Cannot Define a Woman? Genesis 1:27

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Commentary: Interestingly there are 500 scriptures in your Bible containing the word “woman’. There are about 250 scriptures containing the word “women”. There are 25 scriptures containing the word “female.” Judge Jackson when asked by a Senator during her confirmation hearing to define the word woman said she could not? I assume she is a woman but you never know these days? If she is a woman and not understand who she is then how can she judge anyone else on who they are? The woke mob is alive but not well! You cannot have social justice or racial justice if you do not know who you are? So the war on women and gender marches on by the political left! God created us with distinct differences to achieve our purposes in life! Gender is one of those important differences that determines purpose! One of our functions created by God is given to us at birth! Your gender! To deny our God given gender makes us dis-functional! If you blur the lines between gender then you do not know who you are and your function in life! Then you live without purpose and you will lose the will to live! Let me give you some examples! “Noting that when compared to straight youth, lesbian, gay and bisexual youth are 5 times more likely to attempt suicide.” Source: American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Study. “More than half of transgender youth male teens who participated in the survey reported attempted suicide in their lifetime, while 29.9 percent of transgender teenage females said they attempted suicide.” Source: American Academy of Pediatrics. Losing our God given gender identity is deadly yet the political left promotes these deadly policies destroying our youth! To deny creation and replace it with Darwinism opposing Biblical creation is and will be the undoing of America! My Bible says there is a way that seems right unto a man but those ways end in death! If we as Christian America do not take back America who will? Give me liberty or give me death! Liberty comes from recognizing the God who made us and all things that exist possible! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Don’t Woke Jesus!

Jude 1:9 “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.” Commentary: Michael is a war angel one of the highest ranking angels rebuked Satan in the name of the Lord! Satan cannot be rebuked or judged except by God! Devil’s tremble at the name of Jesus! Why? Jesus has been given final authority by the Father to judge the living and the dead! Why? Because he took the final judgement of the sin of all men upon himself at the Cross even though he was innocent and had no sin! The perfect sacrifice! So turn your evil over to Jesus! Repent! Turn the wickedness of men over to Jesus! Forgive them as Jesus has forgiven you! Jesus judges all in perfect righteousness! Jesus is inclusive yet exclusive! He died on the Cross for the entire world yet excludes those who reject his love! Rebuke Satan and his evil acts in the name of Jesus! Satan works through people and God works through people! Redemption for man only comes through Jesus! Only his blood can purify your soul! There is salvation in no other name! Jesus can give you the only vaccine that can cure you from the plague of sin and death! Jesus will raise you from the dead! You must be born again! You need a cure from yourself! Those that exclude Jesus will include death and destruction into their lives forever separated from God! Two thirds of the world population reject Christ! They insist only in their own way which leads to final judgment separated from the love of God! Wise men still seek him! Are you wise or a fool? James & Hamsa Sasse.