Roman Colosseum 80 A.D.

The largest amphitheater in the world was built in Rome in 80 A.D. The average attendance was 65000 people! Nice but few Christians know how it was funded and who really built it? Emperor Vespasian funded the project from the spoils taken from the destruction of the Jewish Temple in 70 A.D. Remember Jesus prophesized the destruction of the Jewish Temple! Also the Colosseum was constructed by 100000 Jewish prisoners taken to Rome from Jerusalem! So what happens in this Colosseum? Over the next 300 years millions of Christians are martyred including Jesus Disciples who wrote our Holy Bible! Buried under the catacombs of Rome are an estimated 8 million Christians! So what can we conclude from history? Many things but importantly when Jews die Christians die! Whether it be WWII and the Nazi’s or other history. God promises that if we Bless the Jews He will Bless us! If we curse the Jews we will be cursed! Let us keep this in mind as President Obama pushes the Iran Nuke deal that the consequences to Israel and the Jews will have consequences to the Christians here in America and around the world! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Has America Forgotten 9-11?

Misunderstanding of the present grows fatally from the ignorance of the past! Mark Bloch (1886-1944)  Mark was a Jewish professor and French resistance fighter captured by the Gestapo and executed during German occupation of France during WWII. Comment: Many of our American leaders seem to have no grasp of history? The war with Islam goes on and under Obama we are losing this war! Obama himself is a Muslim and we will  continue to lose this fight when the enemy is in the White House! Obama is a very calculating fighter for Islam! He is planting millions of Muslims into Western Europe and the United States with the very refugees he has created! Muslims do not integrate with other cultures but will fight those cultures until they are overthrown! At least during the Crusades the Christians and Muslims were geographically separated! The day after 9-11 President Bush said Islam is a religion of peace? He either does not know history or is in denial? Obama claims the same? However Obama knows who they are and a very good enemy to overthrow the United States! If we cannot figure out 9-11 and the source then we are headed for future ones! Obama is enabling Islam to win this war! The latest example to  give Iran 150 Billion dollars plus a Nuke! Do you notice Russian troops moving into Syria? Remember he told Putin I can do more for you after I am re-elected? Islam will fight as long as it takes to defeat America and they have 1300 years of history to prove their intent! If we do not have the moral courage to fight this war then every American knee will bow to Allah! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christians Beware of Political Promises!

Today Christians stand at the head of this country and I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity! We will fill our culture again with the Christian Spirit! We want to burn out all the recent immoral development in literature, arts, theater and in the press! In short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and cultural as a result of liberal excess during the past few years! Adolf Hitler, The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1, London Oxford Press, 1942, Pages 871-872.

Abortion Child Sacrifice! Leviticus 18:21

Planned Parenthood? What a sweet name for an abortion mill! It is kind of like calling Hitler and the Nazi’s a Jewish orphanage! With 60 million children sacrificed since the Roe versus Wade 1973 Supreme Court decision why do Christians let this go on? This is the biggest contradiction of our Faith in my lifetime. When the Supreme Court ruled in 1859 that African Americans were personal property of slave owners Christians rose up in America and elected Lincoln as President and went into a civil war! I believe Christians today have lost their will to resist evil! Pastor’s in America today with the exception of very few ignore this atrocity and continue with their popular cultural Gospel not to offend our government and lose their 501c exemption! Abortion is about money and should the Gospel be the same? Jesus said something about the love of money is the root of all evil! To stop the tax payer funded Planned Parenthood is going to cost Christians in America a sacrifice! It will require the shutting down of our government because Obama will veto any measure to defund Planned Parenthood! Contact your senators and congressmen and request they let the government shutdown if required to defund this organization! If your Pastor has the mute button on about this issue find a Pastor who is unmuted by our government! A price is always required by Christians to resist evil just like our Savior on the Cross! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christian Scapegoats! Leviticus 16:18

A scapegoat refers to someone who is unfairly blamed by others for their problems! Leviticus 16:18 “And Aron shall place lots upon the two he goats: One for the Lord and the other for absolute removal.” The second goat was sent into the wilderness carrying the people’s sin’s! The two goats were chosen by lot. Why? Casting lots was used to render a decision not based on human choice but letting God decide the matter. Either outcome was not good for the goats! If I were a goat I might say, “heads I win tails you lose!” Remember Judas replacement was done by lot! The Roman soldiers cast lots for Jesus clothes at the Cross. One goat was offered as a blood sacrifice for the sin of the people and the other to be the scapegoat sent into the wilderness. Jesus really represented both goats! He was the blood sacrifice for our sin and wandered in the wilderness carrying our burdens! Since Jesus is in Heaven today the only way the world can get Him is to persecute His followers! According to the Koran the final solution is to kill all the Christians and Jews! Secular America sees the Christians as getting in the way of their agenda! Wickedness cannot prevail with Christians in the way! Christians today are fleeing for their lives in many parts of the world! Persecution is rising in America also! Remember the persecuted Church is the strongest Church! We will be more dependent on Christ as troubles rise! Remember the hope that lives in you is the only hope for the world! Paul was the greatest persecutor of the Church! Yet he became the greatest promoter of the Church! People have the greatest potential for good or evil depending on who lives inside them! Continue to take the Good News into a world filled with very bad news! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.


If you like your nuclear arms production you can keep your nuclear arms program! If you like your rockets you can keep your rockets plus we will give you 150 Billion dollars to buy more arms to kill Christians, Jews and Americans! If you like your four American prisoners you can keep them! If you like what you are doing you can keep doing what you are doing plus you can do more of it with the incentives we are giving you! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Who Invented Crucifixion?

The first historical record was about 519 BC when King Darius I of Persia (Iran), crucified 3000 political opponents in Babylon. It was later employed by the Greeks especially Alexander the Great and by the Carthaginians from whom the Romans adapted the practice as a punishment for criminal slaves and illegal immigrants.Crucifixion was not introduced into Palestine until Hellenistic times. The Seleucid Antiochus 4th Epiphanes crucified Jews who would not accept Hellenization. The Roman Empire crucified millions of Christians! How many have recognized crucifixion has been revived with hundreds of Christians crucified in Iraq and Syria! As Iran is empowered by the United States look for the Persians to use their old invention to go after more Christians today! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jihad Here In America!

This year Obama wants to bring about 13000 refugee’s from the Middle East! If there are any Christian refugee’s among them I will be very surprised? There is no way to screen these Muslim refugee’s to see if they are Jihadists? Are we going to call ISSIS and find out if they are good people? Remember the Boston Marathon Bombers were refugee’s! The FBI knew of the attack coming on Pam Geller 3 hours before the attack and did nothing? Obama is trying to make good guys out of bad guys by calling them good guys! Obama is trying to degrade civil law enforcement by trying to make them bad guys! It seems that all the recent civil unrest is working for him! I believe Obama never intends to leave the White House! If he can break down civil authority, weaken our military, legalize the illegal, break down our economic system and strengthen our enemies he just may get the job done in the next two years! He is importing terrorists to America through the refugee program! I never thought the day would come where every American citizen must arm themselves! How do you protect yourself? First avoid large crowds! If you are a large church then you need security guards! Even a smaller church needs security! Avoid shopping malls! Buy your stuff in smaller shops or purchase on-line. Athletic events will also be targets! If you have a weapon or get a weapon you do not need a lot of fire power! We never plan to use our weapons! They are for defense only! Avoid automatic pistol’s! The loaded magazine spring will weaken over time and then the gun will jam when you need it! Get an old six shooter pistol and get an extra cylinder. If you keep a weapon in your vehicle have a safe anchored to the frame of your vehicle. Do not keep the safe key on your vehicle key chain! The same goes for your home safe! When storing your weapon keep the cylinder out of the gun frame. This way the weapon is unloaded but can be quickly loaded. You can put a small drop of silicon on each bullet and preload the cylinders so the bullets will not fall out of the cylinders when you move them! If the bad guys have weapons and you do not they will win! If you have no weapons training get some! You are probably saying just pray! There are a lot of Christians walking around trying to find their heads! You may think I am crazy but I see what is coming to America! Your protection of your family is first your responsibility! Police are becoming so paranoid they don’t want to stop anyone! Our Constitutional right of American’s is to protect our families and our nation! Do not be looking for a fight but if it comes to you be prepared! God Bless America! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Who Made This Speech?

My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter! It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter! In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders! How terrific was His fight against the Jewish poison! Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this He had to shed His blood upon the Cross! As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice! And as a man I have the duty to see to it that human society does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilization of the ancient world some two thousand years ago—a civilization which was driven to ruin through the same Jewish people! Source; Speech delivered at the Reichstag by Adolf Hitler on March 5, 1922. Comment; If you were to hear this same speech today what red flags would go up in your mind? There should be many! One red flag I see is that Jesus was a Jew! Salvation would come through the Jew! This is one of the hazards of replacement theology! Theology that says the church replaces the Jews and Israel! This bad theology leads to the next error which is let us get rid of the Jews! Same spirit we see today with Islam! The Roman government executed Jesus with the help of the Jews. Jesus submitted to them to accomplish His purpose to be the sacrifice for the whole world for sin! Jesus fought for us by sacrificing Himself for others not sacrificing others for Himself! Jesus was upset at the money changers because they were turning the Temple a place of Worship into a place of material profit! Jesus kicked them out but they still could practice their trade somewhere else. Jesus went to the Cross for all! Jews and gentiles! Hitler claims to fight for truth and justice for all but leaves the Jews out? The Bible shows us again salvation has come through the Jews! Hitler believes the Jews murdered Jesus when in fact He voluntarily submitted to the Cross! Hitler says he has the right not to be cheated? Jesus said to love your enemies and if your brother has need give to him! Hitler has bad theology here and if you take one scripture out of context to support your position you end up in error! The Bible is like a jigsaw puzzle! If you take all the scripture or every piece of the puzzle both old and new testament and put them together then you see the complete Image of God! If you take one piece of the puzzle or one scripture and run with it you end up in error! Hitler actually believed from theological error that he was a crusader for God as the Muslims today believe! Anti-Semitism is growing across America and the world today! Be careful you have no part in this movement especially when it rises in the Church! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.