Servants & Plagues!

Matthew `10:1 “And when he had called unto his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and “to heal” all manner of diseases.” Comment: When Jesus calls anyone to the ministry he gives them power over evil spirits and the associated diseases! What has happened to the 21st Century church here in America is the church has submitted to secularism and has been neutered of it’s power! You cannot find a Bible in a hospital anymore! Years ago was not the case. Hospice forbids Bibles! When I had my back surgeries back in the 1990’s I was witnessing to another man in the same room I was in! I prayed for him and shared the love of God to him! He wanted a Bible! I went down to the nursing station and asked for a Bible he could use while he was in hospital. None were available! Sad to hear New York is kicking out Samaritan’s Purse who set up their hospital beds to help New Yorkers! Now that they do not need these beds they say get out because we disagree with your position on LGBT communities! When you really have the love of God in your heart you help people who even disagree with you! That is what a servant does! Whether the woman at the well or the woman caught in adultery! Jesus did heal me and with human intervention! The Apostle Paul instructed the church to call the elders of the church to pray for the sick! To anoint the sick with oil and pray! To anoint the sick translates in the Greek to apply medicine and then to pray! We always pray with expectation! Sometimes Jesus either says yes, no or wait on me! Why did not Jesus heal himself on the Cross? Not my will but thy will be done! Jesus could not heal anyone in his home town because of their unbelief! When you come to Christ the greatest challenge is convincing your family! Why? They only remember the old you! Not the born again you! The religious leaders mocked Jesus! He saved others can he not save himself? Come off the Cross if you are God! Jesus ministry was to defeat disease and death! He had to go through death and hell to deliver us from both! He could not raise the dead if he were dead! What is an unclean spirit? What is a clean spirit? A spirit is either manifested from God or from Satan! A clean spirit is from God! Remember Jesus promised to send his Holy Spirit to his disciples at his return to heaven from earth! The Holy Spirit has the power over an unclean spirit! Without the Spirit of God dwelling in men an evil spirit has power over men! The word “to heal” is an interesting Greek word! It means to be a servant! To come along side and help others! The Holy Spirit is a servant! To have the interest of others over your own interests! That is why Samaritan’s Purse went to New York! To be exposed to death while helping the sick of the plague! Jesus said he who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all! We serve regardless of the cost because that is what our Savior did! In the midst of the struggle to pray for the very ones that mock our Christ like in New York! In Christ you will never die alone! He will be there to receive you to heaven or he will heal you for a purpose of ministry down here on earth for a season! Paul had a thorn in the flesh! He may leave the thorn to humble you for an effective ministry here on earth! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Columbus the Missionary!

Thursday October 11, 1492. “They are of good size and stature, and handsomely formed. I saw some with scars and wounds upon their bodies, and demanded by signs the same of them; they answered me in the same way, that there came people from the other islands in the neighborhood to make prisoners of them, and they defended themselves. I thought then and still believe that they were from the continent. It appears to me that the people are indenious and would be good servants and I am of the opinion would become good Christians as they appear to have no religion.”

Are You Saved? Ephesians 2:8

We looked at the word grace previously used in this passage now we will look at the word saved. So what does saved mean? Saved from what, who, when,through,by and the list goes on! Saved from your boss? They say real joy is putting your milk carton on the breakfast table in the morning and there is a picture of your boss on the milk carton listed as a missing person! Is being saved dependent on me? I can be a good driver but a reckless driver can kill me! Can i be saved from financial ruin? How about working? Still i can be fired or laid off! Saved from bad health? Stop smoking but you could still get lung cancer! Saved for what purpose? Do i need to be saved from people or for people? Saved from a terrorist or for a terrorist? To be saved using the Greek root word in this scripture means to be saved from eternal death! To be delivered from physical death! To be healed and restored to health! To be saved from danger, loss and destruction! Where is the evidence that you are saved? This is the most important question you will ever ask! Where else in the Bible do we find the two words grave and saved used together? Genesis 47:25 “The people of Egypt told Joseph thou has saved our lives let us find grace in the sight of your Lord and we will be Pharaoh’s servants!” The best evidence you are saved is you will be a servant! Jesus said he who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Good Friday Preparations! Genesis 22:2

The word offering in the Hebrew (Alah), means to ascend, rise up, lift oneself up, ascension to a higher place, to cause to burn (smoke ascends). It involves preferring one thing above another. This verb is used in relationship to a person’s appearance before God! Abraham was tested and asked to sacrifice his only son too God. When Isaac his son asked Abraham where was the sacrifice Abraham told Isaac God would provide one. Abraham built an altar and bound Isaac on the wood for the sacrifice! Abraham raised his knife to sacrifice Isaac! This reminds me of Peter raising his fisherman’s knife to take off the servant’s ear! Peter was protecting the sacrifice! An angel appeared and stopped Abraham and commended him for his Faith! God provided a Ram for the sacrifice. Remember by definition an offering is preferring one thing above another. What is it that you prefer above another? Is it God or something else? As we approach Good Friday it is only good because God preferred you above another! Yes, above His only Son! A sacrifice that was consumed that would only please God for you! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Angels Revelation 22:8-9

You would think that John would have got the message when the other Angel rebuked him for falling to worship him. It should be apparent that angels appear as if they are Gods to men, as does Satan. In any case, it is clear that Angels are not to be worshipped and righteous Angels do not want to be worshipped! That should make it clear that we should not have statues of Angels around for luck or favor. That is idoltary and it is quite insulting to Angels. Angels in scripture are never feminine, never cute and are never to be idolized: they are powerful servants of God who carry out His will. The Angel in this passage calls anyone who keeps the sayings of this book a fellow servant. That is quite an honor for people of flesh! What a destiny the redeemed of the Lord have! Source: Don Koenig

30 Pieces of Silver!

The year was 1986. The place was Yercaud, India. We had just moved from Madras(Chennai), to this small village located on a mountain in South India. One big problem moving from big city to small village is finding adequate housing for my family. My uncle victor who was an MD. down in Salem had a friend who was a wealthy man. This man owned a mansion on Yercaud mountain that he used as summer cottage during hot season down in Salem Valley. This man was a Hindu who offered his mansion for free! This mansion was surrounded by 1000 acres of coffee estates located on the edge of a cliff! Beautiful panoramic view of Salem Valley below. We were excited! Clouds would hit you in the face as they moved over the mountain! Servants on duty to take care of all house work! I began to feel sorry for Americans back home as they had to go to jobs every day! Then this rich man came by and asked me if I would like to stay in mansion for rest of my life! Also he offered me young girls down in Salem Valley to make me happy! I told him the young girls for sex was out! But to stay in your mansion? Then he offered to pay for all college expenses for my small daughters when they reach college age! He told me to think about it and would be back from visit to U.S. in about two weeks. Well he came back and asked me about the offer? I told him it was a very generous offer! He told me there was only one condition? I must stop preaching about this Jesus Christ to the local villagers in Yercaud and villages above Yercaud! I explained to him that this is the reason we came to India! He then told me I have three days to vacate the mansion! We found a hut complete with scorpions, snakes and rats! I wish I were back in America! We completed our 3 years in India and shared the Gospel of Christ to many people! Scripture; Matthew Chapter 4, verses 8 and 9. Thankyou. James Sasse.