Do Translations Matter?

Jude 1:8 “Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise (dominion) and (speak evil of) (dignities).” Greek Translation: “Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise the Kingly glory of Christ and speak evil of God and his Christ and the glory of God and his Christ.” Commentary: My pastor many years ago told me this verse means we are not to speak evil of government officials! I was green behind the ears then and continued on in my spiritual growth. However when I began to do the Hebrew and Greek translations of scripture I realized their is also politics in ministry! This pastor was trying to protect his 501c tax exemption from any criticism of government from his church! Jesus called Herod a fox! We elect our politicians and are supposed to work for us! The are answerable to us! However few do today! Jude here was speaking of those who blaspheme the name of Christ and his kingdom here on earth! When our government promotes evil through enacting laws that oppose God then they need to be called out! Look your Bible can be trusted! However your English words were taken from the Hebrew and Greek languages. If we use one generic word in English to express a spiritual concept from Hebrew or Greek we could miss something! This is why I stress for you to get a Hebrew-Greek Study Bible for your own spiritual growth! When our government removes prayer and Bibles from our children in Public schools they are blaspheming God and his Christ! When they remove the Ten Commandments they are mocking God and his Christ! Time to elect politicians who respect God and his Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Do Elections Matter?

Comparing Biden Tax plan versus Trump Policy: Corporate Taxes ; Trump 21% Biden 28% Income and Payroll Taxes; Trump 37% Biden 52% Small Business Taxes; Trump 29.6 % Biden 39.6% Capital Gains and Dividend Taxes Trump 23.8 % Biden 43.4% Source: Wes Moss, Money Matters, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 8/30/20 Comment: If you do not think your are smart enough to spend your own money the Democrats will spend it for you! James

Black Baby Aborted Lives Matter!

A man got arrested for carrying a sign with this message on the sign? You see you have to be on the right side of political correctness otherwise you become a target! Will they arrest me for posting this blog? Free speech is evaporating fast here in America! About 38 percent of all abortions are done on African American women even though they only represent about 12 percent of our population! This is a over three times kill ratio! Since 1973 about 60 million abortions have been performed funded by your tax dollars! This means about 24 million black children have been aborted by our Democrats! The party of slavery is still the party of slavery! Where is the outrage? George Floyd is one guy but how about the 24 million? This is more death than all our war losses combined over history! Where is the church? In the State controlled church bowing to the tax exempt 501c status? Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! Two thousand years later this truth still applies! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Fake News!

Black Power is a nihilistic philosophy that the Negro can’t win….the view that American society is so hopelessly corrupt and enmeshed in evil that there is no possibility of salvation from within! Martin Luther King Jr. Comment: The same false narrative carries on under the black lives matter banner! The left has always tried to convince the negro that they have the higher moral ground when the facts dispute this! They use the black vote to try to stay in power and toss the African American people a few bread crumbs! They keep them on the plantations! The inner cities of America full of crime, poverty and hopelessness! Poor schools and welfare where they sell drugs to supplement their welfare income! The Democratic party the party of slavery will never change! It is interesting under President Trump African American unemployment has hit a 17 year low and he has only been in office for a year! In spite of the Democrats and the liberal judges trying to block his every move! When the whole population benefits from Trump’s leadership and they admit the facts I believe Trump will be in for a 2nd term! Martin Luther King Jr. saw the hypocrisy of the left and their helpless agenda to stay in power! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Judgment Seat of Christ! Isaiah 11:3

(Hebrew Translation) “The Spirit of the Lord shall make Him of quick understanding distinguishing between good and evil, also the spirit of council commanding and executing the will of God with might and discerning knowledge prompted by the spirit with reverence of the Father recognizing He is all powerful.” Comment: Do you see why the Father renders all judgment to the Son? There are two judgments and Jesus presides over both! The Judgment Seat of Christ and the Great White Thrown Judgment! The Judgment Seat of Christ is where all believers go after death! After death we go immediately to this court! The Great White Throne Judgment is where all unbelievers go. Everyone will get a fair hearing in the court and judgment in righteousness is rendered. We as believers are pardoned from sin because we accepted the blood sacrifice for our sin. Jesus will either be your Judge or your Savior! The decision is up to you! From this verse in Isaiah we see Christ knows everything about us! We cannot hide our sickness from Him! God knows our every thought and action! No excuses and no escape! Why should we want to escape His love? We can hide from men but not God! If every human knew this about Christ crime would stop overnight! My Bible says if we will confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin. To confess and repent of sin means to turn your back on sin never to return! When you die your decision about Christ is locked in forever! That is a long time compared to this short life on earth! Decisions matter! Do not play the lottery and gamble your eternity away! There are no winners without Christ! Hang your hat on the Cross and the atoning work He has done for you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

The Dream Team!

Hillary is a racist because she only tells white lies but let us not forget black lies matter! Illegal immigrants are in the best physical shape here in America however even they have lost their edge because now they just walk across the border hoping to be caught and made American citizens at the stroke of a pen! Then they are immediately marched down to the Democratic party registration booth! When you go to the election booth next November look for people who cannot speak English! For all you legal American citizens out there welcome to the New America! James Sasse

Obama/Clinton Transparency?

What is your name? I plead the 5th! I plead the 5th! What is your dog’s name? I plead the 5th! I plead the 5th! Do you have anything to hide? I plead the 5th! I plead the 5th! Was it a video? I plead the 5th! I plead the 5th! What happened to those 50000 E-mails? What does it matter! I plead the 5th! I plead the 5th! Why are running for President? I plead the 5th! I plead the 5th!

Senior Lives Matter! 2 Samuel 17:27-29

Who was Barzillai? It is a name you might expect coming out of a Tarzan movie? It is a Hebrew name meaning steel or iron. Barzillai was the iron man of Gilead located in southern Israel. He was one of three men who helped King David flee his son Absalom who was trying to take the throne by force! David and his men were in the wilderness and needed provisions to survive! Barzillai was 80 years old when he rendered assistance to King David! He did so at great risks for if Absalom had won he would have executed Barzillai! D.L. Moody once said our Faith can only be exercised in the darkness! If you are a Christian waiting around for a Utopia to come so you can safely proclaim Jesus name it will never happen! Remember in scripture that after the thousand year rein with Christ Satan will be loosed for a season on the earth! Why? Maybe the Saints got a little to fat and lazy and their Faith went to sleep? Barzillai was a man of invincible charm! He had a son named Chimham. Barzillai was a highland chief who was wealthy, loyal, courteous, passionate and respected the King! He used his wealth to help others not to fill his own pockets! King David rewarded Barzillai by inviting him to live with him in the Palace at Jerusalem! He declined telling David he was an old man and he wanted to live his life where he was born and to be buried beside his father and mother. He was even loyal to his deceased parents! Where can you find such loyalty in the earth? However he did refer the invitation to others including his son. When it comes to doing good we must do all we can while we can as you can for God! King David on his death bed told his son Solomon the new King to be good to the descendants of Brazillai! Remember God has invited you to His Palace! Jesus said he has gone to prepare a place for you! He will take you home to be with Him forever! If you have already accepted His invitation then refer the invite to others! Thankyou. Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia