Socialist Denial of Creation!

The democratic concept of man is false, because it is Christian. The democratic concept holds that…each man is a sovereign being. This is the illusion, dream and postulate of Christianity. Karl Marx   Comment: How did the founder of failed socialism come to this conclusion? He believed the ideology of another atheistic Jew by the name of Charles Darwin! If there is no God then the State is supreme! If your children attend public schools here in America they will be taught Darwinism or Evolution as a true science! So when your children attend secular college if the socialists do not have your kids minds turned against Faith in God then during those 4 expensive years of College education those liberal professors will finish the job! Then you wonder why your kids drop out of church? The teaching of Darwinism is the answer! Most of the Democratic left party here in America are Darwinists! If no God abortion is no problem! I try to expose to you that the background of the Democratic party embraces the anti-Christian values of Darwin and the socialist revolutions in our history responsible for tens of millions of deaths! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jewish Quotes!

People ask how a Jewish kid from the Bronx do peppy clothes? Does it have to do with class or money? It has to do with dreams! Ralph Lauren Comment: Our Bible talks a lot about dreams! Some men dream to destroy the world and some to save the world! We have producers and consumers! Producers dream and the consumers purchase their dreams! The Jews have a unique ability to dream big! Ask God to give you dreams that would make our world a better place! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Dream Team!

Hillary is a racist because she only tells white lies but let us not forget black lies matter! Illegal immigrants are in the best physical shape here in America however even they have lost their edge because now they just walk across the border hoping to be caught and made American citizens at the stroke of a pen! Then they are immediately marched down to the Democratic party registration booth! When you go to the election booth next November look for people who cannot speak English! For all you legal American citizens out there welcome to the New America! James Sasse

Five Characteristics of the Dream Church!

I will live in community for I cannot mature without others! I am best when I am with other people. No Lone Rangers! 2. I will find community and not wait for others to find me! No lost and found managers! 3. I will make room in community for people different than me! Mo penguin parades! 4. I will live at peace with people of my community! No Rambo’s please! 5. Not surprised by imperfect people because community is messy! Judges belong in our court system. Source: Pastor Brady Boyd Message at New Life Church given on January 18, 2015.

Abortion In Egypt! Exodus 1:17-20

Murder or genocide of minorities is nothing new to the history of man. This episode in Egypt took place thousands of years ago against the Jews. Today in America genocide is being done on African Americans through abortion. Over 40 percent of all abortions done in America are done on African Americans. Their population only represents 12 percent of all Americans. So they get over a 300 percent disproportionate increase in abortions over all other races. The other sad and tragic story here is the Democratic party tells them they are for them while promoting genocide against them with our tax dollars? Martin Luther King had a very noble dream but it did not include this nightmare! Let us together fight for life to remove this scar upon our land and pursue liberty and justice for all! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

The American Dream?

Home ownership was at the center of the American dream for past decades! This foundation to our financial system is cracking and coming down fast! Our local municipality raised our property taxes 100% last year and 20% this year! Federal, state and local governments continue to increase taxes to make up for shortages in this failing economy! Sadly this will cause more Americans to vacate their homes! This will cause more shortages in revenue for government. This is a cycle that will continue. This trouble is all about fraud in our financial and political system. God is taking away from America what it Worships! Yes, Money! Christ’s Church is also being tested and removing those just in it for the money! God is testing His Church and I do not want to fail this test! Proverbs Chapter 10, Verse 25 says; “As the whirlwind passes, so the wicked are no more; but the righteous is an everlasting foundation!”