O’ wretched slave of Mammon, you cannot glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ while you trust in treasures laid up on earth; you cannot taste and see how gracious the Lord is, while you are hungering for gold. If you have not rejoiced at the thought of His coming, that day will indeed be a day of wrath for you! Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153 A.D.), French Theologian
Tag: french
I Do Not Know? Proverbs 3:5
Nothing can be believed unless it is first understood, and that for anyone to preach to others that which either has not understood nor they have understood is absurd. Peter Abelard (1079-1142), French Theologian. Comment: Peter’s dying words were, “I don’t know!” Even though I have been a Christian for 44 years I am still learning about God! My Bible reveals new things to me everyday! We start by Faith continue in Faith and finish in Faith! Without Faith it is impossible to please God! Beware of anyone who says they know more about God than you do! We only understand about God what he gives us! We will never know everything about God because if we did we could control Him! What we do know about God is that He loves us! That is enough! We need to search and seek God through His Holy Scriptures! The Apostle Paul was a learned man yet far from God until Jesus revealed Himself to Paul on the Road to Damascus! The only way to God is through His Son Jesus Christ! If you know this much you know enough! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Calvin on Abortion! (1509-1564 A.D.)
For the fetus, though enclosed in the womb of its mother, is already a human being, and it is a monstrous crime to rob it of life which it has not yet begun to enjoy! If it seems more horrible to kill a man in his own house than in the field, because a man’s house is his place of most secure refuge, it ought surely to be deemed more atrocious to destroy a fetus in the womb before it has come to light! John Calvin (1509-1564), French Theologian and Great Leader of the Reformation.
Do Not Steal Sunday! Exodus 20:8
Do not let Sunday be taken from you! Otherwise you become an orphan! Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), French-German Theologian, Physician, Author, Musician, Philosopher, Humanitarian, Nobel Peace Prize Winner 1952.
Comment on American Riots! 2017
Zeal is very blind, or badly regulated, when it encroaches upon the rights of others! Pasquier Quesnel, French Theologian (1634-1719)
Revolution over history have had different motives with different outcomes! The Russian Revolution which brought in socialism and communism took absolute control of the people and their property by the State! The Revolution produced about 20 million casualties! Earlier we had the American Revolution and a few years later the French Revolution. In the American Revolution people migrated from Europe who were suppressed by the Church/State relationship! They wanted religious freedom! The American Church supported the Revolution and separated from England. There were about 8000 casualties in this war. A few years later the French Revolution came along! The French Revolution was a war against the Church/State! The Enlightenment era with Voltaire and other anti-Christian thinkers sprang up all over France! The French Revolution had over one million casualties and concluded with the Napoleon Wars! The Church and the State were never merged again! We also must not forget history in that France was over run by the Muslims in 700 A.D. So the Church and the State came together with the Crusaders to push the Islamists out of France! When any culture is threatened with extinction then the Church and State should join together! Today the battle lines are drawn between globalism and nationalism! Globalism is a quest for a one world government! Nationalism is for State sovereignty. According to our Bible the end of this age will feature a one world government which will last for 7 years known as the Tribulation period! Our last two World Wars were waged in the name of nationalism but they went global. Globalism is an ideology with no borders, socialized medicine, sanctuary cities, illegal immigration, no voter I.D.’s, the UN and the EU. Jesus said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel. He did not say to go out politically, religiously, militarily to do violence! The Islamists through revolution and their wars over history have spread violence into the earth! By their present wars they have planted refugee’s into the cities of Europe and America! These Islamic plants are reaping havoc around the world! The good news is some of the old empty Christian Cathedrals in Europe are being filled up by Muslim converts! Jesus has given us some signs of the end of the age! However Jesus Himself does not know the time of His second coming! He told us it was in the hands of the Father! Live your life as though he was coming today! Those in Christ will not look to the one world government as a solution except it will usher in Christ’s Millenium! Those in love with the world and not Christ will look to the Anti-Christ as his one world solution! Globalism is a return to the Tower of Babel. Man’s solution is a manifestation of his fallen sin nature! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Trinity and the Soul Genesis 1:27
But these three, though they be distinct from one another, are, however said to be one, because they exist substantially in the soul. Peter Lombard (1096-1160) Comment: His writings influenced Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham, Gabriel Beil, Martin Luther, John Calvin and Pope Alexander III. His tomb is Paris some 700 years later was destroyed during the French Revolution! Remember the French Revolution tried to de-Christianize France even by creating a special calendar (French Revolution Calendar), removing Christian Holidays and religious figures! The calendar lasted 12 years about as long as Hitler’s rein! An attempt was made to remove all religious influences from the culture! Prominent atheist were behind this effort much like today in America. The French Revolution and the American Revolution were very different with different outcomes! The American Revolution established the free exercise of religion with the trinity of three branches of government with Biblical values woven into our Constitution! The French Revolution was a rebellion to remove all elements of religion from their culture! The French Enlightenment was the darkest hour in French history! The light of any culture is Christ and to try to remove him politically, judicially, militarily and socially reaps disaster for any culture! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Keep the Sabbath!
Do not let Sunday be taken from you! If your soul has no Sunday it becomes an orphan! Albert Schweitzer French-German Theologian (1875-1965) Nobel Peace Prize winner (1952)
Misdirected Zeal
Zeal is very blind, or badly regulated, when it encroaches upon the rights of others! French Theologian Pasquier Quesnel (1634-1719) Comment: Remember Paul said he had a zeal for God but not according to knowledge! Today as before in history we face movements whether religious, political or social that are blinded from truth and press on running over basic human rights of men! Paul stopped his persecution of Christian’s when the light appeared to him on the road to Damascus! Pray for Christ’s light to shine into our dark world! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Are the Crusades coming back?
An 84 year old French Priest just got his throat slit by a Islamic Jihadist! The Crusades in Europe were about Christians rising up to defend the slaughter of their cultures by Islamic Jihadists! It was a defense against Muslim invaders! Bad politics by European leaders and also American leaders allowed these Jihadist to enter their cultures! The purpose of any government is to protect her citiizens! They have failed miserably! The population will only take this slaughter so long then they will turn on these Jihadists with civil war! No government will be able to stop this because the people will turn on the government if they try! This is exactly what the Jihadist want! This is their goal! They want to import Syria and Iraq into Europe and America! Obama is really helping them by importing thousands of Syrian refugees into America! The very millions of refugees he created by pulling American troops out of Iraq! The bottom line is Obama is helping Islamists spread Islam! Really sad and tragic for the civilized world! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com