The Resurrection & Scars!

Comment: Did you ever notice Jesus had his scars on his body after the resurrection! The scars from the Cross! In fact this is the way the disciple Thomas confirmed it was truly Jesus raised from the dead! At Jesus second coming you will see his scars! For those who reject him will see his scars before they are judged by him into everlasting hell! For those who have accepted Jesus at the judgment will also see his scars! The disciples all rejected Christ when he told them on the third day he would be resurrected from the dead! At least they did not believe him! Why was Mary Magdalene the only one who believed Jesus? The disciples witnessed the miracles done by Jesus but Mary experience his power! Jesus cast seven demons out of her! When we are raised from the dead will we carry some scars? People who abused us and others who we have abused? At our resurrection other people will recognize us! Same facial recognition! Same gender! However the guilt of sin and shame will be gone forever! I am talking about believers in Christ! God created us to save us! My sin is there but covered by his blood! Forgiven! God becomes greater than our sin! We forget the scars because he has forgiven us! His love is greater than our sin! When we forgive our enemies the scars are there but no longer hurt! Our sin first is against God yet Jesus will forgive us if we confess our sin! My wounds are healed by his stripes! Those stripes that were laid on his back! He was bruised for my iniquities! He carries those bruises for me! He was beaten beyond recognition for me! For my sin! He was denied a married life with a spouse here on earth so he could become the bride of the church! The war on Christ here in America in the 21st Century is a war on scripture! The gender war is a war on creation replace by evolution! God created male and female! Charles Darwin the Jewish atheist has many disciples! If we could evolve from a monkey anything is possible! We could evolve from a male to a female! From a female to a male! We could evolve to a sexless person! We could evolve from a male female attraction to a male to male attraction! A great philosopher once said if a culture replaces Christianity the danger is they will then believe anything! The French Revolution was about de-Christianizing France! Death and destruction followed! If history writes about the destruction of America the historians will write the rejection of Christ was their defining moment! James and Hamsa Sasse.