Stock Food! Public Service Bulletin!

There are going to be diesel fuel shortages this summer as reported by news agencies for this summer! All your commodities whether groceries or everything else is delivered by truck powered by diesel fuel! Five refineries have shut down since Biden has taken office! Your Transportation secretary Mayor Pete says the answer is for you to ride a bicycle! Meanwhile China and India are buying discounted oil from Russia! Thanks Uncle Joe! They are funding the war in the Ukraine! Suggest you might want to consider buying non-perishable food stocks or some canned goods if or when the grocery stores in your area begin to run out of food! Like Joseph in your Bible stored up in the good years for the lean years to come! The political ramifications of the current administration is felt by every American whether prices for everything like gas or shortages like baby formula! When you elect dummies in the White House you get dummy results! Trump just seems better and better as time goes on! Did you not love his two dollar a gallon gas for those four years? Fasten your seat belt for the Biden administration has enough time left to crash our entire economy! It was so funny in our family prayer part of my wife’s prayer was: “Jesus protect us from the Biden Administration.” We are instructed to pray for our leaders but God did not say how to pray for our leaders! So she may get a pass on this one! The Holy Spirit may be leading her to pray for our protection from the devil! Anyway I prayed in agreement with her! There are two Kingdoms in this earth! God and Satan! Everyone living on earth is in one part or the other! We have to live in both worlds so our prayers as Jesus prayer taught us said: Deliver us from evil! Overcome evil with good! Stock up your shelves for the shortages that will come under this administration! Then try to figure out if you vote the wrong people into political power over you there are consequences! Don’t plant your wild oats or weeds your sin and then pray for a crop failure! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Global Warming in France?

Really sad for the French people are suffering from heavy taxation for socialism policies including a carbon tax and fuel tax that are based on the phony global warming scheme! Global warming is a myth and is used by the political left or socialists to extract money from the hard working citizens through heavy taxation! Diesel fuel is over six dollars per gallon in France! We are about two dollars per gallon here in America! If we had to pay those prices America would go into a deep recession or even a depression! President Trump did not go for the global warming fraud to politically drain the finances of the American people! President Emmanuel Macron needs to wake up and see his error and remove these burdensome taxes on the French people! Then to abandon socialism and the heavy tax costs to his citizens! Shrink the huge government and relieve the people of these heavy burdens! Giant socialistic governments require huge taxes from the people to support it! Socialism has failed everywhere it is tried yet the left just wants to try failure one more time! Utter stupidity! A lean efficient government will relieve the people of heavy taxes and the people will spend that money into the economy which will lead to business prosperity for France! President Macron needs to wake up quick! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Public Service Bulletin! Fuel Pumps & Octane Ratings

How can you increase your electric fuel pump life and increase your gasoline octane rating? Gasoline has some lubricity although low but lubricates your electric fuel pump in your gas tank. What prompted me to investigate this is my old 2001 Dodge Caravan fuel pump began to whine and make a lot of noise! I found that to increase the lubricity of gasoline you can add 2 cycle oil to your fuel. You can add a small 3 ounce bottle to your gas tank of 2 cycle oil for about 2 dollars at Walmart. After adding this to my gas tank my electric fuel pump stopped whining! I have added a bottle with every tank of gas since! What ratio of fuel to oil is difficult to find! I saw one technical periodical that said 500:1 for gasoline electric fuel pumps and 128:1 for diesel pump injector systems. Another advantage of doing this is the oil slows down the burn rate of gasoline and increases the octane rating of the gas! Remember 2 cycle oils are designed to be added to gas to be burned in combustion chambers and will not smoke! Do not use regular engine oils in gasoline! A dirty fuel filter can also cause a noisy fuel pump but I changed my filter about a year ago and knew was not the problem! Some newer electric fuel pumps have the filter built into the fuel pump so you would have to change the whole pump! A bad fuel pump regulator can also cause fuel pump noise but later vehicles have regulator built into fuel pump! Would have to change whole assembly. Best thing is to add 3-6 ounces of 2 cycle oil to gas tank and see if noise goes away? I did some research and contacted one of the oil companies that supply oils to retailers such as Walmart to white label their product as a fuel additive to lubricated fuel pumps and they did not care if I used their oil for another purpose but suggested I get product liability insurance! One gallon of this 2 cycle oil at Walmart is about 10 dollars. This is 128 ounces. That would make 42 bottles of 3 ounce 2 cycle oil and if you sold each bottle for 2 dollars that would be 84 dollars! There are no fuel pump lubrication additives presently on the market in retail stores so there is a market available! I just want to stay focused on our Blog and web site especially at my age to reach people for Christ! Perhaps someone younger could take this idea and give it a try! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Santa Claus Has a New Home!

Yes! It is an abandoned Global Warming ship named Al Gore the II. It is a 50 ton ship stuck in 40 feet of ice. Santa E-mailed me yesterday with some interesting facts he learned as he read the Captain’s log book. His log indicates there were two reasons why the ship got stuck in the ice at the north pole. First reason was that the ship had Solyndra solar panels on the deck to power the ship. The sun does not shine up there for 3 months so that did not work. Interesting the Captain said in his log that when he looked under one of the solar panels they were made in China? The second reason was the ship has jet turbines to power it but there is a jet fuel shortage because Al Gore burns it all up flying around the world in his private jet giving speeches on global warming! Santa says the ship is abandoned but well stocked with supplies and it is his dream come true! Santa found 100 pair of sun glasses, 40 cases of sun tan lotion, 100 sets of bikinis, 100 inflatable beach balls and 20 cases of mosquito repellant. I told Santa early I need a set of dentures real bad for Christmas. Santa told me he finally got on the ObamaCare web site and ordered 10000 pair of dentures! Santa said the bad news was the shipment contained 10000 pacifiers! I told Santa do not worry when I vote in November that will be my pacifier! Merry Christmas. James.