
Little Johnny was visiting his grandpa out on his farm in Kansas for the summer! Johnny was curios about many things! Grandpa how come the sun is red in the morning and evening but not the rest of the day? I do not know son! Why is the grass green and not red? Search me son! Why is the sky blue and not pink? Do not know Johnny! Why do the waves on the ocean come into the shore and then go back out? Not sure Johnny? Grandpa why does the woodpecker peck wood? I think he must like wood? Johnny it is good that you ask all these questions for how else are you going to learn?

Warning to Gays and Lesbians! Romans 1:24, 26, 27, 32

Dear Pastor Brady Boyd,  Paul in verse 32 says that those who do those things are worthy of death! Verse 31 says without natural affection which to me would mean a man attracted to a woman. It is interesting in verse 24, God gave them up to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. We often look at  God delivering us from sin but it looks like here God is keeping us from sin! God is not just the medicine to treat the sin but He delivers us from the disease of sin! You mentioned Sunday that some gays have an attraction for each other but never perform the physical act! Jesus said that if I look on a woman with lust it is the same as committing the physical act!. It says in verse 18 of Romans, chapter one, that ungodly men attempt to restrain the truth through unrighteousness! The sin of gays and lesbians appears to be against creation itself! Greed is a sin no doubt but I have a problem lumping them together for Paul did not say greed was worthy of death! We appreciate our questions being addressed by you and presenting your answers on Sunday! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Joel Osteen Side Steps Gay Marriage Questions?

Again he avoids answering questions about gays and gay marriage by saying this is not the focus in our ministry! Joel I would say to you to have the moral courage to simply say the Bible says it is a sin and wrong! What the Bible says about our cultural social issues needs to be our focus! Does money corrupt? Absolutely! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Respectful Are Respected! 1 Timothy 5:1-4

Instructions from God for a good outcome in your life! Respect elders. Encourage elders. Treat the younger as your brothers and sisters. Care for widows. What happens inside our homes counts! Important! The Christian home is the alternative community that is opposite to the dark, broken dysfunctional world that we live in. Politicians just reflect our broken culture. Church should be different. Debt free and living for others! Live more responsible with more to give away! Problem is the world does not see us any different from them. Just reminds them of themselves and what they hate. We must reinvent a new way of living. When the Church lives most unlike the world it has it’s greatest impact of reaching the world for Christ. Honor those in front of us. The older are farther along and have met things we have not. Wisdom comes from God and through time! Remember the word time means “to honor.” Old is gold. American culture spends between 90-100 Billion dollars each year for anti-aging gimmicks. Hopeless and expensive ways to try to stay young. The Bible teaches that grey hair is a gift from God. The elderly have great opportunities to help the younger. Many of the young today do not know how to ask questions. Be responsible to help widows. Seek out widows in need. John 19:25-27. Take care of your mother. With all the suffering and pain of the Cross and near death Jesus thought about his mother. A disciple took her from the execution place to care for her in his home. Why did not James take care of her? Mary was also his mother. If you read Acts Chapter 12 you will see James was killed a short time later. Joseph her husband had already passed away. Mary was vulnerable and Jesus saw it. John was the older disciple. Take care of a widow not related to you. James 1:27. Pure religion is to take care of widows and orphans and to keep your heart pure. Be family for them. Do 3 things. Find a widow. Look for them. Find, love and serve them. If you do you will come back here one year later and be a changed person. Joy and peace will enter into you. Honor your parents. Repay your parents. Practice your religion. Look not at them as a burden. Ask them how you can help them. Problem is not all parents are honorable. You could have had dysfunctional and abusive parents. Romans 12:17-18. Repay evil for evil? No! Do not become who you hate! Live at peace with everyone. Forgive. Break the cycle of family violence. Honor parents who are not honorable. Ephesians 6:2. Honor your Father and Mother and life will go well with you. The peace of God will accompany obedience. As a parent myself I do not always get it right. Neither will you. You get one shot in life at parenting. Parents work hard and then kids are gone. When we forgive we give away what we get back. Parents do the best they can at the time. Would we do differently if we could do over again? Yes. God gives us His Grace! Source; Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given on Sunday, October 13, 2013. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.