Do You Worship “little gods” ?

Money is a good thing but makes a lousy God! One day it will leave and forsake you! Sex is a good thing but makes a lousy God! One day it will leave and forsake you! Good health is a wonderful thing but one day it will leave and forsake you! Food is a good thing but we should forsake some of it! What dominates your conversation? Money, sex, health or food? Children are a gift from God but remember they are not God! Is Jesus name ever mentioned in your conversation? Is He a curse word or a Blessing? When you draw your last breath on earth what awaits you on the flip side of eternity? Do you utter His name or are you hanging unto something or someone who cannot save you? Your future is predicted by your present! Are you calling on Him today? Do you curse your enemies who you should have forgiven? Do you Bless your enemies? Kiss the Son lest you perish! After my Bible study each day I kiss the pages I have read just before I close the Book! He is the only source of eternal life! Life and death are in the power of the tongue! Your real enemy wants you to curse your enemies which God wants you to forgive them! I will never forget the story of a airliner crash years ago. People were on fire trying to escape the cabin! Some people were cursing God while others were calling on Jesus to save them! If you found yourself in the belly of a whale what words would come from your lips? If you were a Christian in an Iranian prison chained to a cold cement floor would you still Praise Him? If you were a Syrian Christian captured by ISIS who were going to behead you unless you deny Christ what would be your decision? Our very first breath we take we cry! Our breath needs to be changed to Praise to the God who has given us life! Why forsake Jesus when He has never forsaken you even to death on a Cross! Source; Some information provided by Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Turn On The Light! 2 Chronicles 20:1-30

Like King Jehoshaphat worship is a cure for me! Judah was outnumbered! Judah means “Praise!” The people of the Book were outnumbered! I want to be in that number when the Saints go marching in! Their voices were louder than ours! The King declared a fast and then they worshipped! The Lord encouraged them and told them no one can withstand you! Don’t look to others! Take your eyes off yourself and look to God! The armies surrounded Judah! Ammon, Moab and those of Mount Seir betrayed Israel! Israel had spared them and now they turn on Israel? We cried in our affliction! The battle is not yours but the Lord’s! None will have to fight in this battle! Believe in the Lord your God and you will prosper! Go out and face them! Is anxiety the projection of your future? Do you have a vision of despair? The people are against me! Do you see the Lord in your projection? God always meets me in a vision! God is Faithful to meet you in His presence! Worship does this! The King appointed singers ahead of the army! The Lord sent ambushments against the enemy! They all died from friendly fire! Hell is full of friendly fire victims! The snare they laid for others entrapped them! Worship seems foolish to the world! Why? The victory is not dependent on them! Declare the greatness of God! Midnight Praise is singing about the morning! It is the pep rally before the victory! Musicians are often insecure! When you praise the enemy knows you are coming! You are a target! We sing the love of God! We sing of His strength! Our shame is pushed back! God destroys the enemy in the midst of Praise! In Praise Satan moves out and God moves in! The great exchange! Worship confuses the enemy! Worship makes Satan insecure! Worship turns the enemies advantage into our advantage! Judah plundered the dead bodies for three days! The riches of the wicked is laid up for the righteous! As a worship leader and song writer I sometimes suffer from extreme anxiety! Some days I was ready to quit this job! Would be easier just to get a secular job? Just obey God and leave the results to Him! Leave your fears on the Cross! It is not that I am a more talented person than others! It is when I am in the deepest valley the songs of Praise come to me in the darkest night! Pastor Brady and our congregation have overcome many fears! In the midst of our greatest fears has come our greatest Praise! I am free to run! I am free to run for You! We have overcome by the blood of the Lamb! Declare your victory in Praise! He is jealous for you! Also remember to worship after the victory! Judah went down to the Valley of Berachah to worship after victory! Worship means to bow down! You cannot get any lower than a valley! Worship brings peace and rest after the win! Part of the victory celebration! We do not want fame so keep things in perspective! His love endures forever and His love endures us! When the night comes Praise comes and then the morning light! The tomb is empty and He has risen! Jon Egan, Worship Leader, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Communion Service

The act of communion is done everyday around the world in every culture, tribe and tongue! Everyone on the earth identifies with Christ by this sacred act! I have had the privilege of  taking communion in a variety of places around the world! I have seen people take communion and have had their prayers answered! Please don’t take this moment lightly! This reminds you for who He is! Engage Him for who He is! Jesus unleashes the Supernatural within your space! Again do not take this moment lightly! As we take the bread we remember His body was broken for us! He destroyed every power of darkness over us! Because of Him we live free fully committed to Him! That He is a Holy God! He has all authority over every principality and power of darkness! We don’t take this bread just because  we remember a day on the Cross! We take this bread because it is designed from the foundation of the earth that the redemption of mankind would come and He was broken for us! So take this in the weight of it as it sets you free! Take this bread together! In the same way when He took the cup He said this is my blood shed for you! It is finished! Done! I don’t know what your challenges or what your struggles are this morning but it is finished! It is done! He did it all! So invoke the presence of Christ in your situation and in your life. Trust Him and I am going to believe with you! As we drink this cup there is no magic in this cup! We are reminded and assured there is a good and protective God watching over us! As we drink this cup we are going to believe for a break through! Whatever that looks like as we take the cup and thank Jesus! Lord as we partake of you! In real time God! Right here right now! As the body of Christ and your body! God I pray you will open up the Heavens over us! Over our families! Once again I pray with gratitude because you answered our prayer! I pray for those families desiring children! I pray for members of New Life Church that those desiring children will receive them! God bring life into our bodies! God for every prayer and every desire we lift up to You! Let our cries and our desires be incense unto you God! I pray you meet us in a miraculous way! We love you! Lord Jesus it is because of your love we are Holy! We are Holy only because you are Holy! You are kind and merciful! You are just! Thankyou for calling us Beloved! In whom you are well pleased! For your Kingdom come! Your will be done! In our hearts and in our lives as it is in Heaven! In Jesus Name we pray! Amen! Pastor Riaan Heynes, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Religion Versus Grace! Mark 1:1

Jesus did not come to correct behavior! Jesus came to give us a new identity! We are all adopted into a family where we learn a new and better way to live! Religion tries to change us from the outside in! Religious Zealots only reward performance! God said this is my beloved Son who I am well pleased! Remember Jesus had not done any miracles yet! Do you love your son or daughter because they are a gift to you from God or will you only love them based on an expected performance? The Holy Spirit will empower you to live a better way! Real change is an inside job! You must be born again! Jesus said we must repent and believe! This if done will change everything! Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. For the complete message go to: View his Podcast.

The Beast and “666” Revelation 13:16-18

Before we can talk about 666 we need to discuss the “Beast.” The Strong’s number in the Greek for this word is 2342. If you go to this Greek root word it says this word has a Hebrew origin. If you go to that Hebrew origin it says this word was taken from another Hebrew word. The Hebrew Strong’s number for this word is 5927. This word is the word, “Alah”. Now this is where it gets interesting! This Hebrew word Alah is never used in the Old Testament scriptures! It is a Hebrew word never used in the Bible except to be translated into the New testament word “Beast” used in the Book of Revelation! The word is used 37 times in the Book of Revelation. So the word Beast used in Revelation can also be translated Alah! Remember the Book of Revelation was written about 600 years before Mohammad and Islam ever came along! In Islam the number 666 is a sacred number! We will discuss this in further detail on our next Blog posting. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Keep a Positive Attitude in 2016!

On January 1st this new year a distraught man jumped off his 10th floor apartment building! Down on the 5th floor balcony was an elderly couple in their rocking chairs that witnessed this man flying past their balcony! The police came an investigated the suicide. They interviewed grandpa and grandma on the 5th floor balcony. They asked the elderly couple if they heard this man say anything on the way down? Grandpa said yes I heard him say as he flew past our balcony, “So far so good!” Stay positive regardless of the challenges you meet in 2016! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Wonderful Councilor! Isaiah 9:6

God chose to make His dwelling place with men! A councilor is one who fixes problems! My dad was my best councilor growing up as an adolescent! He rescued me many times! Kids should learn important lessons in life from their parents!  With all those close calls I had growing up God never took His eyes off me! Today many youth are exposed to a flawed view of God! There are four basic views how people view God. 1. God is a troubleshooter! We do not bother Him unless we get in a crisis! 2. God is a distant power! God is not really interested in us. This pro-active disengagement leads to many problems in marriages and home life. 3. God is a grandparent. God wants what I want! God is an ATM machine to give me my every desire! 4. God is Lord and center of my life! God is the source of all wisdom and I submit to His rule over my life! Is God a wonderful councilor to you? Are you busy and distracted by the cares of this life? I will ask God council over every area of my life! We live in cultural chaos! There are competing voices for your life! Slow down! Take time to be Holy! Pay attention to Christ! A sheep only responds to the voice of his shepherd! He will ignore all other voices! Take time to listen to the Master’s voice! People that hear from God wait on Him! John 14:26 The councilor, the Holy Spirit will teach you all things! He will remind you of everything He has taught you in His Word! Jesus was the original home schooler! Teaching requires patience, diligence, and staying with it everyday! Teaching is not a lucrative occupation! Jesus disciples were slow and rebellious! Teaching requires kindness and being intentional! The Holy Spirit teaches us and reminds us of all things! We as a church recite the Nicene Creed because it teaches us and reminds us of very important things! What do good parents do for us from the cradle to the grave? They teach us and remind us! As we take communion this morning Jesus taught us and reminded us to do this in remembrance of Him! God is personal and interested in you! That is why He came to earth! God came from Heaven wrapped in flesh! Fully God and fully man! He told us He would be born of a virgin, die on a Cross, be raised from the dead and ascend back to Heaven! He taught His disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit! The original Passover meals took hours to prepare! It was not fast food! God has taken great preparations for us! All we do is just receive the gift! Christ was broken for you yet His brokenness heals the world! At Passover in Jewish tradition the Messiah’s cup was always displayed meaning one day He would drink with us! At the Passover Jesus took the ceremonial cup and drank from it saying I am the long awaited Messiah! Jesus invites you to His table this morning! Jesus asked the Father if He could take this cup away from Him! Let thy will be done! God’s will was very costly to deliver us from our sin! Drink with Him this morning. He is a wonderful councilor and much more! No one can crash this party because everyone is invited! Source; Excerpt from Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. His complete messages can be seen on his Podcasts. Go to

The Word Made Flesh! John 1:14

We can all understand the word flesh as we share this as mortals! However, do we understand the word, “Word?” I went back to the Old testament where there are 9 Hebrew root words and to the New Testament where there are 6 Greek words. So when you combine this package of words this is what you get when God was incarnated in the flesh! God’s decree’s, purposes, promises, provision, conditions, utterances, pouring out, assurances, rational, logic, and faculty are released into the earth! One of the most interesting words I found in the Old Testament that means, “A pasture from the arrangement of it’s flock, fold or manner.” God’s sheep are out of order and He came to arrange them in order to protect them from danger! The lonely shepherd’s on the hill near Bethlehem were the real sheep God was interested in! You and I are sheep He came for as we have a bad habit of getting lost! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Great Expectations! Isaiah 9:6

Our view of God will determine the challenges we are willing to accept! Whether David and Goliath or Mary the pregnant teenager in Bethlehem explaining to her husband Joseph how she got pregnant! We will be mobilized by Faith or paralyzed by fear! God is mighty and near us! If you are afraid you are believing a lie! Fear is an exaggerated view of the enemy! Faith replaces fear! Christ will replace your sin with His righteousness! The great exchange! Faith gives an accurate view of God! As we come to the communion table this morning what area of your life do you need God to be mighty in? Let Him be strong in your marriage, family, church, city, business and all else! Do not reserve any part of your life to the enemy! Abandon your sinking ship and get on the ark! Christ is King! Herod thought he was King but had a horrible end! God is our Everlasting Father! Mighty God! Shout it aloud! Say it! Confess it! Be bold! Be strong! Source; Excerpt of message given by Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. His message may be seen on the Podcast.