“Repent or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.” Commentary: What is the sword in Jesus mouth? Sharper than any two edged sword dividing and separating the truth from the big lie? Surely God has not said? Jesus separates the sheep from the goats! Some are saved by him and others condemned to eternal hell! He judges the living and the dead! He has power over death raising all mortals from the dead to stand before him! With his sword of his mouth he separates those in either heaven or hell! He created the heavens and the earth! He commended the widow but condemned the rich! He warned the religious yet saved the repentant! He condemns the works of men yet rewards those who live by faith! He will lead the last great battle on earth against Satan and defeat him and bind him for a thousand years! He hands out the martyr crowns for believers! He judges those who persecute the followers of Jesus and the persecutor of the Jews! The sword of his mouth is his words! The Word of God found in your Bible! We live and die by his words! If you want to hear God speak read your Bible! Your soul is weighed in the balance! The balance scale of justice! Do you come up wanting? Miss the mark? He writes his own in the Lamb’s Book of Life! Your sin will either condemn you or save you! All depends on what you do with it? Repent or be condemned! This is not rocket science! To tell God you are sorry is to much for you? To reject the Cross and the suffering Jesus made for your sin is even more cruel than his suffering for your sin! Be wise and come into the love of God as he waits for your decision! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Tag: repentance
Repentance or Rejection?
Exodus 32:33 “And the Lord said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.” Commentary: So what will get your name blotted out of the book of life? Sin! Sin will remove your name out of his book and replace your name with sin! Wait a minute? I thought we are all sinners? All have sinned and come short of the glory of God! We have two classes of sinners! Forgiven and unforgiven sinners! Forgiven sinners in heaven and unforgiven sinners in hell. To reject Christ leaves you in the unforgiven state! To accept his blood sacrifice for your sin moves you into the forgiven state! Whether he see’s your name in his book is determined by what you do with his name? Curse him or praise him! Mock him or embrace him? Show off to your friends by mocking him and playing the fool or receiving him as Savior will determine where you spend your forever! Your forever and heaven can start today or you can continue your hell forever here on earth! The choice is yours to make! Wise men still follow Jesus! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com
Plagues & Repentance!
Commentary: The word plague in the Hebrew is Strong’s #5061. This word appears about 75 times in the Old Testament. However different English words are used in translated passages for this Hebrew root word as we shall see! The plague is acquired by physical contact with something God forbids! Sin! It could be from eating birds of prey like the bat that God forbids in the Book of Leviticus! Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden that led to physical death to all mankind! It could be acquired like AIDS from homosexual activity! The outcome from plagues can have very different outcomes based upon the scriptures! What did King David say in Psalm 38:11? “My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my [sores] and my kinsman stand afar off.” Sores is another English word for the Hebrew root word plague! The Coronavirus leads to social isolation! All plagues lead to this fact! In Psalm 39:10 David says, “Remove thy {stroke] away from me, I am consumed by the blow of thy hand.” The English word stroke is the same Hebrew root word for plague, Strong’s #5061. Now some good news! In Psalm 91:10 David says, “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any [plague] come nigh thy dwelling.” The Hebrew word plague translated here is the same Strong’s 5061. More good news in Isaiah 53:8 a Messianic prophecy says, “He (Jesus) was taken from prison and from judgment, and who shall declare his generation? For he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he [stricken].” Stricken is the same word for plague, Strong’s 5061. So will a plague consume you or stay away from your dwelling place? Unforgiven sin is the foundation of all judgment and judgment by God! Repentance is critical for deliverance from all plagues! Not just church attendance but repentance! So how bad does it need to get before the Pastor’s across America call for National repentance? I have not heard of one Pastor calling for National repentance? Repentance for abortion, gay marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, atheism, Marxism, Darwinism, drugs, witchcraft, open borders, disrespect of all authority both spiritual and civil. The cancel culture and mockery of the Christian faith and National respect of America and her great history! Political correctness to remove all vestiges of Christ in our culture! If you think a vaccine is your Savior then you are a fool! If you do not trust Christ through this world wide epidemic then you have no protection! Things are not bad enough for National repentance yet so we wait until we get to a point where there is a spiritual awaking among those that see Christ is their only hope! In the mean time promote the Gospel and help those even sacrificially that have no hope! Then share where your hope is in! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Disobedience & Plagues!
Deuteronomy 28:58-59 “If thou will not observe to do all the words of this law, that are written in this book, that thou may fear this glorious and fearful name, the Lord thy God; Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance.” Comment: A few months ago in the church in America most would have said well this is just Old Testament! Like it really does not count? Is the Coronavirus an Old or New Testament plague? God wrote one Book! Not two! My Bible contains both Old and New Testaments! Leave out one scripture from your Bible and your GPS will not work! You will have the wrong image of God! That my friend can turn deadly! Jesus said I am the truth! The way! The life! Why did Jesus quote the Old Testament all the time? So how many times does the word “Plague” appear in your Bible? It appears in both the Old and New Testaments in a total of 135 separate scriptures! The word “Pestilences”, which also means plagues is used 50 times! Jesus used this word in Matthew 24 describing the world before his second coming! Is God trying to get our attention? The Pastor’s here in America are just too comfortable! The money is coming in! They sell their popular endorsing popular culture books not resisting evil! The fools in the 21st Century church here in America are ignoring the warnings in scripture! I can remember when I graduated from aviation school on my first job I told the boss according to the Douglas aircraft maintenance manual we are to torque this nut that holds on the propeller on to 2800 foot pounds! He told me just torque it as tight as you can plus 1/2 turn? Your manufacturer maintenance manual is your Bible! It is your creator’s manual for correct living! If you take care of it it will take care of you! It includes the Old and New Testaments! The redemption and judgment of men is based on both testaments! You cannot have one without the other! The gay capital of the world was Sodom and Gomorrah it is in your Bible! Drop down and look a verse 62! God said I will reduce your population! The world population in the Day’s of Noah was reduced to eight people! What usually follows a pandemic? A famine! What will it take for America to repent of her sin? Repent of gay marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, mocking Christ and his followers? Will it take a round two of this Coronavirus? Continual plagues? No government on earth has the resources to ward off a continual round of pandemics! All governments would collapse and we would have a new socio-economic system! All things will pass away and everything will become new! The cure for this plague is repentance! Yet the church is still holding out that they will not have to face the wicked! No call to repentance from the American church? Stranger then fiction! Repentance is good news but it requires people to humble themselves and repent of their sin! It may take more pressure from God to get us to change our ways! Slow learners! However God desires that none should perish but he cannot help us until we acknowledge him and our wicked ways! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
No Repentance?
2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Comment: How bad must it get before the clergy across America call for a National Repentance? From this scripture I see prerequisites for the healing of our land! We need to humble ourselves, pray, turn from our wicked ways and then God will hear us from heaven, forgive our sin and then heal our land! What part of this do we not get? Repentance begins in the House of God because Judgment begins in the House of God! America is the world leader in abortion! Does our money have to completely collapse so we have no more money for abortions? We are the leading Nation in promoting gay marriage! Homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, sex change surgeries and therapies, evolution, divorce yet no call from the clergy across America to repent? We the church have been cooperating with evil because of the silence from the pulpits! So how much worse does it have to get for us to turn the tide of evil? How much worse to break our pride and humble us? Our food supply is being interrupted now! Strawberries are rotting in the fields of Georgia! Milk producers are dumping their milk into the ground! What will it take! A complete collapse of our money system? Complete collapse of civil authority? Collapse of all governments! Jesus prophesized of the coming one world government led by the Anti-Christ! It is like the church has been raptured for the buildings are emptied! Things got so bad for the Prophet Elijah that a Raven had to bring him food! He was helped by a widow woman! Jesus said the day will come when you will have to labor for a whole day’s wages to buy a loaf of bread! I think the worse thing that could happen to us is for things to go back to normal and business as usual! Can Satan turn stones into bread for you? Jesus fed the five thousand! Give us this day our daily bread! The Jews made great sacrifices to build the Temple! Then in the dedication of the Temple God brought this scripture to his remembrance to Solomon saying the internal condition of man is more important than the external condition! How much sacrifice will we have to make to fill the House of God with people? Jesus said not one stone will remain of this Temple! This people will be a very different people as all of us will be after this pandemic is over! A people who understand suffering able to comprehend the suffering of God on the Cross for our sin! Suffering brings down pride and lifts up humility and repentance! Now I see clearly now the pain is gone! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Sin & Redemption!
Psalm 119:6 “Then I shall not be ashamed when I have respect unto all thy Commandments.” Comment: Let us look at the word “ashamed” in the Hebrew. First this word has the opposite meaning of trusting God! The word means to be deceived, confused and then disgraced! Sin is a deception! It is presented to us as an alternative to God by Satan. When you work sin into your life you work God out of your life! Satan replaces God as your master. Satan promises you life but delivers death! He will try to influence you to trust in your own ways! When David trusted God he slew Goliath and the enemies of Israel! When David disrespected God and his commandments his affair with Bathsheba brought public shame and then the baby died! We become very different people when we no longer trust God but ourselves! The word ”Commandments’ we have previously covered however there are different aspects of this word. A commandment is like a contract to the deed for the purchase of a property. If we fulfil our part of the contract then the benefit is executed to us. This was the principle of God’s covenant to Israel. If you keep my commandments then I will bless you and defeat your enemies and bless your land! The problem was men always broke the commandments of God! The same problem today! So God had to sacrifice his Son or himself to execute his promise of redemption for us! God was ashamed of us but in his love for us took our shame upon himself to death on a Cross! Sin should be more offensive to us after the Cross than before the Cross because of the great cost to God! The real purpose of sin promoted by Satan is to shame God! When our shame is removed by God from us by repentance we are free from shame and begin a new life with no guilt of the past and promises of a good future here on earth and in heaven! As the Apostle Paul said we should not repeat the same sin and crucify Christ again! True repentance requires a change! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Repentance before Christ? Mark 1:4
Greek Translation: “John did the act of washing in water in the wilderness and proclaimed righteousness with the baptism of repentance changing their minds from evil to good with a speech of rough breath and acute accent to move them in the direction towards the remission or the temporary bypassing of sin.” Commentary: Did you get that? The temporary bypassing of sin is the way it is translated in the Greek! This was before the Cross! Jesus completed the job at Calvary for a permanent bypassing of sin! So the question begs to be asked were the Old Testament Saints saved? They were temporarily saved by the act of looking forward to the Cross! All the writers of the Old Testament were looking forward to the Cross! If you look back to the Cross today you have a temporary salvation until in Faith you accept what Christ has done for your sin! Everyone who has ever lived will either look back to their sin or look back to the Cross at the Judgment Seat of Christ! Right now which is it? If you see your sin on the Cross you are saved! If you look back and only see your sin you are condemned forever! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
There is a sacredness in tears! They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love! Washington Irving (1783-1859) American author, Two best know works were “Rip Van Winkel” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”
Praise or Wail? Revelation 1:7
Just as Jesus ascended into the clouds from earth to heaven so Jesus at his second coming will descend back to earth through the clouds from heaven! There are many instances of clouds in the Old Testament! The cloud over the Tabernacle! The cloud over Mount Sinai! These clouds represent the presence of God! These clouds at his second coming will not hide Jesus from the world but will show Jesus to the world where no one will have any doubts it is him! Remember the dark cloud over Calvary? The Father could not look on the terrible fate of his only Son on the Cross! Jesus cried why have you forsaken me? Many had forsaken Christ that day including his disciples! Have I ever forsaken Christ? Yes! The disciples repented and Jesus enlisted them again to continue his work here on earth! The most difficult day for those who have not repented of their sin is to witness Jesus second coming! It says in this scripture that they will wail! They will cry and mourn! Why could they not rejoice at his coming? Because they rejected Christ and he comes to the earth a second time not as Savior but as Judge! Those that pierced him will wail! We have all pierced him but then some have repented and let Jesus take our sin upon himself! So when he comes back will you be able to rejoice or will you wail? Which group will you be in? Remember wailing always begins with a mockery of Christ! A mockery on those that follow Christ! In pride you know more than God? You are bigger than God? Mockery of Christ and his followers is a sign of no repentance towards God! Of all the kindreds of the earth which group will you be in? While you still have the breath God has given you consider turning your mockery of Christ into Praise of Christ! There is only one King of Kings and only one Lord of Lords! Who is your King? Yourself? Mortal men? If you have chosen God his Christ your King then you mourning will be turned into dancing joy! Our choice is between one of two places in eternity! Heaven or Hell! It is all up to you! It is your choice! We can make a bad choice while on earth and still recover but to make this choice about eternity an error there is no room for repentance when you witness Jesus at his second coming! This time for repentance is right now! The opportunity will pass by you only once! Do not trash God and throw this opportunity away! Eternity is forever and this life is very short! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Who Are They? Revelation 2:6
Who are the Nicolaitians? The word in the Greek means the conqueror of the people! Specifically in the Church of God! They are only referred to twice in the Book of Revelation. Both the church at Ephesus and the Church at Pergamos had the same problem! (Verse 2:15). The Nicolaitians were Bishops and prelates of the church gaining a triumphal victory over the laity! This is the very sin that brought forth the Reformation! It is mostly responsible for all our denominational and non-denominational churches around the world! The Nicolaitians compelled and forced church members to submit to the arbitrary dominion of men who have become the ones which the eternal hates! The Apostle Peter warned us that those who are leaders among God’s people must not dominate the faith of others but rather exhort them to do right! (1 Peter 5:1-3). The Nicolaitians are people in the church who have established a hierarchy of power and dominion under a government of ecclesiastical rulers! Comment: Yes! God hates these folks! Correction is very different from condemnation! We take the word disciple from the word discipline. Jesus used the techniques of correction and commendation very effectively! We as parents either tend to over correct and under commend or over commend and under correct! Everything I do cannot be right and everything I do cannot be wrong! That is why I need a Savior! My experience in ministry over the past 45 years has shown me people do not like to submit to authority! This is the nature of Satan! Most people will submit to authority if commended and corrected in love! However some will never! Hell is reserved for these folks! Why will some never submit? Because they want to replace God! This explains why the world is a war! War on God! Jesus asked the churches at Ephesus and Pergamos to repent! Sunday our Pastor Oscar Cope made an important point to us in his sermon! He said that the beginning of repentance is the end of judgment! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com