Are You Good or Evil?

III John 1:11 “[Beloved] follow not that which is [evil], but that which is [good]. He that doeth good is of [God], but he that [doeth evil] hath not seen God.” Commentary: Let us examine these Greek words bracketed above in this scripture. Beloved means my beloved son as speaking to your children with important instructions. The word evil used here is like a military term. It means to retreat from battle! The battle between good and evil! You surrender to evil! You give up! Wave the white flag to wickedness! Evil people intentionally and willfully do harm to others! You surrender to abortion, gay marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, evolution, false teachings, political causes that harm others, joining with wickedness and making disciples of Satan! The word good means to be useful and beneficial to others! To help to prosper people! You are a benevolent servant for others not harming them! To practice goodness! The word God used here means the true God! Christ! Notice the word follow! You will follow someone! The spirit you embrace that dwells in you will determine your character! Do you follow Christ or Satan? I have decided to follow Jesus! How about you? James & Hamsa Sasse.

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