Democtrat Playbook & Impeachment!

The despair is there, now it is up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radial social change! Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, Community Organizer for Revolution.  Comment: The Democrat left do not come up with their own ideas but are borrowed from radicals such as Alinsky! Much of their playbook comes from the socialist/communist loving Alinsky who migrated from Russia to America! He set up shop in Chicago and trained disciples of his radical ideology! Two of his better known disciples are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton! So where did Alinsky get his ideology that he has passed on to others? From Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin! This ideology is borrowed sin! Any idea you have is borrowed from someone else! Hitler is a good example! His ideology came from Charles Darwin! He believed according to his quotes that evolution could be speeded up by millions of years by getting rid of the undesirables! He wanted to get rid of the basket of deplorables and smelly Walmart shoppers! Get rid of guns and religion! You will borrow your ideology from either God or Satan! The Bible is the gold standard for a life of prosperity and peace! Jesus is the Prince of peace! You become who you serve! Who you follow! Life or death hangs in the balance! Rebellion is expressed through religion and politics! Who you vote for is who you submit to! An elected official becomes your slave master! A slave to God is freedom but to Satan death and destruction! You have probably made a choice already but never too late to change! Choose this day who you will serve! You will serve either God or Satan! The consequences of your choice have eternal consequences! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Punxsutawney Phil!

This famous groundhog came out to see his shadow again! This time to see if the Congress was going to have at least six more weeks of hearings on impeaching President Trump? Phil got the bad news seeing his shadow cast upon the ground that the Democrats were going to waste another six weeks of his life! He has gone into depression back to his burrow and has promised us he will not come out again until February 2020!