply their every need! The giraffe population had their private food policies cancelled last month? They were encouraged to go on the government run food exchange web site. What worried the animals was the private information they were asked like age and weight? The rest is history! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Obama Wants Mandates Delayed Until 2016?

This is just the latest out of the White House? He changes the law as he goes! The significant change that has come to America since Obama has come to power is prior to Obama America was governed by Rule of Law! This is not the case anymore for America is becoming a land of Lawlessness! I think to delay the ObamaCare mandate forever would be best for America. If the mandates are delayed until Obama leaves office it is like leaving a bottle of poison on his desk with instructions to Americans not to take the poison until he leaves office! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

ObamaCare Trick or Treat?

What does the word Halloween mean? The word means a Holy person or Saint. It started as a Christian celebration of the departed Saints. It is followed up the next day called, “All Saints Day.” The problem is over time the event has moved from celebrating life to celebrating death! As Christians we celebrate life and not death! Jesus conquered death, hell and the grave for us! So we celebrate Jesus and not Satan who is the author of death. You have to keep the main thing the main thing! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.