Just as Jesus ascended into the clouds from earth to heaven so Jesus at his second coming will descend back to earth through the clouds from heaven! There are many instances of clouds in the Old Testament! The cloud over the Tabernacle! The cloud over Mount Sinai! These clouds represent the presence of God! These clouds at his second coming will not hide Jesus from the world but will show Jesus to the world where no one will have any doubts it is him! Remember the dark cloud over Calvary? The Father could not look on the terrible fate of his only Son on the Cross! Jesus cried why have you forsaken me? Many had forsaken Christ that day including his disciples! Have I ever forsaken Christ? Yes! The disciples repented and Jesus enlisted them again to continue his work here on earth! The most difficult day for those who have not repented of their sin is to witness Jesus second coming! It says in this scripture that they will wail! They will cry and mourn! Why could they not rejoice at his coming? Because they rejected Christ and he comes to the earth a second time not as Savior but as Judge! Those that pierced him will wail! We have all pierced him but then some have repented and let Jesus take our sin upon himself! So when he comes back will you be able to rejoice or will you wail? Which group will you be in? Remember wailing always begins with a mockery of Christ! A mockery on those that follow Christ! In pride you know more than God? You are bigger than God? Mockery of Christ and his followers is a sign of no repentance towards God! Of all the kindreds of the earth which group will you be in? While you still have the breath God has given you consider turning your mockery of Christ into Praise of Christ! There is only one King of Kings and only one Lord of Lords! Who is your King? Yourself? Mortal men? If you have chosen God his Christ your King then you mourning will be turned into dancing joy! Our choice is between one of two places in eternity! Heaven or Hell! It is all up to you! It is your choice! We can make a bad choice while on earth and still recover but to make this choice about eternity an error there is no room for repentance when you witness Jesus at his second coming! This time for repentance is right now! The opportunity will pass by you only once! Do not trash God and throw this opportunity away! Eternity is forever and this life is very short! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Tag: mockery
The Just Judge! Isaiah 11:4
Hebrew Translation:”With honesty, integrity and peace He shall judge the poor with uprightness and justice for the meek inhabitants of the land, and He shall punish, defeat and slay the inhabitants of the earth with the Ruler’s staff with His speech and with the breath of His voice shall bring unnatural death to those who challenge God.” Comment: What fool would challenge God? A fool has said in his heart there is no God! Our first parent’s Adam and Eve challenged God! We kind of got off to a bad start! The unnatural death mentioned in this scripture is because of sin! God never designed us to see death! When we die what do we inherit? We think of leaving an inheritance to our family when we die but what do we inherit? We will either inherit eternal life or eternal death! The meek shall inherit the earth and also Heaven! God is ruling the earth because the sheep have gone astray! We all need a shepherd! Left to ourselves we become homeless wanderer’s on the earth with no purpose! Jesus is the good shepherd and a fair and honest Judge! How is Jesus fair and honest? Christ who was without sin died for your sin! God sacrificed His own Son to redeem us from an eternity of separation from God and the Hell of suffering judgment! When I see the mockery of Christ in American culture I shutter to think of their outcome! Hopefully like Paul on the road to Damascus they will see a great light! To live without God means destination without God! Why would people want to miss Heaven! To choose no future and no hope? The second sin of rejecting Christ is worse than the first sin! What could God do more for us than making us righteous with His own blood taking our punishment upon Himself? To reject the Cross is to play the double fool. Does God have a limit on His love? No! But love without law would be meaningless! It is not God’s love that will send you to Hell. It is the rejection of His love and the penalty He paid to satisfy the law for our pardon is what sends people to Hell. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Is Jesus God? Philippians 2:6-8
Jesus while He was here on earth positively laid claim to Deity is clear from the fact that the Jews reproached Him with two accusations: first. that He place God on par with Himself—and this they called blasphemy, secondly, that He made Himself God—and in this they thought they recognized the false prophet, although both idea’s merged together in John 10:30-39. Remember our Lord Jesus Christ being the Son of God did not and could not claim to be the Father but He did claim to be God! Even a human cannot claim to be his father but can claim to be a human being. A claim to the sameness of nature of personality in like manner is consistent and intelligible in the case of Divine Sonship of the Son of God but the sameness of personality would be contradictory! But there is a similarity of persons that it would be true that those who saw the Son have seen the Father! Also remember that the Trinity is one Spirit and character and not many personalities! Christ’s distinction had everything to do with His mission here on earth as Redeemer of mankind! Christ is not half man and half God! He is wholly man and wholly God! Jesus prayed because He is a man! God does not pray! God answers prayers through His Son Jesus Christ! If God were to pray who would He pray to? Himself? What is Jesus doing in Heaven right now? He is interceding for the Saints in prayer to the Father! Jesus still has a human nature in Heaven and so will we! We will not be floating on a cloud as a bodiless Spirit! You mean I get stuck with my ugly face for eternity? Do not jump over the cliff yet! Our human bodies are created by God! Male and female! Sin has marred us! God has a fix for our sin through Jesus where death no longer rules us! Your God given identity will not change! Jesus is a man in Heaven as He was on earth! Mary the mother of Jesus is still a female right now in Heaven! You will be much greater in Heaven because sin will no longer influence your decisions! You will live more like you are in Heaven while on earth because Jesus has redeemed you through His Blood! You will carry the same gender in Heaven and this is why gender reassignment is such a mockery to God and His creation! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Look For Two Beasts ! Revelation Chapter 13
This is not a tour of your local zoo! This is not your spouse or your boss we are talking about. This is a virtual tour of two upcoming world leaders described in the Book of Revelation. One leader the anti-christ will be the political leader of the entire world. The second beast will be the false prophet and the world’s religious ruler. He will force the world to worship the first beast the anti-christ. We know from the Bible that the anti-christ will be a Jew and gay. We also know many more things about him from the Bible we will not cover in this article. The question is what world religion will this world religious ruler represent? Since Christians will be raptured before these two beasts are in place we know about 1/3 of the world population will be gone in the rapture. I do not believe a Pope from Rome will be this second beast! Even if this Pope were apostate he has no followers since the Christians are gone! Who will he lead? I believe the false prophet will represent Islam! He will rule from Rome as the Christians have vacated. This would be the perfect mockery of Christendom to have Islam set up headquarters in Rome. With the anti-Christ setting up headquarters in Israel we have a blasphemy unmatched in world history! This will be an unusual marriage between a Jew and a Muslim to rule the world yet this alliance will deceive the whole world into believing peace has finally come. We as Christians need to look to Christ and not the anti-christ! However, we should not be surprised as Bible prophecy writes history! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com