Lawrence Welk Show 1965

This was a joke on his show given in 1965; My wife asked me to take her out to an expensive place! I took her to a gas station! Then in 1965 gas was about 20 cents per gallon! Now today this would no longer be a joke. Today a gas station is about the most expensive place you can visit! Just a reminder to you Obama lovers out there that when George Bush began his second term in January 2005 gas was $1.84 per gallon. When Obama took office in January 2009 gas was $1.85 per gallon. If you voted for Obama I want you to think about what you could have done with all the money you leave at the gas pump and dump into a hole in the ground supporting this novice in the White House! With ObamaCare and all the other disasters pending and looming ahead if you still support this guy you have some mental issues! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

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