Did You Know This About Creation? Genesis 6:6

“And it repented the Lord that he had man on earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” Commentary: Have you ever tried God’s patience? Probably every day! Morning, noon and night 24-7. We all have! So why does the Lord need to repent? He is without sin! Yet the sin of man grieved him beyond despair! The word “repented” used her in the Hebrew means to grieve strongly, breathe strongly, to change mind taking revenge and vengeance? Can God change his mind? He wanted to get rid of all men from the face of the earth! Bring judgment down on them with a big hammer! However the next Hebrew word “made” gives a clue to the mercy of God! See Strong’s #6213. The word means to create with purpose labor and with sacrifice! What sacrifice? His only begotten Son who always existed in Heaven as part of the Trinity and was there at Creation and participated in Creation! Sacrifice is built into Creation itself! We see back in Chapter 3 of Genesis a blood sacrifice had to be made for the animal skins to cover the sin of Adam and Eve! The blood of an animal showing the shadow of God’s own blood having to be sacrificed in future! Later in Genesis 6 we find Noah found grace as he walked with God! Just one man living for God can bring grace on an entire generation! Yes the world was destroyed except for Noah and his family yet his children would generations later produce through Mary our Messiah! Remember God will spare you in the midst of a pandemic even though others will perish! God was looking for just a few righteous when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah! God today is looking for a few righteous in the earth to rapture before the coming seven year tribulation period! Jesus experienced the weakness of the flesh when God incarnated into flesh and his prayer in the Garden of Gesamane was: “Not my will but thy will be done.” Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God! Our own will opposes God always! Thy Kingdom come thy will be done! Jesus had his own will yet he knew it would not lead him to the sacrificial love of the Cross! We are born with a free will and the power of choice! That makes up part of our created being! However left alone and not checked by the blood of Christ will lead to our destruction! If we choose Christ and follow him then his will is done in our lives with redemptive purpose creating righteous and peace into our world! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

How Do You Know God Dwells in You?

1 John 4:15 “Whosoever shall [confess] that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he is in God.” Commentary: Well here is another sign! Does fear move into you when the thought comes to confess Jesus to your co-worker? Your friends? Your family? God has not given us a spirit of fear! Fearful of confessing Jesus to the bum in the street or the King in the Palace? Jesus took the Gospel to everyone he ever met! King Herod! The religious rulers! The maniac among the tombs! The woman caught in adultery! The woman at the well! Lazarus the dead man! The rich young ruler! His 12 disciples! His brothers! Jesus said if you are ashamed of me my Father in Heaven will be ashamed of you! If we are ashamed of him we have no relationship to him! Then we just become religious people! You will confess Christ to others or you will be ashamed of him! Over the past decades I have given out about ten Gospel tracts per day wherever I go! Most people you will only pass by once in your lifetime! I look for opportunities because I know how much Jesus loves me and loves them! I found Jesus on my death bed! He raised me from the dead for a mission on earth! I just have to share the Good News! The clerk at Walmart! At Kroger! At the gas station! The trash men picking up my trash! The office supply store! The Fed-EX guy! The county offices! The guy at Sam’s Club! The policemen! Paul shared the Gospel with the jailer in prison! Never a missed opportunity! Years going to prisons sharing Christ! To hospitals! Emergency rooms! Wherever I go! I will never forget the man working in the meat department at Walmart in Lexington Kentucky! We were just passing through! I gave him a Gospel tract and asked him to read on his break time! As I was leaving the store he came behind me and said thankyou! I was in doubt who was really God? Hinduism? Islam? Christianity? Now I understand Jesus is the true God! I never saw this man again! You know what will really be exciting about heaven? Meeting people there who you witnessed to and the people that planted Jesus into my life! Sunday school teachers! Pastors! Evangelists! The guy on the street corner confessing Christ! Look for opportunities to confess Christ to the people you meet each and every day for the rest of your life! God Bless! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Did You Know? Vaccine

The COVID-19 vaccine has used cell lines from aborted fetuses for research! The Vatican, Pope Francis has told the Catholics that it would be morally accepted to take the vaccine? Everyone has to decide for themselves but I will not take this vaccine! I cannot knowingly take a vaccine developed using murdered babies sacrificing them in the name of science? Absurd! This is where Darwin takes us! I told my family I will not hold any grudges if they elect to take the vaccine. What will happen if this is not resisted is more and more babies will be aborted in the name of science! When I die I will stand before my Christ! I want no innocent blood on my hands in the name of the pseudo Darwin science! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Know What You Don’t Know!

1 John 2:29 “Behold, what manner of [love] the [Father} hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the [sons] of [God], therefore the world [knoweth] us not, because it knew him not.” Commentary: The word love or agape is the highest form of love which is a sacrificial love! Pseudo love is you sacrificing others for your benefit! True love sacrifices yourself for others! This is what the Cross is all about! The Father is the instrument of our spiritual birth! He is the creator of the heavens and the earth! He is the Father of all men by virtue of his creation! He is also the Father of his only Son Jesus Christ! We are the sons of God through spiritual birth but Christ preceded creation! He is part of the Trinity who has an eternal existence before time! The word God means the true God! Not the gods invented by men! False gods are created by men but the true God created men! In his image! The world is the material universe inhabited by all men. To know means to perceive. A perceptive intuition that we belong to God! The world is perplexed by our fellowship with Christ only because they do not know him! They cannot comprehend it! Our thoughts are consumed by his love for us! We anticipate his second coming by the historical evidence and experience of his first coming! We are preparing ourselves for the thousand year reign of Christ here on earth! We are building his church here on earth! Time and history proves his love for us! Our death will prove his resurrection power for us! We cannot turn back the past but he has forgiven us our past! He alone holds our future! Heaven or hell is in your future depending on what you do with the Messiah! Accept or reject his love? I live for him everyday! His thoughts become my thoughts! His word lights my path! I do not stumble in darkness by the false ideologies of this world that oppose Christ! He revealed himself to me! His love for me beyond measure! He is faithful! You can trust him! He will come to you in your darkest hour if you call out to him! Jesus! Save me! From myself! He has sent his Holy Spirit to comfort us! Our desire is that all could experience the love of God! Jesus said go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! This is what we do! Regardless of the cost! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

When You No Longer Know You Are Evil!

The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terrible and terrifying normal! From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, their normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together! Hannah Arendt Commentary: The safety net God has given us is that we are all sinners and have come short of the Glory of God! Salvation is crucial to understanding we all need a Savior! To confess you are sinner is the first step to recognizing you do not have the morality to save yourself or anyone else! When Eichmann, Hitler and the inner circle rejected Christ things were set in motion to destroy themselves and millions more! They were Darwinists rejecting any intervention of God into the affairs of men! They were deceived by sin to a point where they no longer recognized their lost estate and neither were able to recognize their own evil! We see this same cycle in the American political left today! They are unable to see their own evil and then to blame their evil on the opposition just as Hitler blamed the Jews for his evil! To take personal responsibilities for our sin is to confess our sin to Christ and let him take your sin upon himself delivering us from evil! Then we no longer repeat the sin but give it up as a testimony to the power of Salvation! To love our enemies because they need the same opportunity for the Grace we have received! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

How Shall I Know?

Ezekiel 7:4 “And my eye shall not spare thee, neither will I have pity: but I will recompense your ways upon you, and your abominations shall be in the midst of thee, and you shall (know) that I am the Lord.” Comment: The key word here is “Know”. The Hebrew word “Yada”, means to know and understand as a man does with a woman in a sexual relationship! Intimate knowledge! Here is the real deal! You are going to know God in one of two ways! You are going to know him either through Salvation or through judgment! You can keep warm in the winter around a pot belly stove but you cannot live in the fire! No middle ground here! No fence riders! Political correctness will not save you! If your friends are ashamed of you because you came to Christ God is not ashamed of you! Better to find new friends! I would rather let God mortgage my future with making payments for my sin than call my note due in foreclosure and judgment! Think you not to take your own judgment at death? The decision is up to you! If you believe the lie that there is no God and no Heaven or Hell you have been deceived by the deceiver Satan! There are two components of God’s love! Salvation and judgment! You cannot have one without the other! Heaven and Hell! Righteousness and evil! Light and darkness! Life and death! Heaven is only an option because Christ took your judgment on the Cross for you! Why do people want to tear down Crosses and other historical monuments? They reject the God who took their sin upon himself! Then they are left with their own sin with no recourse! Then they are cut off! Never to be grafted into the Tree of Life! Without Faith it is impossible to please God! Take a step of faith today and received God’s gift of redemption for your soul! Then you will know God the right way and experience his love! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Are You Acceptable? Isaiah 61:2

Hebrew Translation: “To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. The year of delight, favor, love, grace, kindness, as the pleasure of a King blessing his subjects! The year the High Priest’s sacrifices were accepted with the blood sacrifices and death accepted for our sin. The debt is now paid and the petitions or prayer requests are now heard and acted upon. And the day of vengeance when the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies and God’s rage, revenge and jealousy was poured out upon the sacrificial offering and accepted. Now after this the people can be comforted with compassion as the sacrifice for their sin has been accepted and they can take a deep breath and sigh of relief for their trespasses have been atoned for.” Comment: Today when we accept the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross for our sin this offering of God for God on  behalf of God is presented before the Father and our sin is forgiven. But what of the fate of those who reject the sacrifice of God’s only Son Jesus Christ for their sin? I would rather be a fallen angel in Hell than an unbeliever in the earth! Why? Because then they themselves become the sacrifice in judgment condemned to an eternity with their leader Satan! The one and only unpardonable sin is the rejection of Jesus Christ as their Savior! While you still have breath you can still chose Jesus Christ! But one day the opportunity in the chapter of your life will end! You are only acceptable to God through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross for your sin! Nothing else qualifies you for Heaven! No works or no efforts of your past, present or future will suffice! The Apostle Paul with all his great scholarly abilities said I only know Christ and Him crucified and nothing else! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Goals! Matthew 4:8-9

Jesus said what profits a man if he gain the whole world and lose his only soul? Remember the Devil offered Jesus all the Kingdoms of this world if he would bow down and worship him! We need a Godly goal! An eternal goal! Depending on our natural gifts we have different abilities. I will never play football in the NFL. I will never go to the Olympics. I am not a rocket scientist. I always enjoyed taking things apart and turning wrenches. I love preaching the Gospel but never had a full time job doing it. I love girls but they are very expensive! I like politics but it is too ugly for me! I would rather do a Bible Study than balance my check book! Math was not my best friend! We should all have one common goal! Reach the Kingdom of God! After this life an eternity awaits us all! Did you ever notice Jesus just had one goal. His goal was to prepare people for Heaven! To do that he had to die a ugly death on a Cross! He had to be raised from the dead! He had to ascend to his Father in Heaven to prepare a place for us there and send his Holy Spirit to us here on earth! How would I know if I had a Godly goal? I would have the same goal for you that I have for myself! My goal is to lead people to Jesus! I do not want to be set apart from Jesus seeking the Kingdoms of this world ending up separated from God forever! Also denying you access to Heaven by my rebellion against Christ! By creating an ideology that opposes the Kingdom of God! I want to share Heaven with you! My goal is that we both share Heaven together! Jesus said they will know you are my disciples if we have love for one another! Do you love the world as much as God does? Humanly impossible! But by his indwelling Holy Spirit all things are possible! Why not give your goals to God and let him sort them out in his eternal plan and purpose for your life! If you fight God’s plan and purpose for your life you will be miserable! If you confederate yourself to him then you will have joy forevermore! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com