Columbus the Missionary!

Thursday October 11, 1492. “They are of good size and stature, and handsomely formed. I saw some with scars and wounds upon their bodies, and demanded by signs the same of them; they answered me in the same way, that there came people from the other islands in the neighborhood to make prisoners of them, and they defended themselves. I thought then and still believe that they were from the continent. It appears to me that the people are indenious and would be good servants and I am of the opinion would become good Christians as they appear to have no religion.”

Columbus the Evangelist! Mark 16:15

Extract Portion of Christopher Columbus Journal. (1492) “Your Highnesses, as Catholic Christians, and Princesses who love and promote the Holy Christian Faith, and are enemies of the Doctrine of Mohammad, and all idolaters and heresy, determined to send Christopher Columbus, to the above mentioned countries of India, to see the said Princes, people and territories, and learn their disposition, and the proper method of converting them to our Holy Faith!”

Are You a Pilgrim? Hebrews 11:13

“These all died while believing and acting while not receiving the gifts graciously given by God but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them and embraced them publically praising God that they were aliens and foreigners on the earth.” Comment: Are you a Christopher Columbus? Is your faith based upon science, intellect or reason? Columbus said he navigated to the missing continent of his then known world based upon the Bible! When you live by faith you see your final destination not by physical sight but by trusting God’s promises to you! The world says show me the money! I will believe it when I see it! The Christian has just the opposite view of life! I believe it through His Spirit according to His Word and one day I shall see it! Columbus sailed west and no one in that day would dare do that! Suicide! He was navigating according to the Word of God! If you trust the Bible as Columbus did and those in the Hall of Faith then you will build God’s Kingdom while down here on earth and you will help prepare the earth for Christ’s return! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Columbus and Mohammad!

“and your Highness, as Catholic Christians and Princes, devoted to the Holy Christian Faith and the propagation there of—and enemies of the sect of Mohammad and all idolatries and heresies, resolved to send me Christopher Columbus, to the said—” Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Comment: Why is it poor old Mohammad gets bad press? Was Columbus suffering from Islamophobia? The Islamic armies invaded Spain in 715 A.D. and pushed deep into Europe with destruction of life and limb! The first Crusade to push the Muslim armies out of Europe began in 1096 A.D. and ended with the eighth Crusade ending in 1247 A.D. These Christian armies pushed the Muslims out of Europe and Jerusalem! It took about 500 years to push these invading armies out of Europe with continual war! So history repeats itself except Europe faces a new challenge in that the Islamists are not wearing uniforms this time but through immigration and refugees have them planted in their cities and living among their populations! America has the same problem but to a lesser degree as we have a smaller population of them! Columbus was also a Jew and we will cover more on this topic on later posts! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christopher Columbus had a GPS!

Please? You just quoted from him that he did not use intelligence, mathematics or maps to discover the New World. So what was his GPS? Your Bible my friend! It is hard to make a long story short but I will try! Here is the scripture Columbus banked on to convince the King and Queen of Spain there was more to our world in 1492. He quoted Esdras 6:42. “Upon the third day Thou did command that the waters should be gathered in the seventh part of the earth, six parts hast Thou dried up and kept them being planted by God and tilled, might serve Thee.” Hold it boy? I say boy what in tarnation are you talking about? The Book of Esdras is not in my Bible? First and Second Esdras are Books in the collection of the Apocrypha or Deuterocanonical Books. These writings are accepted as scripture by the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, but rejected by the Protestants. First and Second Esdras are associated with the Book of Ezra in our Bible. Since Columbus was a Catholic this scripture was used to convince him that there was a missing continent and he could find it sailing west! If you count Europe and Asia as one continent since they are a attached land mass there are six continents in the world. Since the Protestants rejected this Book the Catholics had the edge in exploration of the New World! This explains why today South, Central and North America are predominately Catholic! Columbus was also a Jew! We will go into detail on this on another posting. James and Hamsa Sasse.

By Faith!

For the execution of the voyage to the Indies, I did not use intelligence, mathematics or maps! Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Comment: If not for the fact that he preceded Plymouth Rock by over 100 years and 300 years prior to our first 4th of July celebration I would have assumed Christopher was born in Washington D.C,! There were no maps of the new world and he bumped into North America on his way to the Indies! If you read some of his journals of his voyages he was an evangelist and God had him on a journey to find a land and nation that would support and protect the Jews and promote the Gospel around the world! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Super Bowl Owners! Deuteronomy 28:13

What do the super bowl team owners have in common? Arthur Blank and Robert Kraft are both Jews! Even though the Book of Deuteronomy was written thousands of years ago the Words of the Bible still hold true! God promised His people that if they would keep His Commandments He would make them the head and not the tail. Christopher Columbus was a Jew! Do you see the word “Christ”, in the name Christopher? Columbus had a vision before his voyage that he would discover a land that would support the Jews and Israel. Welcome to Columbus Land! My Bible goes on to say the Salvation has come through the Jews! Jesus Christ’s incarnation into the earth is fulfillment of many Biblical Prophecies! Did you ever notice the enemies of the Jews and Christ want to behead people? To be balanced here i want to remind you that Karl Marx, Frederick Engels and Charles Darwin were all Jews with anti-Christ ideologies! I would also remind you that the Anti-Christ (One world ruler), during the tribulation period will also be a Jew! He will also be a homosexual as he will have no natural affection for women! This will be a real war on women! The war on women started in the Garden of Eden! So which Jew are you going to follow? You can follow Christ or someone else! The question begs to be asked where will the one you follow lead you to? One of two places! Heaven or Hell? I have decided to follow Jesus! No turning back! The Cross before me the world behind me! No turning back! James and Hamsa Sasse.