Mercy + Grace = Salvation!

Luke 1:50  Greek Translation: “And his mercy or the relief from the misery and consequences of sin is on them that fear or reverence God from generation to generation.” Comment: This verse is part of Mary’s song of praise! We lived on mercy before grace came! His mercies endure forever! Jesus said blessed are the merciful for they will obtain mercy! Mercy is given to everyone! Mercy is a holding pattern until grace rescues us! It rains on the just and the unjust! We cannot earn the rain it is just there for us! Mercy does not require a response but grace does! Judgment only comes when we reject his grace! Mercy held me until the time when I received his grace through Jesus Christ! When I graduated from high school back in 1967 two of my classmates were killed in accidents before the year ended! Does that mean I was better than them? No! Mercy stayed me until I came to Christ! Mercy handed me off to grace! Remember after Jesus was crucified he went into the heart of the earth and preached to the captives! Mercy had held them there until Christ came to save them! You can reject mercy but not grace without consequences! The Old Testament Saints were secured by mercy until grace came! To reject Christ is judgment the opposite of grace! People reject the mercy of God everyday but not his grace! By grace you are saved and not of yourselves! Everyone gets mercy but the expiry date comes when you reject his grace! When you reject Christ! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! That is good news for the saved and the sinner! You cannot do the math without both factors! You already have the mercy so what are you going to do with his grace? James and Hamsa Sasse.

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