John 3:16 Word Study “Only Begotten”

Greek Word Strongs #3439 The Greek root word used here is metamorphose! Yes! A worm turning into a butterfly! However in the incarnation the butterfly becomes a worm! Becomes a human! Well the butterfly was always the butterfly! God becomes man but still God! Only begotten means only Son of his mother. Jesus had brothers and sisters but they were from a different father! Jesus was unique only from one race! Salvation has come through the Jews! Father God said this is my beloved Son! Jesus was not born eternally of the Father but as to his humanity here on earth at his incarnation! The Trinity pre-existed creation and the cause of it for the Trinity always has been and forever will be! At Salvation our outward form changes because of a inward transformation! Jesus said we must be born again! The miracle of God in our life changes our condition! It is an invisible process with outward demonstrations of the change! Character is changed! From earthly to Godly character! Remember the Transfiguration? Jesus, Moses and Elijah transformed from earthly to Supernatural! One day we will have a new heaven and a new earth! The word “new”, in the Greek means qualitatively new! A new quality! That is what happens to us at salvation! It will happen at the Rapture of the Church and our eternity spent with Christ! If you can believe your eyes when you see a worm turn into a butterfly here on earth is it too hard for you to believe God’s only Son Jesus Christ was born out of heaven into earth? James and Hamsa Sasse.

John 3:16 Word Study “Loved”

Loved Strongs #25 Agape (Greek). This love is from the direction of the will finding joy through this choice! Love is a choice! Judgment is also a choice! Our judgment is based upon the rejection of God’s choice to save us! The word ‘Agape” is not a word found in classical Greek. It expresses God’s love towards man! Sometimes the word “charity” is used. This word expresses compassion! Compassion means to suffer with! God’s love is a sacrificial love! There are three other Greek words used for love but they are lower level’s of love! This love is a gift and is not given to us by what we desire but by what is needed for us to save us! It is a love we do not deserve! It is God’s willful choice for man! To love God we must show his love that is expressed to us! Without his love we cannot love him and others! It is the love we do not think we need that is the only love we need! We must chose to receive his love! If you chose to receive God’s love, Jesus Christ on the Cross for you then you have a new ability that is divine to share his love with others! The angel’s also have a choice! They are created beings just like we are! Lucifer decided one day in heaven not to receive and show love! He rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven! Even in heaven you will still have a choice about “Agape”! If you make heaven then as now here on earth you still will have a choice! Love demands a choice! When you do your Bible study remember every time you see the English word “love”, the Greek root word may not be “Agape” but another Greek word in the New Testament! It helps in our understanding if we know which word is being used for love! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Beast and “666” Revelation 13:16-18

Before we can talk about 666 we need to discuss the “Beast.” The Strong’s number in the Greek for this word is 2342. If you go to this Greek root word it says this word has a Hebrew origin. If you go to that Hebrew origin it says this word was taken from another Hebrew word. The Hebrew Strong’s number for this word is 5927. This word is the word, “Alah”. Now this is where it gets interesting! This Hebrew word Alah is never used in the Old Testament scriptures! It is a Hebrew word never used in the Bible except to be translated into the New testament word “Beast” used in the Book of Revelation! The word is used 37 times in the Book of Revelation. So the word Beast used in Revelation can also be translated Alah! Remember the Book of Revelation was written about 600 years before Mohammad and Islam ever came along! In Islam the number 666 is a sacred number! We will discuss this in further detail on our next Blog posting. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Garage Sale!

The scripture reference for this word study is First Corinthians Chapter 15, Verse 4. The word or phrase we are going to study is “Rose Again”. The Strongs Number is 1453. The Greek Word is Egeiro. This word means to waken, idea of collecting one’s faculties or rouse from sleep. The base word for this word is Strong’s Number 58. This Greek word is Agora.This word means to gather together as in a town square. It means to meet together in a market place where things are exposed for sale! Also where assemblies of people met to conduct public trials. Commentary; Never forget our sin was up for sale! Satan offered Jesus all the Kingdoms of this world if He would bow down and worship him! In America we have garage sales. We take the worthless things off the floor of our homes and raise them up on a table to sell. People actually will come and pay money for these worthless junk! We were worthless in our sin yet Christ purchased our sin with His own Blood! His life for ours! He paid the ransom to redeem us from our sin! In the phrase, “Rose again”, we find the word Rose. A perennial flower that blooms over and over again! Christ’s sweet fragrance in me manifests over and over again! Christ is the Rose of Sharon! Thankyou. James Sasse.