Theology of Political Left?

Their first premise is there is no God! So if there is no God then there is no Devil and it is up to us to make things right! We will do God’s job which means doing the work of Satan! According to the left there are oppressors and the oppressed! Wealthy people are the oppressors and poor people are only poor because they are oppressed by the wealthy! Is it possible the poor are lazy and do not want to work for a living so they steal, rob and kill for a living? Sell drugs with 73000 casualties last year! Lazy and living off welfare and the money in taxes the working people pay! Today according to the left criminals are the oppressed victims! Law enforcement is our enemy and get rid of ICE! Illegals are the oppressed by the oppressors ICE! National borders are oppressive because they keep out the oppressed of the world! Criminal illegals must be protected by sanctuary cities from the oppressors! Law enforcement! Our National Flag is oppressive so disrespect it during our National Anthem! Never mind the NFL football players are paid millions of dollars income from American team owners? They too must be oppressors! My grandfather told me one time when I was young and giving him trouble that I should not bite the hand that feeds me! Colonialism is oppressive! When the Pilgrims landed here in 1602 they were thankful to God that the American Indians helped them through the hard cold New England winters! What they found though was the Indian tribes were waring against each other? Let us look at the Spanish American war! The Southwest part of America was then controlled by the Spanish! So the white colonist were the oppressors by taking it from the Spanish? Who did the Spanish take it from? The American Indian! The Spanish found the territory in an upheaval because the southwest Indian tribes were waring against each other! So socialists would have saved us from all this? Socialism has even a worse history! In socialism if you are successful you must be the oppressor! This idea lead to the Russian Revolution with tens of millions of dead! If you are unsuccessful you must be the oppressed! If you are in poverty we have to look and find the oppressor! The left hates the rich even though some are rich and uses the poor as a political pawn to gain political power! The poor got poorer under Obama! At one time Israel was supported by the left after the holocaust! Now today they are successful as a nation so now they are considered the oppressors and the poor Palestinians must be the oppressed people? President Trump is the new oppressor! However American’s are seeing through the scams of the left! As their incomes grow and unemployment lessens they see the lies of the socialists exposed! Obama is going on another apology tour of America! To try to help the socialist win in the November election! If you are an eligible American to vote remember the lessons of the past and remember Christ can make America great again and we all need a Savior! His name is Jesus Christ! Jesus told us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! We all must be colonialists! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Yearning for Salvation? Job 7:21

Hebrew Translation:” And why has thy not taken away my predetermined rebellion and revolt and passed over or crossed over my criminal acts.” Comment: After Job had lost everything except his life this was his last question to God! Remember Job was a righteous man and hated evil! God had prospered Job with much wealth and a good family and good health! Then Satan that old serpent came along and challenged God to test Job for he told God Job will curse you if you pull all his blessings away! The challenge was on! After Job lost all his wealth and family only one question was left in Job’s mind? God why have you not forgiven my sin? Job lived during the Patriarchs probably around 600 B.C. It would be hundreds of years before Christ would be incarnated into the human race! Job was pleading for the Savior! Job believed all his trouble had everything to do with his sin! He had done everything right before God yet still had great troubles in his life? However the source of his trouble was Satan! So we face the same foe today! However Satan was defeated at the Cross of Calvary! If you do not recognize your enemy he will destroy you! If you do not arm yourself with the Blood of Christ there is none who can stand against him! The trouble in America today is the teaching of evolution to our children with the atheist foundation and they have no defense against Satan and he is shredding our culture to pieces! If you deny God you will also deny Satan! This is the most deadly decision you can make in life! Some people blame God and not Satan for their troubles! One day when you lose all your health and wealth you will ask the same question Job did! Our success sometimes can keep us from asking the most important question in life! But why wait until you are at the end of yourself? God’s reply to Job and to you and me is His Son Jesus Christ! Job needed a Savior and so do you! Do not wait until it is too late! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Slaves become Wealthy and Wealthy become Slaves!

His ways are past finding out! I want to do a literal translation from the Hebrew of Proverbs 13:22 and Exodus 3: 21-22. Here we go! Proverbs: A good man takes property as a permanent possession and gives it to his children and grandchildren and the strength and influence of an army who fail any task or endeavor is laid up for the just. Exodus: I will give this people kindness in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall come to pass that when you go you should not go away empty. But every women shall ask of her neighbor of those that dwell as foreigners in their house, jewels of silver and gold and clothes and you shall put them on your sons and your daughters and you shall be delivered from the Egyptians. Comment: Once the Jews crossed the Red Sea they turned the gold into a golden calf or idol and then they became slaves for 40 years! Slaves 400 plus 40 years! God was Faithful to accomplish His promises as the Jews now live the land of Israel today that God promised to them! Prosperity and wealth without God turns into a curse! You become your worst enemy! The condition of the heart must be right to receive any Blessings that will last now and forever! Judas thought 30 pieces of silver was a greater treasure than eternal life with Jesus Christ! Wealth is an enemy if it controls you and owns you! Give your all to Christ as He has given His all to you and he will Bless you beyond anything you could do for yourself because simply you cannot save yourself! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse

Can Wealth Cause Us To Forget God?

Amos was a prophet who made pleas to his people and made some predictions of the destruction of Israel ! He was unpopular because he ministered at the peak of Israel’s material and political success. Israel was enjoying a prosperous reign under Jeroboam II, who had expanded Israel’s territory and secured it from external threats. However as Hosea observed and Moses predicted (Deut. 6:4-10, Hosea 2:5-13), this prosperity caused the people to forget God! Amos strongly denounced the rich and privileged classes who were using their power to exploit the poor. He also condemned the false religion practiced at the altar of Bethel. As a result, Amaziah, the false high priest of Bethel opposed him. Some how false religion and materialism are linked together! These are two beasts that work together to consume the poor. America today faces the same problem as did Israel then as false religion promotes materialism. Prosperity preaching sells big in America! The books, CD’s, ect, rake in hundreds of millions of dollars every year. All want to get on the band wagon by producing more books for profit! We have one Bible that covers all our needs! What would happen if millions of Christian’s in America just went out and took their hundreds of millions of dollars and went out individually and helped the poor? One thing that would diminish is the anti-Christian bias in America. Make no mistake there are many ministries in America doing a great work. The problem is too many live a wealthy lifestyle with airplanes, mansions, luxury cars, ect, that oppose the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I do not want America to end up in judgment as Israel did in the days of Amos the prophet! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Million Dollar Challenge!

A very wealthy man threw alot of parties at his mansion. This wealthy man had an olympic size swimming pool in his back yard. He was a peculiar man because he filled his swimming pool with sharks and alligators! At every party he would challenge his guests that anyone who could dive into one end of the pool and swim to the other end would get one million dollars plus anything else they wanted! One night during the pool party where guests used to feed the sharks there was a large splash at one end of the pool? This man swam like a porpoise dodging sharks and alligators! He finally made it to the other end of the pool safe! The wealthy man congradulated him and then told him he could have anything he wants! The young swimmer said he wanted the name of the person that pushed him into the water? Source; Pastor Joel Osteen.