Warning to Gay’s and Lesbian’s! Leviticus 18:22

Chapter 18 of the Book of Leviticus covers forbidden sexual practices! It also covers human sacrifices which we see in Islam! Verse 22 instructs us that homosexual behavior is an abomination to God! Yes God is homophobic! God is love but hates sin! He could not be a Holy God and endorse sin! Won’t ever happen! The best example in history of his rebuke of gay’s is Sodom and Gomorrah! Simply repent of your sin and turn from your wicked ways! That is what I did and you will experience the joy and love of God and life everlasting through Jesus Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Warning to Gays and Lesbians! Romans 1:24, 26, 27, 32

Dear Pastor Brady Boyd,  Paul in verse 32 says that those who do those things are worthy of death! Verse 31 says without natural affection which to me would mean a man attracted to a woman. It is interesting in verse 24, God gave them up to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. We often look at  God delivering us from sin but it looks like here God is keeping us from sin! God is not just the medicine to treat the sin but He delivers us from the disease of sin! You mentioned Sunday that some gays have an attraction for each other but never perform the physical act! Jesus said that if I look on a woman with lust it is the same as committing the physical act!. It says in verse 18 of Romans, chapter one, that ungodly men attempt to restrain the truth through unrighteousness! The sin of gays and lesbians appears to be against creation itself! Greed is a sin no doubt but I have a problem lumping them together for Paul did not say greed was worthy of death! We appreciate our questions being addressed by you and presenting your answers on Sunday! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.  GodWhoisGod.com

War Against Israel Equals Atomic War! Zechariah 14:12

Zechariah says,”Their flesh shall consume away while they stand on their feet and their eyes shall consume away in their holes and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth!” This prophecy was written 2500 years ago! If you go to the Book of Revelation and do a word study the word plague used there translates from the Greek as, “melt away.” We have seen the effects of Atomic war on Japan during World War II. Remember Japan joined Hitler with Italy known as the Axis Power. Hitler’s priority was to exterminate the Jews from the face of the earth! The Muslims joined him then as they do today to exterminate the Jews! Hitler almost succeeded were it not for a Jew. How far was Germany from an atomic weapon at the end of World war II? Evidence says exactly one year! At the end of the war the allies discovered a four engine jet bomber in a secluded hangar in Germany. The two engine proto type had already been test flown. It had a delta wing design with payload ability to reach New York City! It also had twice the speed of any existing allied aircraft. Albert Einstein, a Jew was a professor at Berlin Academy of Sciences in 1933. He was visiting America then when Hitler came to power. He did not return to Germany. In 1940 Einstein wrote four letters to President Roosevelt. He warned Roosevelt that Germany was developing a super bomb that could wipe out an entire city! You can read these letters on-line which are very interesting and detail Germany’s research at that time. In one of these letters he warned Roosevelt that Germany was blocking all Uranium sales from German occupied Czechoslovakian mines! These letters prompted Roosevelt to start the Manhattan Project! Israel has had conventional wars since becoming a nation in 1948. Now the balance of power is shifting in the middle east! President Obama has given Iran the green light for Iran to complete it’s atomic weapon development! Israel has about 80 atomic tipped missiles. Most are set to guard Israel’s back side which is Russia. With the entire middle east in chaos and Russia and Iran filling the vacuum left by American foreign policy failures the stage is being set for Zechariah 14:12. The Good News is there came another Jew Jesus Christ who has made a way of escape for you! No government can save you! Your Pastor cannot save you! Only Christ! Save you from the plagues coming upon the earth! Remember the Anti-Christ will also be Jewish! Which Jew are you going to follow? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Wall Street Protests / Anti-Semitic

Comments by wall street protestor’s such as; Jews control wall street, Israel is a criminal pariah state and Jews need to be run out of this country are a warning that history is repeating itself again! While protestor’s are seen spewing hate against Jewish American’s where is the outrage from our political leaders? It is troubling to me when I heard our president say, “Martin Luther King would have supported the wall street demonstrations!” I lived on planet earth during the 1960’s! Never did Dr. King support violence or anti-semitics in his own life or in his work to restore civil rights! What concerns me most is the silence of the church? History is repeating itself again! As the world moves into greater socio-economic chaos every nation on planet earth has a history of blaming the Jews for their troubles! I believe the silence of the church as persecution rises against the Jews is due to their Theology! I am speaking about Replacement Theology. Many Christian’s in their minds cannot separate Israel from the Church! In fact the lines get so blurred that eventually they say the Church has replaced Israel! Then as in Nazi Germany the Church can look the other way when atrocities come against the Jews. Christ was a Jew and came first for the Jews! Even in the Book of Revelation after the Church is raptured in Chapter 3 we see God’s covenant promises being met to the Jews in the following chapters. Keep the Church and Israel as seperate subjects in your Biblical understanding! An attack on the Jews is an attack on Christ’s Church and an attack on God Himself! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com