No Bang For Your Buck!

Nearly 20 percent of American’s in the workforce are high school dropouts! About 25 percent of high school graduates are functionally illiterate! Twenty percent of high school graduates this spring will not be able to read their diploma’s! According to Youth at the Crossroads 40 percent of employer’s test for literacy and math skills! Now for the really bad news! The Department of Education spent 69.4 Billion dollars in 2017 on education! We won’t even go to how much each State spent on education in America? The illiteracy rate in Colonial America among the 13 colonies was 2 percent! They were home schooled and the Bible was their reading text book! Now teachers in the powerful NEA Union want 40 percent raises for the teachers? If we can get the government out of education and return to private schools America will be great again! School vouchers are necessary to return American education to a world leader once again! We will bring this important agenda to the attention of President Trump! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Science and Faith Psalm 90:10

It has been said that those good in the sciences are good in math! We have a Book in the Bible named Numbers! God is so merciful i can even figure out Numerology in the Bible! King David wrote this Psalm around 1000 B.C So the above scripture was written about 3000 years ago! David was inspired by the Holy Spirit when God told him few people live past 70 years old! So how would science verify the Bible? How would we do the math? I know some people lie about their age like Bob Hope and Jack Benny! However except for Obama birth certificates and death certificates tell the story! I went to the 2010 census report for the United States. This report is done every 10 years. They have a category for the 65-74 age group which includes both men and women. According to the chart those living in this category make up 7 percent of the population! So what percent are living in the 70-74 age group? No data but you can figure about 2 percent or less? What are the percentages for 3rd world countries? The health care industry and the whole food industries do not want you to see these statistics! However they can improve you quality of life but not your length of life! Everyone wants to be in that number when the Saints go marching in! However all go marching out! This is March madness and turbo shakes will not change your score! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse

New Revelation on the Clinton Foundation!

It is hard to get information about the Clinton Foundation because it is set up in Canada where under Canadian law they do not have to disclose donors! What happened to transparency? You have to sue Obama to get something that is to be provided to the citizens by Constitutional law! Anyway through law suits under the Freedom of Information Act under our Constitution information is slowly being released! What we have learned is that the Clinton Foundation is spending on itself as a proclaimed charity 90 percent of all income taken in! Ten percent of collected funds go to charities! I would like to know the names of those charities? This is an example of Santa Claus turning into a scrooge! Santa delivers 10 gifts to the children on Christmas morning and keeps 90 gifts for himself? We need to ask ourselves as Christian’s how much of our income do we spend on ourselves? How much does the ministry you support spend on themselves? To be a good steward it is intellectually honest to ask your church for the annual budget report! If they are buying jet planes and putting property in their names it is time to step back and pray about your investment! Are they using the funds to proclaim the Gospel, mission work, helping widows, orphans, single moms and homeless people on the outer fringes of our culture? Our income requires time and we have only so much of it before we stand before Jesus! If we amass a lot of money with no compassion for the lost then we are bankrupt before God! The word time in the Greek means to  Honor God with your tithes and offerings as one of the ways we worship God to say to Him i am who i claim to be as a believer in His name! A believer who names the name of Christ and follows His Commandments while here on earth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

2012 Election Year Tax Issue!

President Obama claims that the rich in America are not paying their fair share of taxes? The facts dispute this allegation! 10 percent of the top wage earners in the United States pay 70 percent of all income tax! 50 percent of all Americans pay no income tax! So where is the fair share? It looks to me like us 50 percent are the free riders or the real bums! What did Jesus say all about this? In the Gospel of Mark Chapter 12, Verse 17 Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and render unto God what is God’s” The problem is Caesar needs to go on a diet! That is why many of us in America are going to try Romney as our new Caesar! For those of you who do not tithe your income to your local church you are putting God on a diet! The problem here is you cannot vote God out of office! But God has the power to decide what to do with you! James Sasse.