There is new evidence that Adolf Hitler was a homosexual! Doctors who treated Hitler were interviewed by the U.S. Army after World War II, and the notes from those interviews have been made public. Army interrogator Herman Merl, who was a medical technician interviewed Hitler’s doctors, Karl Brandt and Hitler’s primary physician Theodore Morell, wrote “Homosex” in the space provided for Hitler’s sexuality. The doctors told Meril that Hitler did not sleep with girlfriend Eva Braum in her bedroom, and he himself received female hormones. Meril wrote, Eva Braum=separate rooms and “female hormones-injection 50 thousand units. He added, “His sexual life and intercourse with Eva Braun was told to me.” Merl wrote that Hitler was hysterical, a megalomaniac and might have had Parkinson’s disease. Hitler was also injected with bull semen for testosterone. Source; William Bigelow, May 2013, Breitbart News Agency. Comment: I have previously posted on our Blog that Satan has a Trinity of evil! Just as God has a Trinity so does Satan. Satan has declared war on Jews, Christians and women! Remember the seed of the woman would crush the head of the Serpent! The war on women includes abortion and the promotion of gays! Our political party and leadership in the United States and in particular the White House with President Obama has declared war on Jews, Christians and women! Obama and his wife Michelle do not sleep in the same bedroom? Even when they travel! Obama is responsible for promoting the gay agenda and supporting Islam in the slaughter of Christians around the world! Our relationship with Israel is broken along with our former allies! When you go to the polls in November you have an opportunity to reverse the downfall of America! I believe Ben Carson is the man to reverse our slide! However that decision is up to you. Your vote or lack of a vote will have an outcome! Choose this day who you will serve! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Tag: christians
No Compulsion in Religion? Quran 2:256
If the Quran is true then why do Muslim’s kill those who convert to another religion? Is it a one way street? If you abandon Islam you will have to go to a court where Muslim Clerics will pronounce judgment on you! Do they not follow their own Holy Book? Many contradictions in the Quran! The Quran says Jesus was born of a virgin. It also says Jesus did not die on a Cross! It also confirms the validity of the scripture and the Bible yet contradicts the Bible with many other verses in the Quran? There are about 1.4 Billion Muslim’s in the world. Yet only about 20 percent of them have ever read the Quran! So the followers listen to these Imam’s in the Mosque’s for directions! So the followers get instructions without any reference to any written guide? I remember during the 3 years we spent in India we had an incident where a Hindu man was giving us a lot of troubles in the ministry. This young Muslim man came to me and told me he would take care of this Hindu man for me and kill him? I explained to him that our Bible says vengeance belongs to God alone! I believe that if every Muslim in the world would read the Quran they would abandon the religion overnight! Ignorance is not bliss but hell when it comes to the Quran! What is really challenging witnessing to a Muslim is that 8 out of 10 have never read the Quran so even if you are familiar with it as a Christian they will not have a clue! Show them God’s love and they will respond as we have to Christ’s love! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Numerology in Islam
There are two numbers sacred in Islam. The numbers are 19 and 666. Muslims believe 19 is a miraculous number. That is one reason there were 19 hijackers on 9-11. They quote Quran 74:30 to support their belief but will not quote the following chapter and verse 74:31. Verse 31 explains the exact number of angels or demons in Hellfire! Here is the quote from Quran 74:31, “And we have set none but angels as Guardians of the fire; and we have fixed their number only as a trial for the Unbelievers, in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, and the Believers may increase in Faith. The people of the book and unbelievers are Jews and Christians. The 19 hijackers sent 3000 Americans to hell on 9-11 so they could increase their faith? This is what they believe? On our next Blog we will discus the number 666 and the Quran. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Israel and Christmas! Deuteronomy 29:13-15
Verse 15 The Chaldee paraphrase reads, “All the generations that have been from the first days of the world and all that shall arise to the end of the world.” This covenant is the dispensation of grace and it is a noble testimony to the Mediator of that covenant who is the same yesterday, today and forever! Comment: The testimony to the world today is Israel as a nation and people and the Christians of the past 2000 years! Even though we have the same enemies God’s love to us and His promises to us are sure as we celebrate God’s love to us through Christ! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Global Warming Guru’s!
These guy’s are fat, lazy socialists who want to tax the world! They are the debunked scientist on the Al Gore team! Al Gore can only sell his books in Africa! So how did our genius Obama get 200 nations to agree on anything? He claims we have a 60 nation coalition fighting ISIL? There are 3 active members including us and 80 percent of our aircraft return from the fight with the bombs still under their wings? It is like an air tour of the Grand Canyon using F-16’s! The Kurds are doing the heavy lifting against ISIL but Obama will not give them weapons? So the Kurds are winning using sling shots! Back to Global heat. Obama got 200 nations to agree because there is no penalty to break the rules! Who would not agree to this? No winners and no losers! No Heaven and no Hell! This is the Obama doctrine! It is like a football game with no referee’s and no one keeping score? You can play this game with global warming but not with war! If you do not fight the enemy and win there are consequences! Like millions of refugee’s and Christian’s slaughtered across the Middle East! American’s slaughtered at a Christmas party! Iran and Russia growing in power along with Islam by default! We have trusted a man who is not for us! Remember this Christmas that even if we lose our freedom and life Christ will never leave us nor forsake us! Our future is in Him and no one can take that from us! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Jesus Tribe Judah Means Thanksgiving! Genesis 29:35
Many Jewish commentators believe the secret of Judah’s Blessings are implicit in the Hebrew meaning of his name. When his mother gave birth to him she said, “This time I will give thanksgiving to the Lord!” Therefore she called his name Judah. Judah is taken from the Hebrew word Hodah which means giving thanks. The Jews gave the world two significant things! An awareness of God and the concept of gratitude! Aldous Huxley wrote, “Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.” Jewish life fights against this. The Talmud says, “If someone lacks this trait of thankfulness this person is not in fact a Jew!” Many Christian’s cannot do the math when it comes to counting our Blessings! It is interesting that today in Israel the only two tribes left is Judah and Benjamin! The Priestly tribe Levite is still there also. The other tribes were lost over time through persecution and exile. Why has Judah the tribe of Jesus Christ survived to this day? Could it had been from the attitude that bore their name? Rabbi Benjamin Blech
Islam and War Spain 1491 A.D.
For the loss of Zahara of which you write us, we have deep anger and grief for the Christian’s who died there! For although the fortress and the city may be recovered, as we hope in God that they may be recovered soon, the death of the Christian’s cannot be remedied. But let this be clear; we intend to make war upon the Moors (Muslims) throughout the land, and in such a way that we hope in God that we may not only quickly recover this city which we have lost, but gain others so that our Lord may be served and His Holy Faith exalted, and that we may render Him great service! Queen Isabella of Spain 1491 A.D.
What Religion is Syria’s Assad?
Bashar Al-Assad is an Alawite. The Alawite doctrine incorporates Gnostics, Neo-Platonic, Islam, Christianity and other elements often described as syncretistic. Alawites tend to conceal their beliefs due to historical persecution. Some of the tenets of their faith is secret. Therefore they have been described as a mystical sect. Alawites hold that they were originally stars or divine lights that were cast out of heaven through disobedience and must undergo repeated reincarnation before returning to heaven. They can be reincarnated as Christians or others through sin and as animals if they become infidels. Other beliefs and practices include; The consecration of wine in a secret form of Mass only open to males, burying them in saracophegi above ground, observing Nowruz, Epiphany, Christmas and the Feast days of John Chrysostom and Mary Magdalene. The only religious structures they have are the shrines of the tombs. The central source of their doctrine comes from an alleged book, “Katib Al Majmi.” They also believe women do not have souls. Before the Arab Spring Christians were given protection in Syria under Assad. Since the Syrian civil war started millions of Christians have fled Syria and thousands have been slaughtered! Comment: Why did Assad protect the Christians? They could be his ancestors who have been reincarnated as Christians! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Christians Arm Yourselves!
I warned Christians over a year ago on our blog about arming yourself! I will not detail all that but you can go back and read it. I never thought America would ever come to this but it has! Will the Crusaders be back? We will find out within the next few months and years? Some Christians will say I do not trust God? I trust God but do not trust man! David had to take up arms to defend his faith and so did the Crusaders! If you study history it is clear there were times and seasons of war! Right now in America the weapons are purely defensive but that could also change in our present environment! I just want to defend my family! Nothing more! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Edict of Milan 313 A.D.
The Edict was an agreement to treat Christians benevolently within the Roman Empire. Western Roman Emperor Constantine I, and Licinius, who controlled the Balkans agreed to change policies toward Christians following the Edict of Toleration by Galerius issued two years earlier in Serdica. The Christians would not obey the institutes of antiquity and for conscious sake were granted an indulgence saying, “They ought to pray to their God for our safety, for that of the Republic, and for their own, that the Commonwealth may continue uninjured on every side, and that they may be able to live securely in their homes.” Their confiscated property was restored in 313 when instructions were given for the Christian’s meeting places and other property to be returned and compensation paid by the State to the current owners. The Provincial Magistrates were ordered at once with all energy to execute this order so that public order may be restored and the continuance of Divine favor may preserve and prosper our successes together with the good of the State. Comment: Why do our Justices here in America wear long robes? The Roman Emperor’s began to see the benefit of Christian’s living among their populations! They learned that they were the only one’s they could trust! So the Christian Priest’s wore their robes from their religious duties to the Roman Civil Courts to preside over civil cases! I am sure not all Judges in America including the Supreme Court may know this historical tradition? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.