Inverse Proportion! John 3:30

Comment: How do we decrease and Christ increase? How did the Apostle John do this? Caesar boiled him in a pot of hot oil and when that did not work he exiled him to a slave labor camp stone quarry on the island of Patmos! There he wrote the Book of Revelation! The purpose of any ministry is to point people to Christ! If pride rules your life you cannot do this! Every time you point people to Christ, that is increase the Kingdom of God you must decrease! If we try to increase ourselves then Christ decreases in us! Our 3 years in India helped me to understand this! The more I decreased the more Christ increased in me! The more I try to puff up myself the less Christ has influence over my life! The measure of Christ’s influence over any culture is measured by church attendance! Today only 28 percent of young people between the ages of 23-37 attend church? Forty seven percent of all American’s are unchurched! Fifty nine percent of all millennials who grew up in church have left! Eighty five percent of all American churches are declining or have plateaued! Europe is even worse! Before we start blaming Pastor’s let us see how we got to this point! Supreme Court rulings banning prayer and the 10 Commandments in our public schools! The vacuum left is school shootings! The secularization of public schools by atheists John Dewey and Charles Darwin! The teaching of evolution as a science disregarding the creation model of our Bible! The pursuit of success and money robbing parents the time needed to instill religious values in their children! The list goes on but these are some honorable mentions! Imagine the millions of souls Dewey and Darwin have kept out of the Kingdom of God ? Certainly they are seated at the right hand of Satan! So how do we get America back? Is this prophetic heading us towards the one world government ruled by the Anti-Christ? I have asked President Trump to introduce school vouchers where private schools can replace our failing public tax funded education system! Schools must be competitive not paying our tax money to the failed public education system! Christianity is just one generation from extinction! Is America worth the fight to turn this around? Is it worth your time? Go to They have some good idea’s! The Southern Baptist’s found out after building 600 new churches that attendance increased 21 percent in these new churches over a 5 year period! Thankyou! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Real Fireworks! John 8:12

Greek Translation: “Then Jesus spake unto them, saying, I am the light of the day that is never quenched! I am the light of the sum of all person’s that have ever lived or ever will live! He that moves quickly following me in time shall not walk in the darkness of unhappiness and ruin but shall have my light in your life, in your spirit and soul.” Comment: Notice Jesus light will never be quenched though much of the world tries to snuff out the light! As the fireworks are going off in our neighborhood it is beginning to rain! This light is temporary and will die with the rain! The word life used here in this passage means the soul and spirit set apart from the physical body! Jesus is speaking to the eternal parts of us of soul and spirit! The first time light is used in our Bible is at creation in Genesis 1:3. The Hebrew word used there is associated with Salvation, prosperity, wisdom and justice! Do you notice Jesus is the fulfillment of all of these characteristics! Our life is to embody this nature of God! Since Jesus defeated sin for us on Calvary the door is open to us to receive the nature of God with all His attributes! Receive His Holy Spirit and all His love He has demonstrated to you on the Cross! Live in His power, salvation, prosperity, wisdom and justice! James and Hamsa Sasse.