This latest tragedy confirms what I have been saying for over a year now! Families and the Church in America have to provide their own security! Whether the church is small or large every time the door is open to the public you must have armed security! Contact your local law enforcement to see if they can provide for your place of Worship! The police departments themselves are under attack in America! This is a very different America today than the one I grew up in! I have already detailed precautions for your family and was posted to our Blog. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Author: whoisgod
Do You Need a Vacation?
Have your heart right with Christ, and He will visit you often, and so turn weekdays into Sundays, meals into Sacraments, houses into Temples, and earth into Heaven! Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)
Two Best Days of Your Life?
There are two great days in a person’s life—the day you were born and the day you discover why! William Barclay (1907-1978)
Does Your Life Matter?
The awful importance of this life is that it determines eternity! William Barclay (1907-1978)
The Strength of Great Wisdom! 1Cor. 1:20-25
Verse 25– “Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” What is Paul talking about here? He is talking about the Cross! This is God’s genius plan! Christ! Born of a virgin? Sinless? Dies on a cruel Cross as a common criminal? Rose from the grave? Conquered death and hell? Seated at the right hand of His Father right now? If you could figure this out it would not be of God! Only the revelation of God through His Holy Spirit can reveal this to you! Spiritual discernment is required not man’s wisdom! Pilot told Jesus I will determine whether you live or die! Jesus told Pilot I lay down my life! Using man’s wisdom you will decide to enslave others! That is what all our wars have been about over history! Using God’s wisdom you will serve others! When you make decisions love people through the Cross! The world’s way is to use power to dominate them! God’s way is to serve men! I traveled down to Central America last week. I know enough Spanish just to get by! The people there encouraged me there to stay there for some time and learn their language! It would probably take me about two years! Why do we hear these messages over and over again every Sunday? Why do we take communion every week? Is it we have nothing else to do? We need to learn the language of God! We need to learn His language! If you are in love with God read His Bible! Study, pray and do the things that please Him! Live righteously! Hate sin! Love God! Love people! Serve others sacrificially! Praise Him! Serve Him! As we come forward for communion this morning let us receive His language of love! Excerpt from message by Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. His entire message may be viewed by going to web site;
Are You Unemployed?
Praise now is one of the greatest duties of the Redeemed! It will be their employment forever! Albert Barnes (1798-1870)
Give yourself unto reading! The man who never reads will never be read; he who never quotes will never be quoted. He who will not use the thoughts of other men’s brains proves that he has no brains of his own! Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) Comment; Modern Day translation = Dummy
Home Sweet Home!
When we consider the beginning of our life and compare the same we have in the Promise, we cannot say or find that we are at home in this life! Jakob Bohme (1575-1624) Comment: The Holy Spirit dwelling in us does bring Heaven down to earth in us! He is the escrow or down payment of Heaven in us as Scriptures declare! Thankyou James and Hamsa Sasse
Top 10 Religious States in America?
1. Mississippi 2. Alabama 3. North Dakota 4. Arkansas 5. South Dakota 6. Louisiana 7. Tennessee 8. Oklahoma 9. South Carolina 10. North Carolina Who came in last? #50 Nevada How did they arrive at this ranking? 1. 2010 census with percentage of population as identifying religious. 2. Places of worship per capita. 3. Percentage of people regularly attending worship. 4. Percentage of population liking prayer on facebook. Suggestion for Nevada! Why not pray before you throw the dice! If you had prayed for poor Harry he might still be running the senate! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Love Requires Trouble! Trouble Requires Love!
If love dwelleth not in trouble, it could have nothing to love! But its substance which it loves, namely the poor soul, being in trouble and pain, it has thence cause to love this its own substance and to deliver it from pain, that so itself may by it be again beloved! Jakob Bohme (1575-1624) Comment: Jakob Bohme was a theologian but was also sometimes considered a mystic! He wrote a lot of books but was sometimes disciplined by the Lutheran Church in Germany. Any theology has to be compared against scripture. His writings do invoke thought! My first thought was did God love us more after salvation than before? No! What happens is we love Him more after salvation! God loved Adam and Eve before sin! God’s love was the first cause for everything and I believe did not require sin to initiate His love! If you have any thoughts about this please contact us. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.