Amazon Purchases Now Done With Hand Prints!

Revelation 13:16-17 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a [mark] in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Commentary: So today you can buy or sell with your hand print! The Book of Revelation was written in the first century A. D. The Apostle John got this revelation while imprisoned in a slave labor camp on the Isle of Patmos! Think about what the first century Christian must have thought when he read these words? How could this be? Was John on drugs? However if the first century Christian had read these same words twenty centuries later what would he say today? Right on John we have arrived! Just for your interest the word “mark”, Strong’s #5480, means an image representation of a person! An image as opposed to letter characters! An idol! Who is the one who causes all to receive this mark? The Anti-Christ! Dictator of the entire world during the 7 year tribulation! A socialist one world empire! Notice Satan has a Trinity here! He will always try to copy cat God! You can buy or sell only if either you have the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name! Just as with our Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit if you have one you have them all! If you follow one part of Satan you have him all! If you follow homosexuality you have him all! If you follow gay marriage you have him all! If you follow abortion you have him all! If you follow transgenderism one part of Satan you have him all! A time is here and coming soon that unless you endorse these sins you will not be able to buy or sell! Jesus part of the Trinity came to earth to defeat Satan and the sin that so easily besets us! That we could be graphed into the Trinity! Which Trinity do you belong to? It will be one or the other! Some think the Rapture of the Church will save me from having to make the decision of denying Christ or taking the mark! Christians over history including our very own disciples were martyred for their faith! Your fire escape is not to be part of Satan’s Kingdom! Heaven or Hell awaits all depending on what you do with Jesus Christ? You will either receive him or reject him! The path to hell is easy but the fire is forever! The path to Christ is hard yet Heaven awaits his followers! Jesus took your hell for you! Why should you chose it anyway? Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you! God sacrificed himself for you! Satan if you give him the power over you will sacrifice you for himself! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Cutting a Covenant! Isaiah 49:16

“Behold, I have cut, prescribed and decreed a permanent law giver and ruler upon the palms of your hands, thy walls are a perpetually an offering before me.” Comment: The Hebrew word for palms is the eleventh character of the Hebrew alphabet. The shape of the letter is as the form of open hands as expressed in prayer and praise as opposed to a clenched fist! The word also means a permanent binding! Remember what Jesus disciple Thomas said in John 20:25? “Except I see in his hands the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side I will not believe.” Thomas was telling the other disciples that this would be the only way he would believe Jesus rose from the dead! The word “nails”, used in Greek has an interesting meaning! It actually means the outward manifestation of something much greater than the outward marks! So who was Isaiah talking about a permanent law giver, ruler who’s sign was cut or engraved into his hands? When Jesus returns for His Church what is one of the ways you could identify Jesus? The permanent engraving in his hands and side! Maybe like Thomas you would ask him to show you his hands and side? Did Thomas believe? Thomas went to India where he was martyred with a spear! Thomas also has a mark in his side! Thomas began a Christian community there which is thriving there today! What did Isaiah mean by thy walls are a perpetual offering before me? The walls of the Temple and the Church! Worship! The walls of the tomb! Sacrifice! Sacrifice and worship are eternally linked together! You cannot have one without the other! Keep that in mind on your journey to Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.