First Gay Couple?

Me and my little brother Tommy used to watch western movies on our old Philco black and white TV set back in the 1950’s! Among these movies was the Lone Ranger! He always wore a mask! I always wondered why the Lone Ranger did not have a girl friend? Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke had the saloon girl Kitie! Even the bad guys had girl friends! I asked my little brother Tommy about this and he told me because the Lone Ranger wore a mask! I got it! No blind dates! I wondered if he went to bed with his mask on? I always wondered about this guy? In the other western movies the good guys were killing Indians and this guy was running around with one? Another thing that bothered me was when the bad guys got the drop on the Lone Ranger and Tonto they never made him take his mask off? If he wanted to keep his identity secret why did he wear a white hat and ride a white stallion? I used to envy the Lone Ranger in one respect! He never had to wash his face! He must have shaved but never took his mask off! Me and Tommy never questioned the sexual orientation of the Lone Ranger because we were raised on a farm in Nebraska! Nebraska is an Indian name! The rooster always jumped on a hen! A rooster never jumped on a rooster! However they would fight over the hens! The mallard duck always on the hen! The bull on the cow! The bore pig on the female pig! The stallion on the mare! There was never any gender confusion! In our Bible we have two cities that are listed who had gender confusion! They were Sodom and Gomorrah! These cities and their remains are available to see on YouTube! What is interesting is when the geologists pick up one of these sulfur balls out of the sand and strike a match to it they will burn a continuous hot blue flame! These cities were a sanctuary city for gays! God destroyed them with fire! Judgment fell on them! Today and forever there are two sanctuary cities! One named Heaven and one named Hell! The righteous live in heaven and the wicked in hell! God never changes so that means we must change! To be like him! Holy and righteous! The city you chose to live here on earth will determine the city you live in in eternity! If you are living in the wrong sanctuary city then repent of your sin and ask Jesus by his blood to sanctify you and prepare you for heaven! Leave the sanctuary of hell with the fire and judgment and travel to heaven with peace and forgiveness for all of its citizens! James and Hamsa Sasse.


When I was in the 7th grade we moved from a farm in Nebraska to Loveland Colorado back in 1962. The move was difficult for me and my little brother Tommy because we had to leave our friends and grandparents in Nebraska and make new friends! It was difficult because the children in Loveland had already established their friends and we were treated like outsiders! With our parents we attended a Methodist Church in Loveland. We had a youth Sunday School teacher by the name of Paul. He also led the MYF (Youth Methodist Fellowship) on Wednesday nights! We knew Paul was really a guy who cared for us! He taught us out of the Bible and gave us wise council when we needed it! This all took place about 58 years ago! So the Lord put on my heart to try to contact Paul in Loveland! I did not know if he were still living? I searched the white pages and information and got a phone number! I did not even know if it were the same Paul? It was Paul! He is now 95 years old! So guess what Paul is still doing! He is still teaching Sunday School! Paul has never lost his purpose! He remembered me! Jesus will never forget you! In fact if you are saved your name is written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life! Paul’s life is all about Jesus and I was a beneficiary of that! If you make life all about yourself you will die alone! When you live for Christ you live for others! Make your Facebook account not about you but about Jesus! Get your name in the Eternal Book! Only if you are faithful to God can you be faithful to others! Do this in remembrance of me! That is what Jesus instructed us to do at Communion! We never remember him unless we do what he did for us unto others! Jesus was faithful to you and me even to death on a Cross! Live your life faithful to him while on earth and he will be faithful to you even after your death! Be born again! Dead to self and alive to Christ! I am a beneficiary to what Paul did for Christ as a faithful teacher in the Body of Christ! I also want to be a beneficiary to others as I serve Christ! But we have to die to self our biggest enemy of the Faith! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Belief Equals Performance!

Luke 1:45  Greek Translation: “And blessed possessing the character of God is she that believeth: for there shall be a performance or an exceedingly extra ordinary event to those things which were told of her from the Lord.” Comment: When Mary told Elizabeth the good news that she was going to bare the Son of God Elizabeth who was pregnant with John the Baptist was so elated her baby jumped in her womb! When she believed the report of her cousin Mary she was filled with the Holy Spirit! There is only one way you will ever be filled with the Holy Spirit! You have to believe and accept what God says you need to be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit! God is love! When you accept his Son Jesus and the sacrifice he made for your sin on the Cross then the Holy Spirit indwelling will follow! Mary believed God even though Jesus had not arrived on earth yet! If you love God and the only way you can is to understand how much he loves you then you will love people! You will love the Jews, Israel, and even your enemies! You will pray for your enemies and those that despitefully use you! If the Holy Spirit is not in your life then you will hate people! Hate yourself, Jews, Israel, Christians because the evil spirit Satan will take residency in you! You will hate and despise the Holy Scriptures! You will oppose Bible reading and distribution! You will not support the local church with your tithes and time! You will oppose missionary work into the world! Either God or Satan will do a performance in you either for blessing or destruction! Two Kingdoms with two different outcomes! The sin of all sins is not to believe God at his word! It is to mock God! Mock his followers! Salvation was brought into the earth because Mary believed God! Some believe a lie! That is what happened in the Garden of Eden! Your eternity is based on whether you believe what God has said you need to do for Salvation! Based on his word! What performance you do into the earth will depend on who is living in you! Christ or Satan? Your choice will contain the eternity you have chosen! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Saved by What?

We have so much in scripture about the life of Jesus! His miracles! His forgiveness of men and women who had no hope without him! We could write endless books about the life of Jesus! The commentaries and literature about Jesus fill libraries around the world! However we must not forget one important thing! We are not saved by Jesus life we are saved by his death! The Kingdom of God is a sacrificial system! Is your life centered around sacrifice? For your family, church and nation? Are others more important than you? It is not about you it is about him! Because what he did for you is the only sacrifice  that can save you! He was obedient even to death on a Cross! Pastor Jack Graham.

Prophetic Words!

If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from the permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive! Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)  Comment: I was 18 years old when Martin Luther King was assassinated. Even though I had never taken part in any active racial prejudice I still was stopped in my tracks by his murder! I thought in my heart this racism has to stop! It has already cost our nation too much! The civil war with over six hundred thousand casualties! Jim Crow laws and the KKK! Public hangings! If it does not end with the sacrifice of Martin Luther King then it will never end! This has to be the moment in time to turn the tide of racism! Fifty two years later yes there is still evil around us but like many in my generation we decided on April 4, 1968, that we would never participate in any acts of racism because the cost has been too great for our nation! The murder of King was the spark that pricked the conscious down through the soul of the citizens of America that change has to come to us all! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Challenge Lies with Truth!

Luke 1:38 “And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy spoken word, and the Angel departed from her.” Comment: The word “Rhema”, Strong’s #4487, is the spoken word! However this spoken word was the written word! Why is this important? God spoke the word before it was written! God spoke the worlds into existence! Then his spoken words were recorded and written down. God carved with his fingers into the stone tablets and became written yet he first spoke the words to Moses! What Gabriel was telling or speaking to Mary was already written down in the Old Testament! When and where the Messiah was to be born! Hundreds of years before the event! However not until the written word was spoken by Gabriel was the power released for a miracle! Jesus challenged Satan by saying it is written! When he spoke the written word Satan was defeated! Read your Bible aloud! Speak his word! Jesus commanded us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! How shall we hear without a preacher? Speak his words from your lips! The written word is like potential energy! When you speak the written word it becomes kinetic energy! It accomplishes miracles! Satan told Adam and Eve that God was a liar! They kept quiet and took the forbidden fruit! When you pray do it aloud! Unspoken requests are no requests! Speaking the word of God has power! Silence is submission to Satan! Our political battles are a war of words! Our words will either condemn us or save us! The battle between good and evil involves words! Trump punches back with words! The word of God is sharper than any two edged sword! Dividing truth from lies! They bring life to the soul and redemption to the lost! Oppose the lies of homosexuality, transgenderism, lesbianism, gay marriage, abortion, gender change with the word of God! Know the written word that opposes this sin and then speak those words out from your lips! If the only convert you get is yourself you have just won the battle! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Democrat Playbook! White Supremacy

Organize for action will now and in the decades to come center upon the white middle class! That is where the power is… Our rebels have contemptuously rejected the values and the way of life of the middle class! They have stigmatized it as materialistic, decadent, bourgeois, degenerative, imperialistic, war mongering, brutalized and corrupt. They are right, but we must begin from where we are to build power for change, and the power and the people are in the middle class majority. Saul Alinsky (1905-1972) Author Rules for Radicals, Community Organizer for dissention and revolution. Comment: The socialist reject the life of the middle class! They think we are evil! Examples are the apology tour by Obama to the world! This war on middle class explains the bad trade deals done over decades to send American jobs overseas! The political and economic war on the middle class by the Democrats! Supremacy is not about color! It is about the economic success of the working middle class! The political left always tries to divide America by the race, religion and gender cards! Only three cards in their deck! To try to shame us into submission! They try to get us to war against each other! Divide and conquer! Trump is hated by the left because he is reviving the working middle class! He is working against their ideology to turn America into a socialist/communist one world government order! Democrats want the ward state where everyone is dependent on them so they may stay in power! Trump has moved millions of people off the Democrat plantation to economic freedom and more choices! Our way of life is not only rejected economically but spiritually! We must apologize for being Christian! Church attendance has dropped every decade since the 1960’s across America! The radical social agenda opposes every ideology of the people of faith! Even to criminalize it! Whether it be gay marriage or abortion! The followers of Alinsky, Obama, Hillary, Sanders and others have a contempt for Biblical values! The war plan is to eliminate the white middle class! Depress them into hopelessness and they will submit to socialism! Help Democracy to fail! State control of everything! Do you see the paradox here? Alinsky was a white man! Middle class! A Russian atheistic Jewish immigrant from Russia! So was Marx, Engels, Lenin and others of the deadly Russian Revolution! So why does Alinsky hate himself? This is the nature of Satan! To turn on yourself! Islam turns on itself! The Biblical ideology is that God loves you and me! Therefore we love others! Why are elections important? Israel had 40 Kings over her history! Only had seven good Kings! When the bad Kings were in power the Jews went into captivity! The nation was divided and split in two Northern and Southern Kingdom! There are two Kingdoms! Heaven and Hell! Republican and Democrat! Creationist and Evolutionist! If you love God you love others! If you hate God you will hate others! Vote for those who hold Biblical values! Christian values! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Hate Crimes?

Isaiah 5:20-21  Hebrew Translation: “Woe unto them that think, call and declare evil with its moral deficiency and injury morally good, and the morally good as evil or morally deficient; that put darkness with misery, falsehood, ignorance with judgment for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter with sadness and judgment for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Comment: I thought all crimes are hate crimes? This scripture is never better illustrated than what is going on with the political left promoting the evils of homosexuality, gay marriage, lesbianism, abortion, transgenderism and sex change for children and adults! This is a war on God! God hates sin but loves the sinner! In fact God hates sin so much that he sacrificed his only Son on a Cross for you! What God calls sin is final! So the left enacts civil laws that legalize sin and criminalize Christianity! Without repentance there is no forgiveness of sin! The Bible defines sin! All of its activity! If we try to changes laws that oppose God and his laws then we will be on the losing end of eternity! Islam is a religion that denies they are sinners! Politicians make laws that deny they are sinners! No repentance no forgiveness! Only judgment! In their eyes evil is good and good evil! This sin goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden! I call it the Garden of Evil! Satan called God evil and himself good as he explained it to Eve! The war on women began here! The same thing they did with Jesus on the Cross! Murder the innocent and free the guilty! Sanctuary cities and criminal reform is letting the guilty go free to do more crimes on the innocent Americans! The real hate crime is to reject the Savior! This is the unpardonable sin because he took your judgment of death on himself! To reject this is to take your own judgment! That judgment is eternal fire! Choose Christ and Heaven or Satan and Hell! The Garden of Eden is still here on earth! Believe the lies of Satan or the truth of God’s Word? The choice is yours to make! James and Hamsa Sasse.