Memorial Day Thoughts! John 15:13

Our greatest respect for those in our military and especially those who laid down there lives for their friends as Jesus commanded us to do! Jesus commanded us to love one another! Think about this! God laid down His life through His only Son Jesus Christ for His enemies! This act is more than human! This is another reason why Jesus is God! No human would do this! Everyone ever born who accepted Jesus Christ as Savior was first the enemy of God! Yes you and me! Now we better understand why Jesus also commanded us to love our enemies! This is divine and not a capacity of mortal men! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Truth & Christmas! John 14:6

But truth is greater and stronger than all these things. Everyone on earth honors truth; Heaven praises it: all creation trembles in awe before it. There is not the slightest injustice in truth. You will find injustice in wine, the emperor, women, all human beings, in all they do, and in everything else. There is no truth in them; they are unjust and will perish. But truth endures and is always strong; it will continue to live and rule forever. Truth shows no partiality or favoritism; it does what is right, rather than what is unjust or evil. Everyone approves what truth does; its decisions are always fair. Truth is strong, royal, powerful, and majestic forever. Let all things praise the God of truth! 1 Esdras 4:35-40 (Apocrypha) Comment: The apocrypha was never canonized in our Protestant Bibles but in the Catholic Bibles. There are some good things in the apocrypha for even Christopher Columbus discovered the New World because of it! So what do we mean by truth? According to the Hebrew Old Testament truth means someone trustworthy, faithful, certain and foundational for support. Like the foundation for a building. The foundation is there to build you up. According to the New Testament Greek truth is someone who is open not concealing anything. Someone transparent not hiding anything. Jesus said I am the truth! The way and the life! Truth is embodied in a person! The man/God Christ! There was no sin in Him so nothing concealed or hidden! The strength of sin is it’s secrecy! That is why we are to confess our sins and He is faithful and just to forgive our sin! Truth is not an immaterial quantity of something! It is a spirit embodied in a person by Jesus Christ! If Christ is not embodied in us then there is no truth in us! We must be born again as Jesus commanded us! The second birth! As you worship his first birth this Christmas ask Him for His second birth to be born in you this Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sharing Your Faith With Others! Matthew 7:6

I love the balance the scriptures provide to us! We are commanded by Christ to go our into all the world to preach the Gospel or good news! However Jesus did not send us out to get blind sided by Satan! Jesus said in Matthew 7:6, “Give not that which is Holy to the dogs, neither cast your pearls before the swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you!” The word Holy here means someone physically pure or a moral person. The word rend means to tear in pieces. Jesus is reminding us to be wise with the beauty He has given us. We know that the world is one third Christian. If the entire world has heard about Christ and made a decision for Him or have rejected Him then one out of three has accepted Him and two out of three have rejected Him. I wish our evangelism programs were this good! Bottom line is we need the whole council of God and the entire Bible both Old and New Testament gives us an important balance to our Faith as we live for Him! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Qaddafi’s Last Words!

What you are doing is wrong! Do you know right from wrong? Sadly, Qaddafi could never answer his own question for himself after 42 years of killing thousands including many American’s! Kill your enemies is the rally cry of Islam. How contrasted when Christ commanded us to Love our enemies! Forgiveness is the Christian foundation that provides peace in any culture and the stability of western civilization. If only Qaddafi had chosen Christ’s way of living how differently his life would have been with a peaceful ending! Thankyou. James Sasse.